The Siege of Detroit

Burnt-out cars, bricks and building rubble littered the city of Detroit as mortar shells and the sounds of rocket-propelled-grenades filled the air. The Greater Ottawan and Anarchical Chicagoan Task Force was entrenched in the fight of their life. Vinny, under direct orders from Mafia Don Francesco, was on the front line. The Mafia, in conjunction with the Greater Ottawan Army Reserve and the Japanese Self-Defence Force were up against fully developed metahuman Canadians. The siege had been underway a total of forty-eight hours since the Northeast went under attack.

The Ghost had appointed Francesco head of the operation as he and Dr. Sue would be accompanying Constitution on her trek to Detroit. Normally, several helicopters would lift the automaton to the area, but due to the amount of RPGs and other high explosives, they dared not risk flying her in only to have her dropped onto the ground. As shells rained down across the city, Francesco had been assisting General Akira of the joint J.S.D.F and G.O.A task force. Even with access to more suits of Madie Sue built powered armors, they were still seeing heavy injury rates.

The Canadian Dictator had been ramming his forces against the defense mounted them. He looked like a Roided-out bodybuilder with tree trunks for arms. He stood in the rear of his army, snapping the necks of anyone who dared try deserting their post. He was forcing them to be metahuman sacrifices in order to meet his master's goal.

"ROTHSCHILD DEMANDS YOUR SACRIFICE! SHOW AMERICA WHAT TRUE CANADIAN POWER IS!" His voice carried across the battlefield, empowering his troops. 

"Sheesh. If I did that, these fucks would ring my neck." Francesco said, adjusting his bulletproof vest. He looked over the map of the battlefield and shook his head just as General Akira finished up assisting with the battle communications operating system or BCOS. 

"General, can I have a word?" Asked Francesco.

"Sure you can. What can I do for you?"

"Any word on the Ghost's ETA?"

"He, Dr. Sue and the automaton Constitution are all now reaching the outskirts of the city. They should be here within the next ten to twenty minutes."

Francesco sighed a breath of relief. "Good, cuz it is a slaughterhouse by the bridge. H and Jarrin may have the skies cleared but we're gaining and losing nothing here."

"Let's hope the Ghost can turn the tide of this war."

Now, as the Ghost and Dr. Sue rode on Constitution's shoulder plate, Dr. Sue reminded the Ghost that the procedure he'd undergone to gain the abilities he has is top-secret. If any information leaked...

"There would be total uproar from New Ottawans across the board. Remember Ghost..."

"I got it. Mum's the word. Constitution! Engage combat protocols and IFF tag registry."

"Order received. Combat Protocols and IFF tags are now active, Commander Ghost."

As the automaton marched towards the Bridge, Dr. Sue was let off at the command post while the Ghost and Constitution went to unleash pain upon the Canadian invaders. As the ground shook, Vinny laughed as called out to Canadians. 


Constitution marched within range of the bridge as the Ghost joined Vinny and the Joint Task Force in his new outfit. It was still utilizing the same WWII Coveralls, steel-toed boots, and gloves, but he now had a new mask and a Constitution style faceguard. The mask, similar to its predecessor, had needles that injected the Combination X drug directly into his bloodstream. As Constitution fired vollies of tri-laser beams into the horde of Canadian Metahuman soldiers, the Canadian Dictator stepped forwards and launched a car at Constitution, getting the Ghost's attention. 


The Ghost walked out from behind with a cassette-tape player hooked up to a pair of headphones. However, it wasn't playing a sound, rather it was to give a false appearance so no one would think twice about questioning his conversation with John Henry. He shook his head as he replied back in a stereotypical midwestern accent, "Ope, sorry there bud! We're just not fond of your salads!"

The Canadian Dictator met the Ghost half way. "Surrender to be reeducated. Are you really going to die for some 250 year old country and an outdated sense of freedom?"

The vestige of John Henry and the Ghost spoke in unison as the Ghost cocked back his fist. "Someone is.... Differential-Epicyclic Gear, 100% output."

While the Canadian Dictator laughed, he failed to notice the Ghost's upper-cutting fist as it slammed into his chin, launching him into the air only to come back down and get blown past his entire army. However, the punches didn't only create an impressive display of strength. The Ghost's right arm was now showing skin tears and stress cracks. Parts of the arm were black and blue with bruises as he pulled it down. 

"What the hell?" Said the Ghost. However, before he could check him out further, the Canadian Dictator lunged at him. "Transfer-Case: Four High Locked! Differential: Epicyclic Gear-200% output." Said the Ghost firing up both of his new abilities at once.

As their two fists collided, the resulting force launched both of them flying away from their armies. The Ghost stood back up and rushed towards and the two met again, blow after blow, neither seemingly gaining the upper hand. However, that was the furthest thing from the truth. With each punch the Ghost threw, the shockwave from the recoil bruised his body, and had begun to crack bone. The Ghost threw out another punch and reeled his hand back in agonizing pain. His arm was now bleeding from all of the stress cracks.

"Seems all that shit talk was truly just talk." Said the Canadian Dictator as he punched the Ghost airborne and launched him into a pile of rubble. As he landed, his consciousness was torn away from his mind and pulled elsewhere as the Canadian Dictator marched towards him. 

"Time for you Americans to learn your place in this New World.... AT THE BOTTOM!"