The Traitor & Sanity's Last Thread Cut

As the Council and Vik settled in, Major Norwak was ushered in along with a "Captain" and a Sergeant. As the three took center floor, the Major unrolled a scroll and read it aloud. "To the people of the Midwest Region within the United States of America. Ahem, We, the National Socialist Party of Euro-Russia, want the factions of the US, the Midwest in particular, to become part of our Empire." The Major rolled up the scroll and the Sergeant stepped forwards and spoke.

"We are aware that the word "Fascist", isn't one that the United States says in warm conversation. However, the Greater Ottawan Meritocracy and Euro-Russian Nationalist State have the same goals! We want to see the New World Order brought down and the world find normalcy once again! 

The Key Council broke for deliberation. After they'd finished, the "Captain" enacted his plan."

"We have yet to make a formal decision." Started Archie, "Why doesn't your Captain have a turn."

As the "Captain" readjusted his hat, he grinned and stepped forwards. "Well since you asked," started the man, doing his best to conceal his accent. "I don't believe we should be asking. Rather, Greater Ottawa should surrender or be ground under the heel of our mighty empire."

The room erupted in protest and outrage from both the Council and the Major. 

"Another remark like that, and we'll see who surrenders to who." Stated Perseverance, glaring at this "Captain".

However, the "Captain", rather than heeding the hero's warning, quickly drew his pistol and fired a round into Archie. Perseverance watched in horror as blood poured out of the man he'd idolized. The hero ran over and cradled his Grandpa, trying to find a pulse... to no avail. As he stood up his breathing became rapid, his ears rang and his heart...

The "Captain" took off his hat and coat revealing he was a Michigander. "I have no intention of allowing Greater Ottawa, New Andonia or this fascist filth to live in OUR perfect order. You will surrender to the New World Order or I will...." The Michigander had stopped speaking and bolted for Rothschild outside. "It's done, my lord! I DID IT!" However, both he and Rothschild began backing away from the Fascist and the city.

For in the moment Archie was shot, that bleeding golden-heart of Greater Ottawa's hero, became overwhelmed with pure rage. Perseverance seemed to reach within himself and force-activate the facets of every vestige he had. The Greater Ottawan hero marched away from Vik, his friends, family, and those he defended, all the while marching towards the Traitor and the New Order Dictator. The blood of his grandfather stained the palms of his hands. He paused for a moment as his body convulsed with angered-energy so pure, it began to overwhelm him. 

"Perseverance! DON'T!" Called out Dr. Sue, but her words fell upon ears unable to hear her. Perseverance took another few powerful steps towards the two and released an anguished, warped and demonic, quintuple-voiced war cry. The metallic green and voodoo purple cyclone that had helped him defend earlier, now carried him upwards into the sky. Arcs of red, yellow, green with purple, black with white and copper energies seemed to coil around his body, binding the muscle of his arms, back and legs to the wrath of a raging heart.

As his arms became outstretched, the Steel-Angels from earlier appeared and they weren't alone. As they laid claim to the skies of the Friendly City, they were joined by soul-steamboats, a company of soul-steeldrivers, a legion of soul-redtails, and voodoo runes, in the arcing energy colors, appeared all over him like tattoos. As he towered over those who'd hurt the ones he loved and defended, his eyes snapped open with both irises of his eyes the colors of the vestiges held within him and his pupils colored copper. 

The raging hero went to speak when the energy surged and became too much to handle. The cyclone exploded into a massive tornado with wind speeds reaching upwards of four-hundred miles an hour. As the hero went berserk, he locked his gaze upon the two and cried out in that quintupled-voice, "TORQUE-OVER!" The Michiganders that had turned traitor, rushed after Rothschild in cars and trucks. The hero let out another war cry as he entered pursuit of them. Back in the Council building, Dr. Sue, General Allen, Mike and a few others rushed Archie over to the hospital, while sending Commander Hladovcak, Vik, Major Mcginnis, Major Scott and a few others chasing after their hero. 

The enraged hero sends wave after wave of soul-attackers at the fleeing traitors and Rothschild. Cars erupted in green-spirit fire, Rothschild and the many traitors were swept up into the, now a mile wide, tornadic voodoo and rage vortex. 

"Vik! Scott! Jump on!" Called out Commander Hladvocak from the cockpit of his F-15 EX. As he ascended, he spoke to them over battle comms.

"Scott, you're the only one who can reach him. Vik, I know we all just met, but you're the only one who restaint him long enough. Can we count on that Andonian strength?"

"You better believe you can." 

As the rescue team reached the vortex, traitors and Rothschild were flung to the ground with one hell of a driving force. The only one who remained aloft was the Michigander who'd shot Archie.

"FUCK YOU, PERSEVERANCE!" He yelled as the hero pulled the Michigander up to his face. 

"Look me in the fucking eyes you worthless piece trash." As the Michigander did, ready to say something defiant, his eyes went ablaze with green and purple flames. He screamed in agony just to have the hero launch everything he'd conjured up at this traitor. 

"When I die, you pathetic excuse of a man." Started Perseverance, "I will see to it that I find your pathetic soul in hell, and tear it to shreds. You deserve no afterlife, no hope, no release of death, and there's not a damn thing you'll have to stop me. Lucifer, himself, shall fear the day I die, for I will be taking over hell, just to execute you in every way possible. Just remember one thing..."

"W-what's that?" The Michigander said, blood pouring out of him.

"This, the death of Michigan, everything you;ve set in motion, is all on you." As the Hero finished speaking, all five vestiges skewered the man with voodoo doll needles. The land within Michigan erupted into ash and lava as massive cracks formed and swallowed the state entirely. 

As the others watched, Rothschild tried to escape by aerial pick-up. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" Perseverance went to raise his arms but was tackled by Vik.

"LET... ME... GO!"

"Your grandpa needs you! Just listen!"

Scott called out to him. "SON! COME ON! PLEASE! HE NEEDS YOU!" 

The words seemed to resonate for a moment, but Perseverance dropped into vortex, slipping through Vik's arms. Once he'd reclaimed the top of the vortex, he used a soul-steamboat to set the Andonian down. Without warning, the tornado raced back towards the city as it was rapidly losing mass.

Meanwhile, Dr. Sue was in Archie's room. All of his major organs had been missed and the shock of being shot caused him to pass out. Suddenly, the sunny sky outside the window became pitch black as the ever shrinking cyclone appeared outside the window. As Dr. Sue opened the window, Perseverance, rather, Dr. V called out to her. 

"He's passing out! MOVE!"

"Who are you? What do you mean, he's passing out." She asked. 

"There's no time! MOVE!"

As she moved, Dr. V's eyes went fully copper as, copper-colored, will energy from the Ghost entered Archie's bandaged wound. As everyone else re-joined him, the vestige of the Ghost appeared before Dr. Sue. 

"Tell him... Tell him I'm sorry."

Suddenly, Dr. V's warning made sense as the vestige of the Ghost vanished. The small vortex holding up Dr. V seemed to snap away, disappearing entirely as all the vestiges passed out, dropping Perseverance eight stories to the ground, unconscious. Francesco helped get Tyrese into the air using the rocket-pack Madie Sue had lent them. Tyrese snagged the hero inches from the ground and crashed down into the river behind the hospital. Ottawans pulled them both out. As they brought him into the hospital, he was covered in serious wounds all over his body, but he was unconscious as their world had begun to unravel.