Project Let Freedom Ring; Part Two

As Scott drove them to the Buffalo Park Testing Site, formerly the Buffalo Park Shooting Range, the Ghost landed the repaired armor at the testing site. As they piled out of the old van, Dr. Von Schneider had Michael help him set everything up. Once they were finished, he invited everyone over.

"Now Ghost, take aim at the sealed core."

"WHAT?" The Ghost looked at him as if he was crazy. However, seeing as Dr. Schneider just asked him to take aim at a nuclear core, he was onto something.

"Okay, okay. Listen to me." His thick German accent was out ten-fold, "I modified the Radium Dial Cannon for this. It has a level output adjuster. Start it on the bare minimum. The rest of us will be in the bunker watching the levels from within the bunker.

"So when this thing explodes, I become ash and radioactive dust, right? I think not."

" Nein my friend. I buffed the suit to allow you to survive an explosion on a nuclear level."

"Alright, I guess I'll take aim then."

As they got into the bunker, Dr. Von Schneider walked it. "At least I hope I did."

"WAIT!" Yelled Dr. Sue and Scott but as they didn't have the headset, the Ghost didn't hear them, only the words that left Dr. Von Schneider's lips.


The Radium Dial fired its fluorescent green beam at the core. The Ghost held it steady as Dr. Von Schneider watched the levels. Suddenly the dials jumped to life. 

"Increase to low-medium power range!"

The Ghost adjusted the power-level and watched as the core began to glow.

The various gauges Dr. Von Schneider began twitching. "Medium-Low Range Ghost!"

The Ghost punches the lever into Medium-Low Range and the core begins to glow a bright platinum white. The observers in the bunker put on their goggles as the German Scientist yelled out one last command. 


As the Ghost shifts the cannon's power up the beam engulfs the core, shaking the ground as the Ghost desperately tries to dig in, holding his ground. However, a with white-light ring pulled into the core, then came a boom launching the Ghost backwards. As they rushed to check on him, he sat up just fine. 

"Are you alright?"

"Look at that." pointed to the Ghost. As they looked, over to where they thought the core had exploded, there shone a glowing sphere of raw energy. 

"The levels are stable... Ghost, seeing as you're the only one in armor. Please retrieve the core."

As the Ghost picks it up, the armor's power gauge maxes out. 

"Quickly! Put it into the case here!"

As the Ghost sets the core into the case, they load up into the van and head back to the caves. When they got back, the Ghost got out of his armor, and joined them. 

"Mein friends, we have created the future. This is the core you all needed."

As Dr. Von Schneider set down the case and ran the simulation on the core, the simulation showed full compatibility for what it needed. 

"How did you figure that out? Also, what the hell did I create?" Asked the Ghost.

"I was working on the two cannons late one night, when a piece of By-ridium fell on the lens of the charged cannon. I only noticed when it glowed as brightly as it did. I didn't have the space to do it here nor the manpower. Sir Ghost, you have helped me create a new super element I have dubbed, Tri-Berridium. It is fourteen-hundred times stronger than anything we, humanity, has ever seen or created."

The Ghost stared at the glowing core, then turned to the others. "Well, let's stop gawking and get to work!"

The teams broke again and began their work. The Japanese began making a suitable holder for the core. They all worked late into the night, welding the Core's frame, fitting the Core in the hold, only to make modifications to it. They did this until sunrise, and what they had was a fully functioning core, hooked up to the head. The welders and riveters had the inner frame done and had begun working on the outer plating of the automaton. However, Dr. Sue had dismissed them to head home and get some rest. She dismissed the Ghost, and his father after they'd finished their portions of the task. 

She stared into the eye bar of the automaton, looking to ensure the power supply was holding.

"CPU is stable, power supply hasn't even taken a dent yet. This is going to be the best success of my lifetime."

As she worked, she eventually passed out at her station, pencil still in hand, snoring away for a few hours.

When she awoke, she worked for a few minutes before realizing....


SHe rushed over to the minecart, took it to the Armor Works, grabbed her keys and jumped into her car. She raced across the bridge to pick up her wife, then gunned it back into town. 

"Woah, slow down there!"

"I won't have us missing any of the cool things on display! Not to mention I am displaying the two armors I am most proud of... well, the non-classified ones anyway."

"You'll be great! Just relax... and slow down please!"

As Dr. Sue and her wife got to the fair, there was a long line awaiting entry."

"Dr. Sue, right through here." One of the event guards allowed her and her wife to rush over to her booth. 

As the two set up the armors, the Ghost now wearing a top hat and holding a cane smiled and waved to everyone who had arrived to participate in the fair.

"Ladies, Gentleman, people of Greater Ottawa, Citizens of the Texan Republic, Citizens of the Dominion, Citizens of the Western Commune, refugees from the Japanese Homeland, Outback of Australia, and Tundra of Russia, I welcome you all to our wonderful city! Please be respectful of our city and enjoy everything that was put together for the many of you here! WELCOME TO THE WORLD'S FAIR OF GREATER OTTAWA!