A Very, Not-So-Warm Welcome

As Perseverance went into the restroom and quickly put on his costume, it seems they'd done their homework. The red satin cape had a star spangled underside. The rest of the outfit had been color-matched to the color scheme style of a Red Tail's P-51 Mustang. 

The yellowed eye visor and a remade mask that still sported the grayed stars and stripes on it. The mask was now able to inject both Combination X and Noradrenaline. Legs guards had been added for better offensive and defensive strength which only complimented the matte black steel toed boots that came with the outfit. As he marched into the Council chambers, he looked like a proper hero out of an anime or comic book.

As he walked in, a few things had changed. The Council had new members and new titles assigned to them. There was Barbara, Head of Recovery Logistics, Archie, Head of Agricultural Development, Tyrese, Head of Personnel Rehabilitation, Francesco, Head of Chicagoan Affairs, Mrs. Thorsen, Head of Education, Sundeep, Department of Technology, Chief of City Security Roalson and Dr. Brittany Buchanan, Head of Medical Care.

As Perseverance walked towards the empty chair, an awkward sense filled the air.

"To start things off, Perseverance.... We removed the lead chair position from the Council...." Mrs. Thorsen had started to say.

The hero stopped in his tracks and didn't turn to face them. "Would you care explaining why?"

There was an uneasiness in the air as Chief Roalson spoke up. "The Citizens put the motion to a vote. Allegedly, they stumbled upon a few documents of yours detailing a meritocracy... There was another reason..." Said the Chief uneasily. However, before anyone could spit it out, the door opened and a well-dressed man walked into the room and sat where the Ghost had once sat. 

"I'm sorry, since when was the hero allowed within the Council chambers?" The man said as he glared at Perseverance. As the hero turned to look, it was none other than Mr. Alvarado.

Before Perseverance went unconscious, Mr. Alvarado was the leader of the Anti-Meta Party. Their goal was to keep Metahumans out of the city and if possible, out of the country. However, once the people learned of Perseverance's abilities, the party ceased the opportunity to take power. 

"Now I understand." Perseverance and Dan Alvarado locked glares. Dan smiled and leaned back into his chair. 

"Don't accept my mercy as acceptance or tolerance." Dan began to say, "Metahumans have no place in Greater Ottawa, nor in the United States. As of one month ago, it was decided that Dr. Sue and you were to be removed from the Council, stripped of any say and power, then once you awoke, both of you would be put on trial."

"On what grounds?" Demanded Perseverance. 

"Eugenics Usage. You and especially Dr. Sue are lucky we didn't have you hanged for that." Dan shook his head. "SECURITY!" He yelled. As four guards walked in, they grabbed the hero by the arms. "See to it this fucking lab rat is tossed out of the building and locked up until his trial."

"We never agree to this! Yelled Archie and Barbara as the guards put the hero in handcuffs. 

"You never had to. The will of the people, Archie, demanded your Grandson be put on trial and hopefully executed for his crimes against humanity.

As Perseverance was escorted from the building, Dan followed them as he made a phone call. "Judge Gibson? Hi, yes, this is Dan Alvarado. I have a fully awake and conscious "hero" known as Perseverance in custody. Let's get this over with so we can move the United States to a more "Joyful" era."

As they loaded him into a squad car, citizens of Greater Ottawa watched as their hero was escorted to the jail then to the old Appellate Courthouse. Reporters and Photographers crowded around yelling out a stream of questions. As they were led into the courtroom, people filled in to watch Judge Gibson pass his judgment. 

"All rise, for the Honorable Judge Gibson prosiding."

Everyone stood, Judge B. Gibson walked in and allowed them to be seated. "Madie Sue, you have already given testimony. Is there anything you wish to add?"

"No, your Honor."

"Well then, Prosecution, has the "hero " been told that of which he has been accused?"

The woman in a maroon blouse and skirt stood up. "No he has not, your Honor."

"Very well. Accused, please take the center of the room. Guards, shackle him once he's there."

As he marched into the center of the room and was shackled to the floor, John's vestige spoke to him.

"You're going to let them railroad you?"

"I have a plan. Just listen and watch."

As the Guards finished, the hero looked upon the bench. "Your honor. Is it not customary to have a lawyer present?"

"In the old version of the Court System, yes. However, with the introduction of Metas, like yourself, the current laws in place within the city state that you are not entitled to a lawyer. A jury of your peers will deliberate, however, in this case and with the crimes you have been accused of, I will be the sole deciding factor within your fate, Perseverance."

Perseverance and all four vestiges within him were mortified. 

"Perseverance, the former Ghost of Ottawa, you stand accused of the capital crime of Eugenic Usage, Extortion of the Ottawan Research Division, and Conspiring with the New World Order. How do you plead?"

The hero clenched his fist. "Not Guilty, on every single trumped up charge you've got... Your "Honor". His tone was furious and mocking the Judge's title. For this was a mockery of justice, a blatant call back to the racially motivated days of the 1800's and 1900's. 

"Another attempt to mock me or this process, will find you in contempt of court. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, You and Dan Alvarado have made it blatantly clear of your intentions."

"Not sure what Dan has to do with this, but we move onto trial. Prosecution, please present your evidence in the case..."