From Sea to Shining Sea

The deep, seething, frost and ice began to grip the Western Hemisphere in what would become the coldest recorded winter on record. Even that cold was ill-compared to the depths of the heart of the New World Order's Autocratic leader.....

However, a few days before the Battle of Corpus Christi, in the darkest corner of Germany, hope was still alive, a single tulip amongst the thicket of thorns. A small pocket of resistance was on the verge of death when a singular scientist, Dietrich Von Schneider, picked up a singular radio broadcast. 

"Listen, listen."

"This is Radio Freedom, broadcasting live from Corpus Christi, Texas. This just in, breaking news out of the Confederation of the Texan Republic: With the arrival of the New World Order, President Keith seems to be.... Yes, we have live confirmation that President Keith is fighting on the front lines! Can we get audio from that?"

The small radio surrounded by this pocket of European Resistance seemingly went silent for a brief moment...

"COME ON YOU SONS OF BITCHES! NOBODY MESSES WITH MY GREAT STATE OF TEXAS!" Keith shattered the silence within the hideout. Machine-gun fire, the howling of jet fighters engaged in combat from above....

"President Keith has taken cover, and from what we can tell, it seems the Texan Air Force is running out of fumes, trying desperately to... WAIT! We have word that reinforcements have just entered Texan Airspace...."

The singular F-15EX, piloted by Ottawa's own, Mr. H, ripped about three-hundred feet above the reporters and broke the sound barrier. As the two reporters held their microphones, it was as if a nascar race in the sky entered that small radio as Ottawa's Strike Force aided the Texans in the Battle of Corpus Christi. Dietrich and his colleagues listened to the whole battle... then, after it was over, the radio's signal was never heard again...

*Present Day, Somewhere on an Abandoned Farm Outside Berlin*

"Dietrich, we'll never get these 262s across the Atlantic, even if the Order didn't have modern day jets, the fuel range only gets us halfway."

"That's all we need. Do you remember the broadcast we heard?"

"None of us have forgotten..."

"I spoke to that... President Keith last night."

The older German man stared at his son. "Y...You made contact?"

"Yes.. Father, they'll have a carrier awaiting us... All of us."

The older man placed his hand on his son's shoulder. "I am proud of you, my son. Tonight, we become Americans."

Under the rule of Rothschild, life in the East became something unrecognizable from the world they'd come from. The lives they'd had, now belonged to Rothschild. For Rothschild, it had been a full year since he'd shown the world who exactly they should've feared. Across the Eastern Hemisphere, his influence was a rose bush, planted amongst a garden of healthy flowers. His power was uncheck, unwatched, untended to, for this reason was how this seeming infantile rose bush came to choke out every single plant within what was now his garden. Rothschild was that rose bush, the roots of his power seemed ever reaching as he crushed country by country, leader by leader, citizen by citizen. It was the systematic annihilation of what freedom the East had to offer. The death of Soros forced him to get his hands dirty. Europe had up until that point experienced a mere fraction of Rothschild's wrath. On that day, fires burned across all of Europe. 

"Dietrich... what is...."

Explosions thundered in the distance as the newest addition to the New World Order's Air Superiority Platform, leveled Paris, Berlin and the outlying British territories of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. 

"Dietrich, we need to go.... NOW!"

The resistance pocket in Germany loaded up into retrofitted ME-262's. As they took to the skies, they saw their city burning. They pushed the old jets to their limits racing to the Atlantic. Once they'd reached it, they found they weren't alone. Swordfish Biplanes flew low and close to the water avoiding detection via radar. They had seemingly gotten away unnoticed... 

"Straight ahead..." Dietrich's father's voice broke the silence as the multi-resistance aircraft came face to face, with the NW-ZERO. The fighter jet was a combination as if an F-35 and F-22 had a forbidden, taboo child with a SU-27 and SU-57. It was fast, ripping the wings off of an ME-262 as it blew past them.


Nothing was working to shake this fighter. As it settled in behind Dietrich, the German scientist pulled the nose up hard. The two jets rocketed into the clouds, streams of bullets flew past Dietrich's canopy. However, as Dietrich pierced the clouds again, diving towards the water, the C.T.R's Aircraft Carrier became visible. 

"Everyone! Carrier ahead! I'll keep him occupied."

"That'll be a big negative, good German buddy." An unfamiliar voice over the radio. Standing atop a B-2 Bomber, was President Keith, decked out in some form of armor.

"This is Lonestar Actual, I have eyes on our European buddies."


"Escort them to the boat. I'm going to test out this gift from our Midwestern buddies."

Keith leapt from the B-2 and landed on the NW-ZERO. The pilot was startled to see the Texan rip apart his aircraft, causing it to explode. Dietrich watched as Keith landed back on the B-2 as if nothing had happened. 

"Remind me to give Dr. Sue the best wine and champagne we've got."

"Yes, sir. This is Stand Two, returning to the boat."

With everyone aboard, the Texas Navy headed for home. "Thank you for the save, sir." Dietrich was stunned to see the other resistance members praising the Texans. 

"Well now. If I had to reckon, you must be that scientist Dietrich."

"Yes.. Yes sir." 

"Good. You got the attention of not only me, but someone far more... Unique. Once we get to port, I will accompany you to your new homes. Better start smiling, cuz y'all ain't in European Kansas anymore." Said Keith as he turned to face the open water of the ocean. He laughed a bit, thinking of the shock these European people were in for. Not meaning in Texas, but the shock they were in for when they got off the train....