Evil's Among Us: Part VII

The Tetrad-Evil Demon Lord who'd lunged at Perseverance was now above the American Hero. With a punch that rivaled the powerful wrath of a vengeful god, he sent the hero crashing into the European soil. Dirt, brick bits, and dust rained down onto the landscape. Lonestar, Sundeep, and a few European heroes were all looking at the crater while Astra Morganna and Liamidas got Venus Mons all patched up. 

As Sundeep went to speak, the Tetrad Demon Lord appeared next to them, out of what seemed to be thin air. The Demon Lord grabbed Lonestar by the back of the neck, fingers digging into his windpipe and jugular vein. European heroes rushed to aid Lonestar as his life force seemed to be evaporating into thin air.

Finally annoyed by their attacks, the Demon Lord blasted Lonestar through the emergency medical station, crashing next to Morganna. She rolled him over to find the thirty-some-year-old Texan looked as if he'd age to be eighty. She screamed while the Tetrad Demon Lord turned European Heroes into puddles of blood and gore or flash-mummified corpses. The American Heroes and Soldiers looked at him in a state of sheer horror and terror. This wasn't the same villain they'd fought moments ago, not the same one they'd had encounters with either. 

"Disgusting insects... You repugnant creatures of filth and habit... When will you see it? The inevitability of your deaths? The pointlessness of this struggle against us? We, the four demon lords of old, forged this future for Evelyn. Even if he squandered this opportunity..." The Tetrad Demon Lord channeled all of their collective strengths into their fist.

"THAT WE..." They caved in a European Hero's skull, "OWN EVERYTHING". Splat, when the sound of another dead hero. "WE OWN YOUR COUNTRIES," thud, the next body of another dead hero hit the dirt, "OWN YOUR CHILDREN," crunch, went the skull of another hero, "WE OWN THE BANKS, THE WATER, AND THE FOOD." Splattering and squelching noises come from the Tetrad Demon Lord's hands, dripping with blood and skull fragments as he leaves the European Heroes who'd come to assist the Americans in mountainous stacks of dead bodies.

"That's why the New World Order motto says, "You own nothing", the sound of necks getting snapped had the Americans paralyzed with true terrifying fear. "You are entitled to nothing", the soil was stained crimson red, and the smell of iron from the amount of blood leaching into the soil was sickening. "You will do as you are told", Morganna threw Lonestar over her shoulder following Liamidas as he carried Venus Mons away from the Medical Station as the rhythmic sounds of tree trunk-like thudding of dead heroes grew ever louder and drew ever nearer to them.

Greater Ottawan Tanks opened fire, and the Greater Ottawan Army Infantry with Greater Ottawan Marines lit up the Tetra Demon Lord as they flooded the streets with the blood of European citizens and heroes and then unleashed a reign of carnal violence against the American Invaders. They threw everything they had at this embodiment of pure evil and yet, nothing came of it. Not a drop of blood fell from their body as they even ripped through New World Order soldiers who got in their way. 

As Generals, L. Mcginnis, R. Allen, and D. Mateo received word of what was happening on the Demon Lord Front, Lieutenant Colonel Scott, Major Akira, and Irongrail Archie rushed to assist the troops with Constitution hot on their heels. 

Akira struck the Tetrad Demon Lord with the butt of her rifle, then L. C. Steelgrail Scott and Irongrail Archie landed a dual uppercut on him with a dual swift pair of knees to the groin. It was working, they had him stopped, they had him. Greater Ottawan Armed Forces opened fire using every weapon they had. As rounds of all sizes had little to or no effect at all on them, General Allen fired off an E-PRSS shot from his G.O.T.D Talty IV. The "Electromagnetic Projectile Rail Shot System" of General Allen's Talty IV ripped a sizable chunk out of the Tetrad Demon Lord. 

 |Greater Ottawa's Irongrail Archie| VS |The Tetra Carnage Demon Lord|

The response in turn was one of sheer brutality. They snapped Major Akira's legs, broke Scott's arms, and slaughtered several dozen Greater Ottawan service members. Only Irongrail Archie was still standing unscathed. 

"Ah... If it isn't the Grandfather he found so valiantly to defend. Their so-called farm soldier, "Irongrail Archie", now standing before us in the flesh." Stated the Tetrad Demon Lord looming over Irongrail Archie. Venus looked at Archie fearing for him until he responded to the villain. 

His voice wasn't the same as he was clearly using a vocal changing device, but it made the moment even more crazy. Irongrail turned his head slightly and spoke with a raspy, metallic-like, deep voice resonating with confidence and defiance.

"Who the FUCK are you." Irongrail Archie replied coldly and calmly.

The Tetrad Demon Lord and Irongrail Archie were now face to face with barely an inch between them. The Greater Ottawans were dumbfounded. Archie had just watched the same carnage they did, right? Did he have a death wish or was it something else? That sweet old man they'd seen and known from their city and region wasn't the same. There was no hesitation in his voice, no quiver, no stutter, nothing that someone facing a being of bloodied carnage would normally have. No, there was nothing but pure defiant courage in the tone of his auditory style altered voice. 

 "You're packing a lot of armor there. Can't believe you can even stand in it with those knees of yours, old man."

"With all that brawn, I'm surprised you even have enough brain left to even string two words together." Irongrail snapped back in response.

It was a dominant stand and stare-off. Neither moved, neither dared reach, just locked in an intense show of dominance. Constitution didn't even engage, rather just had her weapons charged and ready to go. The tension from the air around them was intense and the area was a massive powder keg. The Tetra Demon Lord knew if he even flinched towards Irongrail Archie, it would be either the American Automaton Constitution or The Hero Perseverance who would bring them down... but they needed to get past him.

As the Tetrad Demon Lord raised their fist at Irongrail Archie, Archie put his fist through the Demon Lord's gut like it was a cup of jello to his hand as a hot spoon. 

"Don't fret, past Demon Lords... My Grandson gets the honor of reburying you and your chosen one."

The Tetrad Demon Lord collapsed to a knee as they threw up blood and blood dripped from the hole in their gut. Just before they could speak or move, spirit-voodoo chains clasped themselves around their neck, wrists, and ankles. The chains snapped instantly to fully taut and flung the Tetrad Demon Lord back over to the original battlefield, now face to face with Perseverance. They gripped onto his face and stole two years of his life before the stream of life force energy suddenly stopped.

"WHAT!?" They yelled, bewildered by this event.

"Before I kick your pre-second industrial revolutionary asses back to the ridiculous time you all came from, I just want you to understand what kind of power I WIELD!" Perseverance firmly grasped the Demon Lord by the upper throat crushing his windpipe fully before speaking once again. Only, it wasn't just him talking, this was a declaration that "We The People" are retiring you. 


With just a three-word ability, the tide of the battle changed as the five demon lords watched Perseverance steal the only ability that made them invincible and seem untouchable... Life Force Extraction...