All Coming Together

Sam and the others were outside the hospital getting some fresh air. However, as they did Archie was speaking to Dr. Sue when an overwhelming surge of power in the hospital had them all rushing inside. As they rushed inside, the various media played an old F.D.R. speech, others that of John F. Kennedy. Archie rounded the corner, stopped and smiled. 

"Took you long enough. We were all worried sick."

The bandaged Grey Ghost smiled as he pulled the child version of himself back into his collective being. "It's good to see you in such spirits, Grandpa."

Hearing his voice, Sam rounded the corner. There, walking toward him was a shirtless and bandaged Grey Ghost. Sure, the Grey Ghost had no abs to speak of, but for Sam, his discolored skin and battle scars were enough. 

"You're awake..."

"I'm glad to see you safe, Sam. Pay no mind to the bandages... I haven't felt power like this..." Dr. Sue and the others round the corner as the Ghost finishes speaking. "... Since I found Rothschild." 

However, before anyone else could speak, a little green light appeared next to Dr. Sue and a small being appeared. Everyone except the Grey Ghost, Archie, and Dr. Sue.

"Is it a demon!?"

"Stand by Lord Archie!"

"EVERYBODY! CHILL OUT!" Yelled the Grey Ghost nearly ripping a few stitches. "Geez. Independence, if you're going to randomly appear, make sure you do so with Dr. Sue's permission."

"Sorry boss. However, this couldn't wait."

The Grey Ghost raised an eyebrow at the little green, cat-eared artificial intelligence. "Report. What have you..."

"Forgive my rudeness... but is it a demon?" Asked the King. 

Independence laughed. "No silly, I'm just your average ghostly cat boy."


The Grey Ghost's glare made Independence laugh nervously. "What I meant was, I am a Supercomputer that lives in the wristband on Dr. Sue's arm! She and Persevere..."

"I go by the Grey Ghost now. Please refrain from calling me that."

"Right, apologies sir. Dr. Sue and the Grey Ghost made me in order to decrypt classified documents. I was the key component of Operation Deccade."

The Grey Ghost sighed as Independence faced him. 

"Sir... that document you asked me to locate and verify... It's confirmed to be authentic."

The Grey Ghost's eyes widened in horror as if he'd been told ground breaking information. However, upon being asked, the Grey Ghost refused to answer on it until they were back home. With Sam, the King, and Archie curious but not wishing to pry further, the conversation ended. 

After the Doctors fully examined the Ghost, the group made their way to the Banshee Imperium Castle. There, those involved were commended for their bravery for their actions and the Grey Ghost was awarded Sam's hand. However, both Sam and the Grey Ghost agreed that with everything that had happened, a wedding now wouldn't be right. However, they agreed to court or date each other until they felt the time was right. 

After an additional two days, the Greater Ottawan boarded their ships and set sail for home. An embassy unit from the Banshees was sent along with them and helped keep their newly founded alliance afloat. 

As the Yorktown II cruised across the water, Admiral Nolan joined the Grey Ghost on the deck.

"Worried about Sam?"

"No. With those squabbling morons dead, I have no reason to fear for him. However... the three ousted tribes and a certain new problem are creating a big headache for us."

"You mean the information Independence brought to light..." Nolan said, holding his chin. I admit, when you told me about it, it certainly rattled my chains. It would seem our problems continuously keep stacking up."

The Grey Ghost turned to look at his best friend. "I thought our deal with the Heteromorphs, the betrayal of Sundeep and his traitors, and now the Banshees were hard enough. However, I find myself questioning our survival rating should we go through with Dr. Sue's plans."

"That's assuming the Council decides to enact it. There are probably plenty of us that would rather forget the whole ordeal and return to isolationism like your governance promised us. However, I'd rather us find out than be found by someone or something."

"Agreed. We'll talk more upon arriving in Greater Ottawa. As much as I hate to admit it, I missed those cornfields and ever shifting landscape."

As the ships began docking at the Greater Ottawan Port, the leaders aboard were rushed to the Committee Council Building almost immediately. There wasn't a word uttered as they were driven over. It was totally silent on the ride, however it was for good reason. 

As Archie, Admiral Nolan, Dr. Sue, General Mcginnis, the other territorial delegates, and the Grey Ghost entered the Committee Chamber, the guards closed the door and enabled the soundproof walls, floor and blast doors. The other council members had been semi-briefed on the topic of this meeting, but they had no real understanding, at least not yet.

"Take your seats and be quiet." Said Archie as he sat down. Once the delegates sat down, the Grey Ghost plugged Independence's chip and called his name. As the small, cat-eared artificial intelligence appeared, the delegation inserted their clearance cards. Once that was done, Independence spoke. 

"Unfortunately, I carry grim news for the subject matter of this meeting. As Archie, Dr. Sue, Admiral Nolan, and the Grey Ghost are aware, Operation Deccade was enacted shortly after the raid of the Presidential Bunker began. Initially, everyone was told it was meant to destroy the filth located on the databases of US Intelligence Servers. However, that was Phase I. Phase II was to decode every last document with one big one in mind. I am pleased to report the decoding is done, but it comes with not so great news..." Began Independence.

"I was asked to locate and verify the validity of the Antarctic Wall Conspiracy and cross-check it with Rothschild's archive. Sadly... the theory is confirmed. There is an entire world that humanity has been sealed off from. In other words... NASA's hunt for alien life in the stars was wasted money. There is an entire world that the CIA was contracted by Alien Governments to deliberately hide from us and the entire world, and the details are far more juicy..."