Came The Brightest of Changes: Part III

As those within Governance Hall Manor stood up, Perseverance was returned to control of his body. His abilities and vestiges had seemingly gone silent. 

Things were starting to race from here. Perseverance stood almost in a daze. The Texans jumped into action calling the other allied nations trying to get a motion of war on the table. The hero seemed to move through the next week in a fog. Dr. Sue had been off ensuring the other factions each had a hero to aid them in the fight to come. The factions now had Texan Hero, Lonestar Republic, better known as Keith. Astra Morganna, better known as Morgan of the Western Commune of States. Blitz-Marshall, better known as B-Marshall of New Florida. Venus-Mons, better known as Dr. Sue of Greater Ottawa. However, as Dr. Sue looked over Perseverance, she realized what was coming in the last fight. 

"Perseverance... Your abilities of Transfer-Case and Differential have been... destroyed."

"But... How will..."

"I wasn't finished. It would seem your DNA has affected the two. They're no longer just that of fact... They're what I'd call the ability Folklore or Storyteller."

"What? How?"

Venus smiled and laughed. "Seriously? Look at the things you've built! You help get Ottawa rebuilt in a way none of us could've thought of! You risked life and limb for us, now it's become bigger than just some small city in the Midwest! We're remaking the whole world!"

The smile on his face caused him to be pulled into his mind. 

"Woah... this is John Henry's facet."

"Yep. Much brighter and much better now. All thanks to you, Ghost."

The Ghost turned to see John, Lemuel, Charlie, and Stagolee all standing there. This time, they weren't alone. The Ghosts of the 332nd Red Tail Pursuit Group stood next to Lemuel. John had his wife, son, and steel driving crew, Charlie had his two sons, and his "Charlie Special" Race Car next to him, and Stagolee's Steamboat had passengers, all of them figures of Black History. 

"My Bayou brothers and sisters! It is time we help our young hero stand in the face of evil!" Shouted Stagolee standing on top of the Steamboat. "We four will help our friend here, The Ghost of Ottawa, kick that sorry sumbitch back to whateva hole he done crawled outta!"

Cheers around as the five were pulled into the Ghost's conscious mind to see Venus smiling. "Come on, we need to go check on the progress."

"Progress? Of what?"

The two heroes run outside to find all of Greater Ottawa mobilized, loading weapons and armor onto pallets that were loaded onto a massive shuttle-type craft. 

"When did you..."

"Finished it in the months you were unconscious. What you are looking at is the first of its kind. A troop carrier, battleship, and air-to-sea shuttlecraft called the Washington Park Super Illinois Class Arc. We figured we either build a survival bunker or we go out swinging, bringing the New World Order with us."

"You made this?! It's incredible!"

"Actually, Sundeep and his crew threw every design and inch of wiring they could find into getting it up and ready. Texas donated their unused tech and everything from the Houston Space Center, Florida handed everything from the Kennedy Space Center and Morgan gave us Californian techies to get this marvel ready for her big day. We tossed every single person we had at this project, including the Army Corps of Engineers."

As they approached, Sundeep stood by a panel on the Illinois Class Arc. Perseverance grabbed his hand and shook it.

"Well done, Sundeep!" This thing..."

"It's breathtaking right?"

"It's more than I could've imagined! This is gonna tip the war in our favor."

"Yes, especially as the Council voted unanimously this war is something we Midwesterners can't afford to ignore. We already have Constitution loaded up, the new OA-20s loaded as well."

"OA-20's? What is..."

Dr. Sue smiled, "It's the newest edition of powered armor for our Army, Air Corps, and Navy. It's got the stopping power our front liners needed."

"All of this is possible thanks to the city adopting your governance style. What was that?"

"Mastocracy. A system in which the best of a Meritocracy, the best of STEM in a Technocracy coupled with the Constitution of a Constitutional Republic empowering all the citizens to newer and better heights. 

"Well now, enough of this. Let's get inside and get the Alligator Gar into the air. Our allies are gathering in the East and they're not gonna wait!"

"Yeah... Yeah! Let's go!"

As the trio entered the Alligator Gar Arc, the Greater Ottawans cheered for their hero, top scientist, and best technologist. As they got onto the bridge, Mike Brisson, Archie, and Lieutenant Colonel Scott had a gift for the hero. As he opened it, mechanical armor conformed to his body. It was painted the colors of the Ottawan flag, white, green, yellow, black, silver, and blue. 

"What'd Rothschild say when he saw you wear this?" Asked Mike.

"I'm not sure, Mike. What did he say?"

"Oh shit!" Mike laughed as he finished his joke. Perseverance laughed as well while his father and grandfather shook their heads. 

"Son, let's finish this." Scott put his hand on his son's shoulder

"What do you say, buddy? Are you willing to help us get victory?" Asked Archie.

Perseverance walked to the helm and activated the controls. "On my Grandma's name... Rothschild will be slain by my hands. ALL STATIONS! WE ARE GREEN! BATTEN DOWN ALL HATCHES! TAKE OFF IN T-minus ten!"

After ten minutes, the Illinois Class Arc, The Alligator Gar, lifted into the sky above the citizens who were staying home. The massive shuttle launched away from the Midwest, rocketing towards the East Coast. As the American Faction Fleet steamed towards Europe, the Alligator Gar Arc splashed down into the water beside them. 

"Let's do this, Americans!"

Perseverance turned to the Gar's crew. "Today, we will take the fight to Europe!"

With cheers that rang out, the fleet made their way to Europe.