Names of Places

Feiyu - the country in which this story takes place. According to old legends and scriptures, the country was formed through a land and sea collision some few thousand years prior - known as the Zodiac Convergence. The country is ruled over by the Imperial family- the Xue or Blood Clan (descendents of the Priestess who prayed for rain to nourish the land.)

The Heavenly realm - the home to celestials and deities that watch over humanity. It is believed the gods live in golden palaces high above the clouds.

It is the destination for all souls to ascend to if they're lucky enough to be chosen.

The Blood Moon Court - the private residential courtyard of the Feiyun Imperial family and located in the middle of the Imperial Palace. 

The Imperial Palace - the sprawling, walled up home to the Imperial family, the government, military officials and soldiers, concubines, maidservants, eunuchs and the temporary abide to the ghosts of the Blood Moon Court. Comprised of three main areas:

The Blood Moon Court

The Inner Court

The Outer Court

The Inner Court - the home to the concubines, their ladies-in-waiting and the eunuchs. It is considered/called a "sanctuary of fragrant flowers".

The Outer Court - the main palace court comprised of many different government buildings and is home to the Military Grounds. Many government, military and medical officials and court ladies work and live here.

The Capital - the main trading hub for the country and its most inhabited region. 

The House of Foxglove - the brothel Lianhua and many of her fellow courtesans grew up in under the tutelage and care of the Madam.