
I woke up alone in bed and saw that our windows were open.

I got up and looked at the clock, it was only seven-thirty in the morning but my wife woke up early.

Maybe she's cooking our breakfast now.

Today is Sunday and suddenly i remembered that our children are here so I smiled.

They just got back from Italy. They went to thier grandparents for three weeks vacation and so that my wife and I can have quality time together and I did not waste any moments when were together.

Until now we are like new couple everytime we make love.

I shook my head from my thoughts and laughed if Heart saw me, her cheeks would surely turn red again.

I took a shower and when I finished I went downstairs and went straight to the kitchen.

I was just at the door when I could hear the noisy and laughing of my children so I smiled and peeked at them.

Our eldest was helping her mother prepare breakfast, the twins and our youngest were at the table laughing at what they were talking about.

It turns out that we have four children, our oldest is a single girl and three boys followed.

"Daddy good morning." My eldest saw me so I smiled and went to the dining table.

"Good morning princess, my queen." I greeted my first born and kissed her on the forehead and my wife whose cheeks were red again I kissed her and the children moaned because of what I did.

"Daddy no PDA please." One of the twins complained so I just laughed.

While we were having breakfast, I was just looking at our happy family, I don't know what I did for God to give me such a happy family.

Even though this family has been through a lot we only dreamed of Heart once and it came true and he gave us a double grace.

"I can't ask for anything more Raphael, it's that we have fulfilled our dreams." I looked at my wife who was lovingly watching our children.

"There's nothing left. The only thing we can do is while they are young, we will raise them to be good people and support them all the time." I told her and I kissed her hand firmly and joined the conversation of our children.

But we have something to say that will add to our pleasure.

My wife is pregnant again and this is again the happiest day of our life.

"Children, your daddy and I have something to say." Our children looked at us so they nodded.

When we said that they will have a brother again, we saw infinite happiness in their eyes and both Heart and I cried because of this wonderful feeling.

But how did we start?

How did we end up in this situation? I almost died the day I thought I would never be with the girl I love again.

And our story begins with a rare opportunity and the meeting of our paths with Heart...