Chapter 15: The Joy of Pokemon

(Sailing on the ocean blue by Lapras.)

(Mew and her friends continue their journey across the Orange Islands.)

(Tomo, and the Pokemon relax on Lapras.)

(as Mew polishes the GS ball.)

(Tracey is looking around the ocean with his binoculars.)

(and Misty is playing with Togepi and Pichu.)

(Misty waves her hands and says.)

Misty: "Wave hi."

(That makes Togepi and Pichu smile.)

(Just then, Mew notices something.)

Mew: "Hey, what's that?"

(Everyone turns to where Mew is facing to see something heading towards them.)

Tracey: "What's what?"

(Tracey wonders.)

Misty: "It looks like a motorboat."

(Misty says.)

(Coming towards them at top speed, is Nurse Joy.)

(padding a kayak towards their direction and speeds past them.)

(with Chansey behind holding a megaphone like a rowing instructor.)

(Soon, the two speed right past Mew and the others.)

Misty: "I don't know WHAT that was, but it wasn't a motorboat."

(Misty says.)

Tomo: "Yeah,"

(Tomo says.)

(Mew turns to Tracey.)

Mew: "Hey Tracey, you saw that too, right?"

Tracey: "I sure did! Someone was rowing that boat! And it looked like Nurse Joy!"

(Tracey says.)

(Mew and the others are baffled.)

Misty: "I don't think a Nurse Joy would be strong enough to row THAT fast."

(Misty says.)

Tomo: "You sure it wasn't someone who looked like a Nurse Joy?"

(Tomo asks.)

Tracey: "Tomo, I'm a Pokémon Watcher! I know what I saw and I saw a Nurse Joy!"

(Tracey insists.)

(Then Mew says.)

Mew: "Tracey's right Tomo. That was Nurse Joy we say, but she sure is in a hurry to get wherever she was going."

(Then Mew turns to Lapras.)

Mew: "Alright Lapras, let's follow that boat and catch it!

(Lapras agrees and speeds after the boat.)


(Soon enough, Mew and her friends make landfall on an island.)

(Soon enough, they find Nurse Joy's kayak and some footprints.)

(Tracey examines the footprints and says.)

Tracey: "Just as I suspected, two sets of footprints. One set belongs to a Chansey, the other set belongs to a woman. She's wearing a sneaker, and I'd say she's about a size seven or so."

(He then gets up and follows the footprints.)

Tracey: "They left the boat here and headed in this direction."

Mew: "Hey! Tracey! We better stick together."

(Mew calls out.)

(Then gets Lapras' Pokeball.)

Mew: "Lapras needs to take a rest anyway. Lapras, return!"

(Then Lapras is called back to his Pokeball.)

(Then the others run to catch up with Tracey.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Hey! Tracey, wait up!"

(Soon, Tracey comes to a stop.)

Tracey: "Uh oh."

(to see no more footprints to follow.)

(Mew and the others soon catch up with him.)

Mew: "Didn't you find them, Tracey?"

(Mew asks.)

Tracey: "I followed the footprints out to here, but, then they just stopped."

(Tracey says, looking around.)

Misty: "I guess it's easier to follow somebody's footprints in sand then on stone."

(Misty comments.)

Tomo: "Unless they step in a paint bucket."

(Tomo says.)

Pikachu: "Pika," (I guess.)

(Pikachu says.)

(And Eevee chuckles in reply.)

(Then Misty says.)

Misty: "I'm still not sure I believe the person in that boat was really Nurse Joy."

Tracey: "Now that you mention it, she did seem a lot more muscular than most of the Nurse Joys I've come across."

(Tracey says.)

Tomo: "More muscular?"

(Tomo says.)

Tracey: "Bigger. I'd say her arms are a good two centimeters, larger in circumference, and her shoulders about a centimeter and a half, wider than the average Joy."

(Tracey says.)

Mew: "And I think this Nurse Joy is actually more tan than the others too."

(Mew says.)

(Suddenly, something rises from the water, and to everyone's shock.)

(the flying object is a giant Magikarp.)

(Seeing that it's falling, everyone moves out of the way and Magikarp lands on the ground.)

Mew: "That was a close one."

(Mew says, relieved.)

Pikachu and Eevee: "Pika/Eev" (I'll say!)

(Pikachu and Eevee reply.)

(Misty sees the Magikarp and says.)

Misty: "It's humongous!"

(The giant Magikarp starts flopping around.)

(as Mew and the others approach it with caution.)

Tomo: "I've never seen a Magikarp this big before!"

(Tomo says.)

Tomo: "Me neither!"

(Tomo says.)

Mew: "It is a lot bigger than the Magikarp I caught before it evolved."

(Mew says.)

(Then turns to the others.)

Mew: "Well, no matter how big it is, all a Magikarp can do is Splash, so we're safe.

Tracey: "This thing is totally unbelievable! Even a really big Magikarp shouldn't be longer than a meter or so!"

(Tracey says.)

(Then uses his special view to measure the giant, Magikarp.)

Tracey: "This one's over three meters, that's almost ten feet long!"

Tomo: "That's giant!"

(Tomo says, amazed.)

Misty: "It's gonna run out of air if it doesn't get back in the water."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "You're right, Misty. We should help it. Plus, it seems upset about something."

(Mew says.)

(The group looks to see that the Magikarp is still jumping.)


Mew: "But, we can't get near it if it keeps flopping around!"

(Mew says.)

Tracey: "What are we gonna do?"

(Tracey asks.)

(Suddenly, someone says.)

???: "You better move away from him."

(Everyone turns to see the Nurse Joy and Chansey from earlier.)

(Having a better look, this Nurse Joy is more taner, muscular, and wears a blue and yellow body suit with sneakers.)

(and wears a medical fanny hat, but is wearing the same hat like the other Nurse Joys.)

Nurse Joy: "It's not safe to get too close when it's in this condition. It's upset because it's running low on calcium."

(Nurse Joy says.)

Tracey: "I knew I was right! It WAS you who passed us after all!"

(Tracey says.)

(Everyone rushes over to meet and greet Nurse Joy.)

(Mew says.)

Mew: "Hello, Nurse Joy."

Tomo: "Hi,"

(Tomo says.)

Misty: "You look a little, buffer, than the usual Nurse Joys."

(Misty says, making Nurse Joy chuckle.)

(Nurse Joy then tends to the Magikarp, and the then picks up the giant Magikarp, much to everyone's surprise.)

(Nurse Joy pets it and asks.)

Nurse Joy: "Well, now, how are you feeling today?"

Mew: "Look how she's handling that Magikarp!"

(Mew says, surprised.)

Tomo: "But, it was going wild just a second ago!"

(Tomo says.)

Misty: "She's really good,"

(Misty says.)

Nurse Joy: "I think we've got what you need right here."

(Nurse Joy says to Magikarp.)

(Then turns to Chansey.)

Nurse Joy: "Chansey, calcium tablets."

(Chansey then brings out a bottle of calcium tablets.)

(She then pours them into Magikarp's mouth.)

Nurse Joy: "Thank you. That should make things better."

(Nurse Joy says, and lifts Magikarp over her head.)

(Everyone is at shock to see this.)

Nurse Joy: "Alright."

(Nurse Joy says, and throws Magikarp into the water with a stupendous splash.)

Tracey: "Amazing!"

(Tracey says, surprised.)

(Magikarp resurfaces to thank Nurse Joy and expresses its feelings towards her.)

Nurse Joy: "And I feel the same way about you."

(Nurse Joy says.)

(Magikarp blushes as Nurse Joy blows it a kiss.)

(Then dives down into the water.)

(Nurse Joy calls out.)

Nurse Joy: "Bye bye, now!"

Chansey: "Chansey," (Goodbye.)

(Chansey says.)

(Mew and the others are amazed by Nurse Joy's display.)

Misty: "Nurse Joy must run a Pokemon Center here on this island."

(Misty says.)

(But Tracey says.)

Tracey: "Maybe, but I think she doesn't."

(Tracey heads to Nurse Joy and asks.)

Tracey: "You and Chansey whizzed by us in a kayak before. Do you paddle from island to island and treat Pokemon?"

Nurse Joy: "We sure do,"

(Nurse Joy answers.)

(And explains.)

Nurse Joy: "Lots of the Orange Islands are way too tiny to have their own Pokemon Centers, so my Chansey and I visit the smallest islands. And we both do whatever we can to help as many of the sick and injured Pokemon as we can find."

Tracey: "I KNEW that was it!"

(Tracey says, amazed.)

(Then begins sketching a drawing.)

Tracey: "I wanna make a quick sketch. I'll call this one; Nurse Joy, the Pokémon's Florence Nightingale."

Nurse Joy: "That's sweet. Thank you."

(Nurse Joy says.)

(Then Tracey says.)

Tracey: "Nurse Joy, my name's Tracey and I'm a Pokémon Watcher."

Misty: "My name's Misty. I'm trying to learn everything I can about water Pokemon."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "And I'm Mew. And I'm learning to be a great Pokemon trainer."

(Mew says.)

Tomo: "And I'm Tomo."

(Tomo replies.)

(Suddenly, Tomo's stomach is growling.)

(Misty giggles and says.)

Misty: "Not again!"

(Nurse Joy chuckles and says.)

Nurse Joy: "Sounds to me like Tomo has a healthy appetite. I have a clinic on this island, so why don't you come along and be my guest for lunch?"

Mew: "Of course, thank you."

(Mew says.)

(Later on, Mew and the others are at Nurse Joy's clinic, enjoying lunch.)

(Even the Pokemon are enjoying it.)


(Then Tracey says.)

Tracey: "Hey, guys, after we finish lunch, why don't we help Nurse Joy check up on the Pokemon?"

Misty: "Good idea, Tracey."

(Misty agrees.)

Tomo: "Yeah,"

(Tomo replies.)

Mew: "Yeah, I'd love to see how she takes care of the Pokemon!"

(Mew says.)

(After lunch, Mew and the others watch Nurse Joy giving Lapras a checkup.)

Nurse Joy: "Everything seems to be okay."

(Nurse Joy says.)

(Then turns to her assistant.)

Nurse Joy: "Chansey, some vitamins, please."

(Chansey then brings out a bottle of vitamins.)

(Then Nurse Joy takes and tosses three of them into Lapras' mouth.)

Nurse Joy: "What a nice Lapras,"

(Nurse Joy says, petting.)

(Mew walks to Nurse Joy and asks.)

Mew: "Is Lapras doing okay?"

Nurse Joy: "It's still a little tired out from all the traveling you've been doing, but if you let it rest in its Pokéball today, it should be just fine."

(Nurse Joy says.)

Mew: "Well, that's good news."

(Mew says with a smile.)

(Then Tracey says.)

Tracey: "Nurse Joy, I'd like to thank you for helping us out by helping you out with the Pokemon."

Mew: "So would I,"

(Mew says.)

Misty: "And me, too,"

(Misty says.)

(Then Tomo says.)

Tomo: "Me too."

Nurse Joy: "That's so nice. Why don't we get started, then?"

(Nurse Joy says.)

(Everyone cheers.)

Everyone: "Great!"

(Soon, everyone is near the seashore in their kayaks.)

(Although Mew and Tomo are sharing one.)

(Nurse Joy holds the oars and says.)

Nurse Joy: "Okay, everyone, just follow me! A nice, even pace."

(With that, Nurse Joy begins paddling and her pace is fast so she's way ahead of everyone.)

(Mew turns to Tomo.)

Mew: "Hang on."

(With that, Mew and Tomo paddles as well.)

(And surprisingly, Mew's paddling is faster than the others, but slower than Nurse Joy.)

Misty: "A nice, even pace? Our pace is even, but it's only about a tenth as fast as hers is!"

(Misty says.)

(Tracey tries to paddle faster.)

Tracey: "Speed it up! Or we'll never catch her!"

(Nurse Joy says.)

Nurse Joy: "Stay right behind me!"

(Mew sees that Nurse Joy is getting farther.)

Mew: "We're a mile behind!"

(Then Misty says.)

Misty: "I can't even see her!"

(Everyone cries out.)

Everyone: "HELP!"

(Time has gone by and Nurse Joy tends a Kingler, and the other Pokemon.)

(Everyone then paddles along the ocean blue all over again.)

(After arriving on the next island.)

(Mew and the others help Nurse Joy tend an Onix, which is complicated.)

(Mew, Misty, and Onix's trainer tries to calm Onix down.)

(as Nurse Joy tries to give it a shot.)

(After that, Mew and the others leave the island saying goodbye to Onix and its trainer.)

(Nurse Joy, Mew and her friends continue to paddle across the water on their kayaks.)

(They arrive on another island.)

(Mew has Bulbasaur use Vine Whip to get up to a Mankey to tend it.)

(Then they hit the water again.)

(Time has gone by, and Mew and the others soon find Nurse Joy's kayak.)

Mew: "Well, there's Joy's kayak."

(Mew says.)

Tomo: "But Nurse Joy and Chansey aren't here."

(Tomo says.)

Tracey: "I wonder where she could be."

(Tracey wonders.)

(Then Misty asks.)

Misty: "How could they just disappear?

(Soon, Tracey grows worried.)

Tracey: "Hey, wait! What if something awful..?"

(Then thinks the worst.)

Tracey: "What if a Gyarados overturned her boat and they're down below us right now?!"

Tomo: "What if a Gyarados decides to turn over OUR boats?"

(Tomo says, worried.)

Mew: "Let's not jump to conclusions."

(Mew says.)


Misty: "So then what could have happened?"

(Misty wonders, concerned.)

Mew: "Maybe Nurse Joy has a patient under the water and their kayak drifted away a little,"

(Mew suggests.)

(Just then, a short distance away, Chansey surfaces from the water.)

(Nurse Joy follows.)

Tracey: "Nurse, Joy!"

(Tracey says, relieved.)

(The others paddle to her as Tracey says.)

Tracey: "We thought maybe you and Chansey got attacked by the Gyarados!"

(Nurse Joy swims to them and says.)

Nurse Joy: "Oh, I'm sorry. We should've told you we were going down to treat a sick Shellder."

Tomo: "Cool,"

(Tomo says.)

Nurse Joy: "But the current must've carried us away from our Kayak."

(Joy says.)

(Then turns to Chansey.)

Nurse Joy: "If you would, Chansey, please get the Kayak."

Chansey: "Chansey," (Okay.)

(Chansey says, and swims to the kayak.)

(Curious, Mew asks.)

Mew: "When the Pokemon are underwater, how do you treat them down there?"

Nurse Joy: "Would you like to come down and see how?"

(Nurse Joy asks.)

(The others are eager.)

(With that, they dive under the water in their swimsuits to take a look.)

(They swim under the water to see Nurse Joy is examining a sick Shellder.)

(As Mew and the others watch, a Dewgong watches from behind.)

(Tracey says in thought.)

Tracey: "Wow. This is impressive. Nurse Joy is sure dedicated to helping Pokémon."

Mew: "This is amazing. I've never seen anyone treat sick Pokemon under the water before, up close and personal."

(Mew says in thought.)

(Suddenly, a Dewgong playfully grabs Tomo and begins swimming around with him.)

(Tomo turns in surprise to see the Dewgong and smiles to see it playing.)

(This catches everyone's attention.)

(Just then, Tomo starts to run out of air.)

(Nurse Joy and Mew say in thought.)

Nurse Joy and Mew: "Oh no!"

(Mew and the others return to the clinic where Mew is warming up after his little 'adventure' with the Dewgong.)

Mew: "That was a close call. down there, Tomo,"

(Mew says.)

(Then comforts him.)

Mew: "Are you okay, Tomo?"

Tomo: "I'm okay, a little surprised, though,"

(Tomo says.)

(Then Nurse Joy says.)

Nurse Joy: "It was my fault, I should've prepared you for it. That Dewgong was only playing with you. It loves swimming with humans and I apologize for not warning you. I hope you can forgive me."

Tomo: "Sure,"

(Tomo says with a nod.)

(Then Misty says.)

Misty: "One person taking care of so many Pokémon is hard enough, but you even have to paddle from island to island.

Mew: "That's right. Your job sure isn't eas."

(Mew says.)

(Then Tracey asks.)

Tracey: "Wouldn't it be easier to work in a Pokémon Center like the other Nurse Joys?"

Nurse: "I guess it might,"

(Nurse Joy says.)

(When her mind flashes back.)



(Back when Nurse Joy was a little girl.)

(she found a tiny Magikarp flopping around on the beach.)

(Nurse Joy explains.)

Nurse Joy: "When I was a little girl, I found a Magikarp that was hurt, so I brought it home and took care of it."

(Little Nurse Joy picks up the Magikarp and takes her home.)

(She tends it and takes care of it as it heals in a fish tank.)

(Little Joy smiles, and the little Magikarp blushes.)

(After time has passed, Magikarp is healed and so, Nurse Joy lets it go back to the sea.)

(Magikarp waves goodbye.)

(Little Joy waves goodbye and says.)

Little Joy: "Bye-bye, Magikarp! I love you!"



(Several years later, young Nurse Joy is sitting on a boat.)

(in the middle of the ocean with some of her Nurse Joy relatives.)

(Little Nurse Joy is observing the fishes and she accidentally falls in, getting the others' attention.)

(Just then, little Joy resurfaces on the back of a larger Magikarp.)

(Nurse Joy explains.)

Nurse Joy: "The Magikarp that saved me was the same one I helped."

[Flashback Ends...]


(Then Nurse Joy explains.)

Nurse Joy: "That's when I decided to dedicate my life to Pokemon. Especially Pokemon who don't have trainers to love and care for them."

Misty: "Was the Magikarp we saw today the same one that you found?"

(Misty asks.)

Nurse Joy: "That's right, and we've been good friends ever since that day."

(Nurse Joy answers.)

(Everyone is amazed to hear Nurse Joy's story.)

Misty: "That's a great story, Nurse Joy."

(Misty says.)

Tracey: "You know what? That proves people and Pokemon can be friends for their whole lives,"

(Tracey says.)

(Nurse Joy chuckles and says.)

Nurse Joy: "You're so right."

(Later, outside the clinic.)

(Nurse Joy and Chansey are going on another assignment, and the winds begin to change.)

(Concerned, Tracey asks.)

Tracey: "Nurse Joy, you're not going back out again, are you?"

Nurse Joy: "I've got to make one more stop before I finish my rounds today."

(Nurse Joy says.)

Tomo: "Sorry, Nurse Joy. I guess I must've thrown you off your schedule." Tomo says.

Nurse Joy: "Oh, it happens all the time. When you're dealing with Pokémon, you have to expect the unexpected."

(Nurse Joy says.)

Tracey: "But at this time of year, you know what these kinds of winds can mean! You've been in the Orange Islands long enough to know when it blows like this, a hurricane's on its way!"

(Tracey says.)

Misty: "A hurricane?!"

(Misty says, worried.)

Tracey: "It's just too risky to go out there again!"

(Tracey says.)

Nurse Joy: "I know how dangerous it can get, Tracey, but there's a group of baby Seel out there who aren't doing too well, and they're counting on me to help them. I'll be back in just a little while."

(Nurse Joy says.)

(Nurse Joy and Chansey simply walk away.)

(Tracey calls out.)

Tracey: "Nurse Joy, please! Please, just wait until the storm passes!"

(However, Nurse Joy and Chansey are already paddling out to sea, leaving Mew and the others behind.)

Tomo: "There she goes,"

(Tomo says.)

Misty: "Maybe she'll be okay,"

(Misty says, worried.)

Mew: "I know Nurse Joy will be okay, but… the winds do look risky to be out right now."

(Mew says.)

(Tracey then grabs his kayak oar, and is ready to go after Nurse Joy and Chansey.)

Mew: "Tracey, don't you get any ideas about chasing after Nurse Joy!"

(Mew says, concerned.)

Misty: "It's too dangerous!"

(Misty says.)

(But Tracey says.)

Tracey: "Look at that sky."

(The group looks up at the clouds to see dark clouds are rolling in.)

(Then Tracey says.)

Tracey: "And look at that sea."

(Then look to see the waves are getting rough.)

Tracey: "If I let Nurse Joy go out there alone, I'd never forgive myself."

(Tracey says, and walks to his kayak.)

Misty: "There he goes,"

(Misty says.)

(Then Mew says.)

Mew: "Come on! We're going, too!"

Misty: "I knew she'd say that,"

(Misty says.)

(Later, out at sea, Nurse Joy and Chansey rowing in the storm.)

(Suddenly, she hears a familiar voice.)

???: "AHOY!"

(Nurse Joy turns back to see Mew and the others following her.)

Tracey: "Hey! Nurse, Joy!"

(Tracey calls out.)

(Nurse Joy is shocked.)

Nurse Joy: "What are you doing?!"

(Soon, a big wave comes in from behind Mew and the others.)

(and sends them flying and landing in the rough water.)

(Soon, everyone resurfaces.)

(Nurse Joy calls out.)

Nurse Joy: "Are you all okay?!"

Mew: "Yeah!"

(Mew calls out.)

Misty: "I think so!"

(Misty says.)

(Nurse Joy then calls out to the others.)

Nurse Joy: "Let out all your water Pokémon, quick! There's a little island nearby! Have them all follow me and I'll paddle there!"

Mew: "Okay!"

(Mew says, and brings out two of her Pokeballs.)

(She then calls out.)

Mew: "I choose you, Squirtle! Wartortle!"

(With that, both of her turtle Pokemon come out of their Pokeballs.)

(Then Tracey calls out.)

Tracey: "Go, Marill!"

(Marill materializes out of the Pokeball.)

(Then Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Staryu, go!"

(Staryu then comes out of its Pokeball.)

(Psyduck materializes soon after.)

(Squritle and Wartortle help Tomo and Mew along with Pikachu and Eevee stay afloat.)

Mew: "Thanks, Squirtle. You too, Wartortle,"

(Mew says to her Pokemon.)

Tracey: "Marill, I'm counting on you,"

(Tracey says.)

(Psyduck begins to swim a little, but struggles to swim through the storm.)

(Misty shrugs her shoulders and helps Psyduck to Staryu.)

Misty: "Why did you come out of your Pokeball? You're still learning how to swim."

(Misty questions.)

(Psyduck shrugs his shoulders and answers.)

Psyduck: "Psyduck." (Want to learn to swim.)


(Soon enough, the hurricane has passed.)

(and everyone is on an island Nurse Joy mentions.)

(Mew and the others feel that they end up causing Nurse Joy some trouble.)

Mew: "Well, I guess we caused more trouble than the storm."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Yeah, and instead of us saving Nurse Joy, she was the one who helped save us."

(Misty says.)

(Tracey turns to Nurse Joy and says.)

Tracey: "I apologize, Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy: "That's alright. You were only trying to help me. Why don't we all take a little rest, and then we can visit those baby Seel?"

(Nurse Joy replies.)

(Everyone agrees with the idea.)

(However, out in the ocean near the island.)

(a periscope pops spots Mew and her friends.)

(The periscope belongs to Team Rocket's submarine.)

(Of course, Team Rocket decides to follow them again.)

(Seeing them, Jessie chuckles.)

Jessie: "There's our Pikachu. Maybe we should launch a direct assault and grab it."

Meowth: "Ain't that chancey?"

(Meowth asks.)

Jessie: "Yes, that's Chansey! We'll grab that one, too! Along with Eevee, of course,"

(Jessie says.)

Meowth: "Well, whatever plan we use, this time, I know we're gonna win!"

(Meowth says with a smile.)

James: "You seem awfully confident today,"

(James replies with a deadpan expression.)

Meowth: "No way we can lose! Not with the secret weapon I've come up with this time, Jimmy."

(Meowth says, and brings out a controller.)

(He then presses the button.)

(and launches a Magikarp shaped projectile to the surface and towards Mew and her friends.)

(Soon, Mew and the others notice it.)

Tracey: "What is that?!"

(Tracey asks.)

Mew: "Let's get out of here!"

(Mew says.)

(But before they can leave, the head of the projectile pops off and releases a net, trapping everyone.)

Tracey: "Oh no! Are you all okay?"

(Tracey asks, looking around.)

Mew: "Yeah, but we're totally trapped, and I bet I know who trapped us."

(Mew says.)

(Right on cute, Team Rocket's Magikarp submarine surfaces as they laugh in triumph.)

(Confused, Nurse Joy says.)

Nurse Joy: "Magikarp?!"

Misty: "That's not a real Magikarp! That's Team Rocket's submarine!"

(Misty says.)

Nurse Joy: "Who's Team Rocket?"

(Nurse Joy asks.)

Mew: "They're a bunch of crooks who steal everyone's Pokemon."

(Mew says.)

(Soon, the hatch opens and Team Rocket comes out to say their motto.)

Jessie: Prepare for trouble, ahoy!

James: Make it double, Nurse Joy!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all people within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light, light, light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight, fight, fight!

Meowth: Meowth, dat's right!

(Then says with pride.)

Meowth: "Well, it looks like we got ourselves a net gain of three Pokémon."

Jessie and James: "Lucky us!"

(Jessie and James happily say.)

(Annoyed, Mew demands.)

Mew: "Why can't you leave us alone?!"

Jessie: "As long as you have that Pikachu.."

(Jessie says.)

James: "We three, to you, will stick like glue!"

(James says.)

Meowth: "Poecy!"

(Meowth replies.)

(In her thoughts, Nurse Joy says in concern.)

Nurse Joy: "What am I gonna do? The sick baby Seel are waiting for me. I have to get out of here somehow. If I don't, who knows what will happen?"

(She struggles to get out of the net, but it won't break.)

(Nurse Joy soon thinks of the poor Seel who are sick.)

Nurse Joy: "Those poor Seel. Please. Please let something happen to save them."

(and begins to shed tears.)

(Just then, a giant figure swims up towards Team Rocket's submarine and smacks it.)

(This catches Team Rocket and the others by surprise.)

Jessie: "What was that impact?"

(Jessie asks, surprised.)

James: "Did we hit something?"

(James wonders.)

(But Meowth says.)

Meowth: "No way! We weren't moving!"

(Just then, the giant Magikarp leaps from the water and towards Team Rocket.)

(Team Rocket are shocked.)

(Jessie exclaims.)

Jessie: "What's that?!"

Meowth: "A mammoth Magikarp!"

(Meowth screams in fright.)

(Mew and the others are very surprised to see it.)

(Nurse Joy calls out.)

Nurse Joy: "Magikarp!"

Tracey: "How did it know to come here?"

(Tracey wonders.)

(Team Rocket quickly regains themselves.)

Jessie: "Let's get rid of it!"

(Jessie says.)

James: "We'll rip this water type weakling!"

(James says.)

(Then Giant Magikarp rams into their submarine again.)

(then ram at the submarine again.)

(Just then, Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Hey! What am I worried about? No way, our metal Magikarp can lose this match!"

(However, Giant Magikarp continues to ram at them.)

(not giving up, but it's also getting badly battered in the process and is going to get hurt.)

Tomo: "It's no good,"

(Tomo says.)

Misty: "That Magikarp's not strong enough to beat Team Rocket!"

(Misty says.)


(Magikarp continues to tackle the submarine.)

(Magikarp then uses Tackle, but hits its head and crashes into the water.)

(He desperately gets up and says.)

Magikarp: "Kaarrp, Magikarp!" (Let my friends go!)

(Nurse Joy becomes scared and teary eyed.)

(She then cries out.)

Nurse Joy: "It's no use… Magikarp!"

(Seeing Nurse Joy shed tears, Magikarp becomes more determined to save her.)

(Soon, Magikarp begins to glow.)

Jessie: "What's happening?!"

(Jessie asks, shocked.)

(The bright blinding light begins to change its shape, and reveal a giant Gyarados before them.)

Nurse Joy: "It's Gyarados!"

(Nurse Joy says, surprised.)

Tracey: "It evolved right in front of us!

Tomo: "And it's a big one."

(Tomo says.)

Misty: "It's as big as Mew's, maybe bigger."

(Misty says, surprised.)

(And with that, Gyarados gives Team Rocket a hard smack with its tail.)

(sending the submarine and Team Rocket flying.)

(Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Our timing was way, way off!"

James: "We got involved when it evolved,"

(James says.)

(Team Rocket screams.)

Team Rocket: "Now we're blasting off again!"

(Soon, Team Rocket flies far across the sea.)

Mew: "There they go,"

(Mew says.)

Tracey: "Great job, Gyarados,"

(Tracey says.)

Tomo: "And pretty far,"

(Tomo says.)

(Soon, the group notices Gyarados turns to them, and begins to worry.)

Tomo: "It, doesn't look too friendly."

(Tomo says.)

Misty: "I think we were a lot safer with Team Rocket."

(Misty says, worriedly.)

(Soon, Gyarados charges towards Mew and the others.)

(causing them to freak out as they prepare for the possible attack.)

(However, Gyarados nuzzles Nurse Joy instead, making everyone fall to the ground in disbelief.)

(Then Gyarados removes the net off of New and her friends.)

Tomo: "It didn't attack us,"

(Tomo says, a little surprised.)

Mew: "Well what do you know, even when it evolved, Gyarados is still as friendly as ever."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "You're right, It evolved into Gyarados, but it's still got Magikarp's personality,"

(Misty says.)

(Nurse Joy strokes Gyarados and says.)

Nurse Joy: "Thank you. Thank you so much, my old friend."


(Later on, Mew and the others arrive at the island where the baby Seel are.)

(Nurse Joy gives one of the baby Seel some medicine to make it feel better.)

Nurse Joy: "That wasn't so bad. You'll be fine now,"

(Nurse Joy says.)

(Then place the baby Seel down.)

(Soon, all the Seel are feeling better now and thank Nurse Joy for the help.)

(Later on, Nurse Joy spends some time with Gyarados.)

Nurse Joy: "Looks like those calcium tablets and that tussle with Team Rocket were just what you needed."

(Nurse Joy says, petting Gyarados.)

Mew: "Nurse Joy and Gyarados, really do get along together, don't they?"

(Mew says.)

Tomo: "They're like best friends,"

(Tomo says happily.)

Misty: "They're just picture perfect."

(Misty says.)

Tracey: "Well, if we all just treated our Pokémon and each other with the same kind of care and love and respect we deserve, the world would be picture perfect,"

(Tracey says, and looks at his sketch of Nurse Joy and Gyarados.)

(Nurse Joy turns to Mew and says.)

Nurse Joy: "I almost forgot! You mentioned that you train to be a great Pokemon trainer, didn't you, Mew?

Mew: "You bet I do,"

(Mew says with a nod.)

Nurse Joy: "Then you should make a stop over at Navel Island. There's an Orange League gym there where you might be able to win a badge."

(Nurse Joy says.)

Mew: "Navel Island,"

(Mew replies.)

(Then happily says to her Pokemon.)

Mew: "Okay, that's where we'll go!"

Pikachu: "Pi Pikachu!" (And we're ready!)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eev Eevee!" (Yeah, let's go!)

(Eevee says.)

(And so Mew and her friends say goodbye.)

(to Nurse Joy and are now making their way to Navel Island.)

(for Mew's next gym battle to earn a badge.)

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magnemite. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Baby Lapras (Male). Drowzee (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolan Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female). Muk (Male). Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. 2 Pokemon Egg. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale

Badges: Coral-Eye Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male). Surskit (Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Combee (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). . Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Shiny Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Shiny Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.

Tracey Files

Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female).