A House United; Part One

At 1900 hours or 7 o'clock pm a week later, the Factions launched their most ambitious attack they'd ever planned. With instructions from Director D. Perry of the CIA, they began their assault on Maryland. Together, they launched naval, air, and ground forces. Leading the ground assault was Liam of the Northeast and the Ghost of Ottawa. Keith of the Texan Republic and Jim of the Western Floridians were leading the naval assault. The two would receive air cover from Bradley of the Eastern Floridians, along with a joint force from Mr. Hladovcak and Barbara's Old Guard. 

As the combined armies of Greater Ottawa, Anarchical Chicago and New Appalachia moved into the last stretch of West Virginia, the citizens who'd stayed separate from Paige's rule watched as the New Ottawans and their automaton pushed for Maryland. 

"We're on time and on target. Shouldn't be too much further Ghost!" Major Mcginnis called out from the Stryker he stood on. The Ghost flashed a light to acknowledge Liam as he stood on Constitution's shoulder. They have been radio silent since they left the Midwest. All they knew is that they were to rendezvous with Liam and the Greater Northeast Army just ten minutes passed the Maryland Border. The Ghost looked down at his force for a moment. He had put Major Mcginnis and General Allen into a pair together to bolster their front General Mateo and Major S.B, his father, bringing up the secondary column. General R. Allen had been given the newest in Greater Ottawan innovation.

Thanks to Dr. Von Schneider's fuel rods for Lasalle Lake, the city has full power again. CIMCO and Libbey-Owens-Ford were cranking out military vehicles faster than ever. D.C had been confirmed to be surrounded by barbed wire and FBI personnel with access to heavy tanks. With that knowledge, the Ottawans had created the O-26 Boyce. It was a medium tank with a flail to rip apart barbed encampments. However, with the help of every engineer they had, and Dr. Madie Sue, both plants had jointly created the G.O.T.D Talty IV. This was a fourth generation Ottawan Tank Destroyer, however, rather than fire a conventional it utilized a much bigger version of the "EEPS". The G.O.T.D Talty IVs were equipped with the newest weapon system their technology had to offer. The "Electromagnetic Projectile Rail Shot System" or "E-PRSS" for short. 

As they met up with Liam's forces, the signal pulse was given to begin the aerial bombardment. Bradley's late 80's fighter jets ran alongside Greater Ottawan Bombers of all types, including the BMPA-29 suit's of armor. 

"Alright bombers, this is H, begin your runs, we'll buy you time should anything arise. The Recovery teams have marked all historical on your guide maps. DO NOT HIT THEM!"

After the bombers had cleared out most of the surface trouble, it was up to Liam and the Ghost. 

*Flashback: One Week Ago*

The Delegates had all taken their seats as Director D. Perry gave them every bit of information he knew. 

"D.C isn't a fortress above ground. Despite you killing the Madam President, they have damn near every senator, congressional representative, and staffers in the Presidential Bunker Complex. It's practically a city underground. Normal, I'd suggest bombing the crap out of it, but they won't work. The entrance may be in the White house, but the actual complex is six stories below that. Even if you had a way in, it's armed to the teeth so you need to be ready for a fight." Said D. Perry as he concluded his presentation. 

"We have a way in, just tell me where we need to dig." Said the Ghost with a grin. 

*Present Day*

The Ghost and Liam had fought to the White House with ease. As the Generals surrounded the perimeter, the Ghost and Constitution stepped up to bat. 

"Constitution, locate hidden complex. Then, make us a hole inside. You'll be on defense once we're inside."

"Affirmative Commander."

As the Ghost leapt down from Constitution in the Ottawan Offensive Bias Armor, he got the "Eeps" Rifle ready for combat. He stood by Constitution awaiting her word. 

"Subsurface Complex Detected.... All personnel, retreat to a maximum safe distance." She called out. 

"YOU MAGOTS HEARD THE LADY! BACK UP!" Yelled Major Mcginnis as they all pulled back. 

Constitution readied her triple beam laser into a single beam. She grabbed onto the active power poles as she charged the laser. "Forces are at maximum safe distance... initiating subterranean breach protocols."

The tri-beam met in the center of her scan beacon and began burrowing into the dirt of the White House grounds. The Ghost fired the twin, shoulder-mounted Radium Dial Cannons, assisting in the digging. The ground became a molten red and shook violently as the two burrowed beneath the surface.

"Mr. Speaker, what the hell is going on? Why is the bunker shaking?"

"No idea. Get to the Vice President! NOW!"

As the two ran into the Command Center, the Vice President stood up as images of a metal man and a large metal robot melted towards their bunker came on their large viewing screen. 

"Launch the drones, get everyone ready for combat."

"Mr. Vice President, there's no way..."

The dual beam breaks into their facility, allowing Constitution back away and a flood of American Citizens to break into their secure underground facility. 

"NOW!" Yelled the Ghost as he, Liam, and the other troops rushed inside. Agents opened fire but the Ottawan Offensive Bias was far stronger than any weapon they had inside their facility. Alarms wailed loudly as American citizens crashed their party.

*-The Vice President's POV-*

"Seal the bulkhead doors! We must keep them out!" Yelled an agent just before he was struck down. As the doors began sealing, the two leading the citizens were out front of everyone forcing their way inside. The wealthiest one-percent had locked their families inside when the missiles had begun raining down upon America. They watched as bulkhead doors sealed but the Ghost remained unphased as he began to dent the door in. The soldiers grabbed cover as Agents fired RPG's at the Ghost as he ripped through the doors. They kept firing but to no avail as he launched the broken door at them, crushing them instantly. 

"Move up! We need to support him once he's through the last door!" Called out one of the leaders. As the American Citizen reached the metal-man, he'd reached the last door. On the other side, the Vice President, the secret service, and the wealthiest one-percent were sealed in. 

"I am the Vice President of the United States and I order you to stand down! NOW! ALL OF YOU!" called the Vice President over the intercom. To which the Metal-man, using a vocal changer to mimic one of many childhood villains he'd watched on tv, replied, "Prepare for extermination." He fired every punch he threw with rocket propelled force as he dented the door in. 

As the families of the one-percent and the secret service watched in horror, the Ghost's fist punched a hole through the door. The Vice President backed up, afraid to witness the slaughter that was to come next....