Chapter 65: Ariados Amigos

As Mew and her friends continue on their Pokemon Journey through Johto, they stop by a beautiful mountain lake for a lunch break. Tomo, Meloetta, Skwovet wash up with Jen, Amaura, and Molly, Pikachu and Eevee, Brock and Mew and cook some lunch. Soon, the group returns after washing up.

"That water's cool," Jen says.

"Amura," (Sure is!)

Tomo looks around, "Hey, where's Misty?"

"She went for a little walk with Togepi and Pichu," Brock answers.

Speaking of Misty, she is picking flowers with Pichu.

"Let's see," Misty says, and puts the flower she picks in her hair, "How do I look?"

Togepi and Pichu happily answer. Then Togepi walks away.

"Togepi, we have to get back soon," Misty says.

And soon, Togepi trips.

"Togepi!" Misty rushes over, "Did you hurt yourself?"

Misty and Pichu then spot what Togepi sees and worries about her.

"I have a feeling that there's something in that bush," Misty says, worried and frightened by the unknown.

Soon, she lets out a scream, catching everyone's attention.

"Was that Misty?" Mew asks.

"I think so," Brock says.

Everyone rushes over to Misty.

"Misty! What's the matter?!" Tomo asks

"What's wrong, Misty?" Jen asks.

"Something's, in there," Misty nervously says, and looks at the bush.

The group walks over to investigate.

"I only see flowers," Molly says.

"There are leaves and stems, too," Tomo says.

But Misty says, "Not those! I'm talking about underneath."

"Underneath?/Pika?/ Eevee?" (Underneath?) Mew and her Pokemon reply.

They soon part the bushes to reveal a rather large Bug Pokemon. Seeing the sight of the bug shocked everyone to see the size of it. But they all soon calm down.

Having a closer look, they see that it's a Pokemon. A red arachnid Pokémon that resembles a spider. It has purple eyes, a pair of white mandibles, and a white horn on its forehead. Around its abdomen are two black stripes and there are two black spots and a yellow spinneret on its rear. The spots and spinneret together form a pattern similar to a face. It has four yellow legs with two purple bands each; on its back are yellow structures similar to its legs with a single purple stripe each. Its feet are tipped with tiny hooks that allow it to climb ceilings and vertical walls.

"Hey, it's an Ariados," Mew says.

"It's pretty big," Tomo says.

"You're right. It's big enough for Togepi and Pichu to ride on."

Mew takes out her Pokedex, "Let's see what Dexter knows.

Dexter says, "Ariados, the Long Leg Pokémon. The evolved form of Spinarak. A Bug and Poison Type. Ariados is able to spin extremely strong sticky webs to trap its adversaries."

"My Spinarak will evolve into that?" Misty questions.

"Pretty much," Mew says.

And adds, "I bet those webs could really come in handy,"

"Wonder if there's something wrong with this one. It hasn't moved a muscle since we've been here," Brock says.

"I wonder if it's asleep," Misty says, not scared anymore.

"Maybe," Tomo says.

Suddenly, they hear a familiar voice, "Ariados! We've found you!"

Everyone looks up in surprise as Brock says, "I know that voice!"

A young lady with tied back green hair drops dramatically to the ground with a Venonat alongside. She then stands up to reveal the person to be Aya and her Venonat."

"Hey, it's Aya!" Mew says, happily.

"This is like a miracle!" Brock happily says.

That's right. Their old friend Aya along with her Venonat. They met when Mew and her friends were traveling around Kanto at the Fuschia City Gym.

Brock happily approaches Aya, "I met you back at the Fuschia City gym! Remember me, Aya?"

"Sure, how could I forget you, Brook?" Aya says.

Brock laughs, "Hahahaha, that's close enough! Ahhhh Cupid must have shot his arrows into our hearts just like Ariados shoots its web!"

"...Huh?" Aya says confused

Suddenly, a rustling is heard, along with a voice, "Ariados, begin the test!"

The Ariados wakes up, catching everyone's attention, as Aya leaps back.

"Stun Spore, go!" Aya calls out.

Venonat launches the attack, but Araiados dodges in time before shooting a web line at a tree branch to swing away.

"It's getting away! Come on!" Aya says.

Then she and Venonat run off.

Brock calls out, "Aya! Aya, don't leave me!" and rushes after off

"Brock, wait up! I'm going too!" Mew says as she, Pikachu, and Eevee follow.

"Hey! Don't forget us!" Misty says.

Then she and the others follow after them

Deeper in the forest, Aya and Venonat try to keep up with Ariados.

Aya calls out the next attack, "Use Poison Sting!"

Venonat launches the attack, and manages to cut one of Ariados' webs, forcing it to the ground

"Hurry, Venonat! Use your Tackle!" Aya calls out.

Venonat charges in.

"We've got you!" Someone speaks up.

And then, Ariados gets back up. Right then and there, Venonat runs right into a web.

"Venonat! Aya cries out.

That's when Mew and the others arrive.

"Somebody must've thrown a net over Venonat," Tomo says.

"That's no net, it's Ariados' web," Mew says.

"Mew's right," Brock says, "That's a web that Ariados spun as a trap to catch Venonat and it worked!"

Aya runs up to her partner, "Venonat, are you alright?"

Venonat confirms that she's okay.

Suddenly, someone says, "Learn this lesson. Letting your guard down for even a moment can lead to defeat.

"Quit hiding! Who are you?!" Mew calls out.

Soon, the source of the voice leaps out from the trees and lands next to Ariados. The man in front of them is a middle aged man with gray hair in a ponytail and wearing a blue ninja outfit.

"Who are you and why are you attacking Aya?" Mew demands.

But Aya says, "It's alright, Mew. This is my tutor."

A Pokémon tutor?" Mew says, confused.

Then the man says, "I see you have much to learn, Aya. Much."

"Yes. I must learn the ancient skills of Pokémon Jujitsu," Aya says.

Confused, Tomo asks, "What's Pokemon Jujitsu?"

Soon, the ninja named Tokichi, Aya, and their Pokemon take the group to the dojo.

"Wow! There's gotta be fifty different Pokémon here!" Tomo says, amazed.

"More than that, my friends," Tokichi says, "Many young trainers and their Pokémon come here to my academy to study the principles of Pokémon Jujitsu. For example, Ariados' Spider Web, Venonat's Stun Spore as well as Scyther's Double Team and Pineco's Spikes are all attacks in the Jujitsu tradition that my students come to learn about."

"This place is like a Pokémon attack hall of fame!" Brock says.

And Misty says, "So Aya must've come here to be a better trainer by learning Pokemon Jujitsu."

Tokichi nods, "I have become her personal tutor and work closely with her every day."

Just then, Aya says, "Excuse me, teacher. I've prepared some tea."

Then Brock says, "Aya, I've just got the best idea ever! I'm going to enroll here so you can be my personal tutor!"

"Your tutor?!" Aya says, confused.

Then Brock calls out, "Pineco, I choose you!" and Pineco comes out.

"Allow me to introduce Pineco," Brock says, "We make a great team, but if you tutor us, Aya, We'll make an even better one!"

Soon, Pineco begins to use Self-Destruct.

Brock panics, "No! Please! Not now! Pineco!"

But Pineco Self-Destructs anyway.

Then Aya says, "He may be wrong about the tutoring thing, but Brock has the right idea. What do you think, Pikachu? Maybe we'd be better battlers if we studied some of this Pokémon Jujitsu."

Pikachu and Eevee reply to the idea.

Then Aya has an idea, "I have an idea, Mew. Why don't you and your friends take some classes here, with us?"

"Would we have to pay?" Misty, Tomo, and Jen asks.

Aya answers, "Sometimes, the teacher makes exceptions. What do you think? Can they stay?"

Tokichi nods his head, "They may all have one day of classes for free. And Benjamin may teach Ninjutsu here."

"Oh, boy! Did you hear that?!" Mew happily says.

"Pika!" (Sure did!) Pikachu says.

"Eevee Eevee!" (Yeah! I want to do it too!) Eevee says.

Soon, Mew and the others are dressed up in the training gear of the dojo. Mew and Tomo are wearing red. Brock and Jen are wearing yellow, and Misty and Molly are wearing blue.

"I already feel like a better trainer with this one!" Mew says.

"Me too," Tomo says.

"This is gonna be great!" Brock says.

"I agree," Jen says.

"It feels funny to be wearing long pants!" Misty says as Molly giggles.

Then Tokichi says, "The colors indicate the kind of classes you'll attend."

And Aya says, "Students in red uniforms study battle techniques, yellows go to the technical class where they try to make attacks more effective, and blue students report to the beauty center to learn the secrets of health and nutrition."

But Misty says, "I don't want to learn about health and nutrition, I want to learn about attacks and battling."

We only give this special course once a year, but I suppose we could put you in one of the fighting courses if you like," Tokichi says.

"You only give it once a year?" Misty asks.

"Pokémon trainers come from all over the world to learn the secret Pokémon beauty treatments," Aya says.

And Tokichi says, "The treatments help trainers look much healthier by introducing proteins to the skin. Not only that, they make you look like a movie star."

"You mean, I could look like a movie star? Who wants to go to some silly old battle class?" Misty asks in amazement.

And cheers, "Yay! Yay! It's beauty time! Yay! I have a feeling the secret treatment is gonna be a dream come true."

Soon, the class gets started and both Misty and Molly find themselves staring at a Spinarak right in their faces. In Misty's case, she is using her Spinarak.

Confused, Misty replies, "Huh?"

"They're so cute," Molly says.

Then the Sensei says, "You are among the fortunate few who experience the wondrous effects of the Spinarak beauty bath."

"Remember to stay still, Molly," Misty says.

"Okay," Molly replies.

Then the Sensei says, "Spinarak, begin!

Then the Spinarak soon shoot their webs around the heads of the students, including Misty and Molly's heads.

"This Spinarak web mask will leave your skin smooth and silky, if you can ever get it off," The Sensei says.

Molly giggles, "We look funny."

"This is not how I picture this to be," Misty muffles under the web.

Meanwhile, over at Brock's class…

"The purpose of today's training drill is to improve the speed and tactical control of your Pokémon attacks," The sensei says, "Now who wants to try the drill first?"

Brock volunteers, "Me! Pineco and I are ready to go!"

Brock and Pineco charge forward.

Brock calls out, "Spike attack right, Pineco!"

Pineco launches the attack and hits the target balloon.

Then Brock says, "Spike attack left, Pineco!"

Pineco repeats the same attack at the balloons. The other students are amazed.

"Yay Brock!" Jen cheers

Even the sensei is impressed, "Amazing work. The two of you were in sync from the start. You've trained your Pineco very well."

"Thank you, sir. I try. And Pineco is an excellent teammate," Brock says.

Pineco suddenly starts to Self- Destruct again.

"Please, don't, Pineco!" Brock begs, but too late, Pineco self-destructs.

Meanwhile, over at Ash, Aya, and Tomo's class…

"Now we'll have a battle between Mickey's Hypno and Ralph's Houndour!" The sensei says.

Hypno charges in with a Headbutt, but Houndour dodges easily and charges in.

The trainer Mickey calls out, "Hypno, use Hypnosis!"

Hypno launches the attack, causing Houndour to stop.

Ralph calls out, "Smog attack, Houndour!"

Houndour blinds Hypno.

And Ralph calls out, "Now, use your Feint attack, Houndour!"

Houndour charges.

"It's attacking from your left, Houndour!" Mickey calls out.

Hypno looks to its left, but Houndour disappears like a ninja before appearing on the right and attacking with a Flamethrower, knocking Hypno out.

"Hypno!" Mickey cries out.

Tokichi announces, "Match over! Houndour wins! Ready, Mew? Aya?"

"Ready!" Mew and Aya say.

Soon, both trainers take their places. Mew chooses Bulbasaur while Aya battles with Venonat.

"I should warn you, Ash. I'm tougher than I was last time.

"Venonat!" (As am I!) Venonat says.

"Well, I'm tougher, too, Aya, and so is Bulbasaur!" Mew says.

"Bulba!" (He's right!) bulbasaur replies.

Tokichi announces, "Begin!"

"Venonat, let's go!" Aya calls out.

Venonat charges.

Mew calls out, "Start with your Vine Whip, Bulbasaur!"

Bulbasaur extends the Vine Whip.

Aya calls out, "Venonat, get out of its way!"

Venonat leaps, but gets tripped by one of the vines.

"Great!" Mew says, and calls out, "Now hit it with a Leech Seed, Bulbasaur!"

Bulbasaur launches the Leech Seed, and it sprouts around Venonat, and saps its energy.

"That was a good combination!" Aya complements.

Then calls out, "Venonat, Supersonic attack!"

Venonat leaps, gets the seed vines off it, and launches the attack, making Bulbasaur confused.

Bulbasaur, hang in there!" Mew calls out.

Then Aya calls out, "Venonat, finish it off with your Tackle!"

Venonat charges in.

Mew calls out, "Bulbasaur, jump and get out of the way!"

Bulbasaur manages to use the vines to do so, just in time.

"Oh no!" Aya calls out.

Bulbasaur proceeds to grab Venonat with its vines.

Okay, Bulbasaur, you know what to do!" Mew says.

Bulbsaur then slams Venonat down hard, shocking Aya.

"Bye-bye!" Mew calls out.

"The match goes, to Mew and Bulbasaur!" Tokochi says.

"Alright Mew!" Tomo cheers.

Even the Pokemon happily cheers.

Aya rushes to her Pokemon, "Venonat, are you okay? You've earned yourself a nice long rest." As Mew and the others rush over.

Aya then says, "Well, Mew, you win again. Your technique's even better than the last time you beat me."

"Well, thanks, that's real nice of you to say Aya, but I think luck had a lot to do with it. You and Venonat are tough," Mew says.

"I'm not gonna argue with that," Aya replies.

Then the trainers chuckle with smiles.

However, little do they know that Team Rocket is watching from afar.

"Dere's our pal, Pikachu and Eevee!" Meowth says.

And James says, "Yes and a Bulbasaur, a Venonat, a Houndour, a Hypno, a Gloom and a Spinarak, too!"

Jessie grows excited, "Oooh if we can steal that whole pack of Pokémon we could sell them to collectors and make a bundle!"

"WOBBBB-BUH!" (Good idea!) Wobbuffet says.

"Bundle, not bungle! Go away!" Meowth says and pushes Wobbuffet down.

Then Jessie says, "Come on! Let's make those Pokémon disappear!"

"Aye! The boys reply.

Even Wobbuffet, "Wobbuffet!" (Aye, captain!)

Later in the night, Misty grumbles about her day on her bunk next to Molly, "That treatment made me look like a movie star all right. The star of a horror movie!"

"I think we look funny," Misty says.

"Glad you think so," Misty says.

Brock lies in his bed, "At least you didn't get your face blown up."

"I had a good time," Jen says.

"Me too. Mew and Bulbasaur were great with their battle against Aya and Venonat.

Suddenly, Pikachu calls out, "Pika-Pi!" (Mew!)

"Huh?" Mew questions and turns her head, "What is it, Pikachu?"

Pika Pika." (Look outside.) Pikachu says.

Outside, Aya and Venonat are seen and heard training

"One, two! One, two! Aya counts multiple times.

Then comes to a stop, "Okay. Let's take a little break."

Venonat agrees.

"You're doing very well! You're much faster than you used to be!" Aya says.

"Venonat." (Thank you, Aya!) Aya says.

"So THAT'S it," Mew speaks up.

Aya looks to see Mew, Eevee, and Pikachu coming their way.

"There aren't too many trainers I know who practice day and night," Mew says.

"Mew!" Aya replies.

Mew smiles, "No wonder you and Venonat have gotten so good."

Pikachu and Eevee agree.

And Aya says, "There's still so much to learn, but we study and train as hard as we can to reach our goal, to learn all we can, about Pokémon Jujitsu."

"If you keep doing what you're doing, I know you will," Mew says.

"I hope you're right, Mew," Aya says.

Just then, Venonat soon senses something and runs off

"Pika?" (What's wrong?) Pikachu asks.

"Eevee?" (What's up?) Eevee asks.

"Hey, what's up with Venonat?" Mew asks.

"It senses something! Come on, let's see!" Aya says.

They soon stop at the dorm entrance.

"Venonat, what is it?" Aya asks.

Soon, they hear voices shouting up in the rooms, "They're gone…! My Pokéballs are gone…! Yeah, so are mine…! Mine are gone, too…!"

Somebody's a thief!" Mew says.

"Pika!" (Sure are!) Pikachu says.

Venonat soon senses something else and dashes after it.

"Wait up!" Mew calls out.

Mew, Pikachu, Eevee, and Aya follow.

Soon, the others call out, "Mew!"

Everyone else soon runs alongside.

Guys!" Mew says.

Tokichi soon runs past, "There are Pokémon thieves in the compound! They must be caught!

Soon, everyone sees fireworks go off.

"What's going on?" Tokichi questions.

And with that, the Team Rocket motto begins.


Prepare for trouble.

Jessie emerges from the rooftop dressed in a blue tuxedo, orange bowtie, Dame Edna style glasses and a top hat.


And make it double!

James is similarly decked out in a red tuxedo, large bowtie and Dame Edna glasses


To protect the world from devastation.


To unite all peoples within our nation.


To denounce the evils of truth and love.


To extend our reach to the stars above.






Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

Jessie removes her top hat to allow Pidgeys to fly out over and over again.


Surrender now, or prepare to fight, fight, fight!

James is seen holding a cane that spontaneously blooms flowers.


Meowth, dat's right!

Meowth is seen wearing his own bow tie and bearing two decks of playing cards.

"What do you want!?" Everyone demands.

Even the Pokemon demand the same question.

"We want to dazzle you with a bit of magic!" James says.

"We're proud purveyors of prestidigitation!" Meowth says.

And Wobbuffet says, "WOBBUFFET! (Stage magic!) revealing to be wearing a glittering golden suit, red bowtie and blue top hat.

"This is my spot, hambone! Disappear!" Meowth angrily shouts.

And Jessie calls Wobbuffet back to his Pokeball.

And Jessie says, "So, without any further ado, Team Rocket proudly presents to you, the mystical marvel of the age! The amazing Pokéball levitation!"

Team Rocket soon rises up on a rope with a net holding several Pokéballs at the end while suspended from the bottom of their balloon."

"That concludes our show for this evening! Thanks for coming, suckers! Jessie adds, and laughs triumphantly.

"Come back here!" Mew calls out.

Just then, a metal arm soon grabs Pikachu.

"Hey!" Mew calls out.

Pikachu and Eevee cry out, "Pika Pi! Eev Eevee!" (Mew!)

Meowth chuckles, "Now, we wouldn't forget about you!"

"Pikachu! Eevee!" Mew cries out/

"This is an outrage! We must stop those three!" Tokichi says.

Then turns to his Pokemon, "Ariados, come with me!"

Ariados agrees.

Tokichi runs and leaps.

"You know what to do!" Tokichi says.

Soon, a kite comes out from behind Tokichi while Ariados proceeds to attach three web lines to the frame of the kite, shocking Mew and the others.

"A kite!" Brock says.

Ariados proceeds to lead Tokichi along.

"He flies!" Misty says, amazed.

Even Aya says, "That's another one of teacher's special techniques we learned."

"Wow! Even the trainers learn their own attacks here!" Brock says.

Then Mew says, "Come on, guys! Let's go follow that balloon!"

Everyone agrees and dashes off.

Up in the sky over the forest…

"Operation: Hocus Pokémon worked like magic!" James says.

"Abracadabra!" Meowth cheers.

But Jessie notices something, "Hey, what's that up there?"

They look and see Tokichi flying towards them.

"A kite... at night?" James questions.

"And dere's somebody on it," Meowth says.

Tokichi calls out, "You won't get away!"

Tokichi pulls out some shuriken and uses them to poke three holes in the balloon, much to Team Rocket's shock.

Meowth shouts, "Hey, pops! What's da big idea!?"

Jessie calls out to her Pokemon, "Poison Sting that thing, Arbok!"

Arbok comes out of the Pokeball and fires the attack, Tokichi tries to dodge but fails, and his kite begins to fall.

"Haha!" Jessie laughs, "Bye-bye, fly guy!"

But Meowth says, "Just when tings wuz looking up, we're goin' down."

"What? Well we've got to do something, fast!" Jessie panics.

James panics, "There's not much we can do!"

"Yeah! 'Cept crash!" Meowth says.

Tokichi soon spots the rope holding the net up and throws more shuriken at it, cutting the rope and dropping the net

"Dere go da Pokéballs!" Meowth panics.

Tokichi manages to grab the net but finds himself losing altitude quickly.

Soon, Aya's voice calls out, "Teacher!"

Tokichi spots Mew and the others, "Aya!"

"Drop the Pokéballs!" Aya calls out.

"Careful! They're heavy!" Tokichi says and drops the Pokeballs.

Brock and Tomo quickly catch them and they both fall.

Misty calls out, "Brock! Tomo!"

"Let's follow," Aya says.

Yeah!" Mew says.

Mew, Aya, and Jen follow Team Rocket and Tokichi

"You won't get away!" Mew shouts.

Tokichi soon crashes, and so does Team Rocket, sending Pikachu and Eevee flying.

"Pikachu! Eevee!" Mew cries out.

The cage of both Pokemon lands in the tree.

Mew rushes over, "Pikachu! Eevee! Are you both alright?!"

Soon, it's revealed that the cage has landed on the tree branch.

"Pika Pi," (Ash!) Pikachu calls out.

Eevee calls out, "Eevee!" (Help us!)

"Don't move, I'll be right there!" Mew says and climbs up the tree.

The others, including Aya, check on Tokichi.

"Move slowly, you might be injured," Aya says.

Just then, Jessie shouts, "Hey!"

"You have some nerve attacking us!" James says.

Then Meowth says, Yeah! Now Team Rocket demands retribulation!"

Jessie calls out, "Arbok, show them why they can't mess with us and get away with it!"

Arbok rises for the attack.

Tokichi looks at his Pokemon, "Ariados is exhausted. It needs time to recover. Aya, you and Venonat must defend us now!"

"What?!" Aya asks, shocked, "But teacher, we're not ready. We have so much to learn!"

"We all have much to learn, but the moment has come and you must take the knowledge you have gained and do the best you can do," Tokichi says.

"Do the best I…" Aya says, but then says, "Yes!"

Aya stands up and says, "Get ready, Venonat!"

Venonat agrees as Arbok charges.

Aya calls out, "Venonat, use Stun Spore!"

Venonat launches the attack.

Jessie calls out, "Quick, Arbok, jump out of the way!"

Arbok does so.

Aya calls out, "Venonat, Poison Sting!"

Then Jessie calls out, "Arbok, use your Poison Sting!

Both attacks fire and collide, but Arbok's proves to be more powerful and Venonat dodges the oncoming stingers.

"They're stronger than we are, what can we do?" Aya questions.

"Remember," Tokichi calls out, "Remember the lessons you learned when you trained with Ariados, Aya."

"When I trained with Ariados?" Aya replies, and remembers the session, "I remember it perfectly!" and she remembers the training she has.

Aya calls out, "Venonat, you must Rest now!"

Everyone is shocked when they hear Aya's command, and Venonat does fall asleep

"Why did Aya tell Venonat to use Rest now?" Misty asks.

"Resting will help Venonat build its energy back up, but, now seems the be a really bad time!" Brock says.

"We ain't resting till we get all those Pokéballs back!" Meowth says.

And James says, "You picked the wrong time to snooze and the right time to lose!"

Jessie calls out, "Arbok, Wrap attack that Venonat!"

Arbok then coils around Venonat.

Brock calls out, "Aya!"

"Venonat's in big trouble, Aya!" Misty cries out.

Tomo calls out, "Do something!"

Don't worry, Arbok!" Jessie says.

And James says, "You've got this all wrapped up, Arbok!"

"Charbok!" (Right!) Arbok replies.

Aya and Venonat bide their time until Venonat regains its strength.

And Aya calls out, "Now, Venonat, use your Stun Spore!"

Venonat launches the attack and hit Arbok right in the face

"Arbok, no!" Jessie cries out.

Arbok falls to the ground, paralyzed.

"She won!" Misty cheers.

"I get it!" Jen says.

"That was her plan all along! "Brock says.

"Yeah. Jessie and Arbok let their guard down and allow Aya and Venonat a chance to attack," Tomo says

James shouts, "Arbok, get up, you wormy weakling!"

You should be able to squash that little bug!" Meowth calls out.

Arbok struggles to get up, but can't.

Aya calls out, "Venonat, use your Tackle!"

Venonat strikes the attack, sending Arbok into Team Rocket

"Nice work, Venonat!" Misty cheers.

"Yay!" Jen and Molly cheers

"That Rest paid off," Brock says.

But then Jessie says, "We can beat her if we battle as a team!"

"Yeah!" James says.

And Meowth says, "We'll show you!

"Show me!" Aya says.

Then Mew calls out, "Aya!"

Everyone soon sees Mew running over with Pikachu and Eevee

"Hurry!" Misty calls out.

"Mew!" Aya calls out.

"I wanna get rid of this team myself, Aya!" Mew says.

Pikachu and Eevee say, (So do we!)

"It's the twerp and her Pikachu and Eevee!" James says.

And Meowth says, "She can't beat us if we attack him together!"

It's now or never!" Jessie says.

The boys shout, "GO!

Mew calls out, "Pikachu! Eevee! Thunderbolt attack!

Both Pokemon launch the attack and electrocuted them. Then sends them flying.

Team Rocket cries out, "We're blasting off again!"

Yeah!" Mew cheers.

Aya kneels to her Pokemon, "You were great, Venonat."

"Resting Venonat paid off," Misty replies.

And Brock says, "Aya knew that if she rested Venonat, Team Rocket would get overconfident. She turned their moment of weakness into their moment of strength!"

And Aya says, "When I thought of our training of Ariados, I remembered how quickly a battle can turn around. And that gave me the courage to take a chance."

"You and your Venonat did admirably. You used the essential principle of our discipline. Turning weakness into strength is the key to Pokemon Jujitsu," Tokichi says.

"Yes. I understand, teacher," Aya replies.

Venonat agrees.

The next morning, our heroes bid farewell to Tokichi and Aya.

"Well, Aya, you were right. We all learned a lot here," Mew says.

"Come back anytime for a refresher course," Aya says.

Tokichi turns to Misty, "And you're welcome to return for another Spinarak face mask, young lady."

Misty sweat drops, "I'm not sure I can face that again."

"Farewell. Not goodbye, for we shall meet again!" Brock says.

"Okay," Aya replies.

Tomo says, "Come on, Brock! We gotta get going!"

See ya!" Misty says.

Everyone says their goodbyes and they continue their journey.

"Good luck on your journey!" Aya says.

Aya knows they take with them some important lessons. Lessons that will serve them well on the road to the Johto League.

Meanwhile, Team Rocket is hanging on to a web over a chasm.

We're just like three little flies," James says.

It's revealed that the web they're hanging on is from an Araiados.

Well we don't have wings, so hold on tight!" Jessie panics.

Meowth asks, "Is dis what dey mean by being on da web?"

"Woobbbuh...! (I guess!) Wobbuffet says

"Meowth said web you blob, not wob!" Jessie shouts.

"Get back in your ball!" James cries.

Suddenly, the web snaps and they fall deep in the abyss.

Team Rocket cries out, "NOT AGAIN!"

"Wobbuffet! ("Help us!") Wobbuffet cries out.

[To Be Continued...]

Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Blastoise (Female). Porygon. Aerodactyl (Male). Pansear (Male). Ledian (Female). Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male). Shiny Eevee (Male). Shiny Feebas (Female). Burmy (Male). Burmy (Female). Lucario (Male). Archen (Female). Fearow (Male). Chatot (Male). Shiny Lapras (Female). Ursaluna (Male). Shiny Hisuian Zorua A.K.A. Zo. (Female). Shiny Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Chikorita (Female). Cyndaquil (Male). Shiny Slowpoke (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Sprigatito (Female). Lugia (Male). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Totodile (Male). Azumarill (Female). Shiny Noctowl (Male). Alakazam (Male). Elgyem (Male). Annihilape (Male). Scatterbug (Female). Sudowoodo (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Paldean Tauros : Combat Breed (Male). Pawmi (Male). Shiny Wynaut (Male).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Lileep (Female). Magneton. Red Sunflora (Female). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Tauros (Male). Shaymin (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Grubbin (Male). Blipbug (Male). Fomantis (Male). Jumpluff (Female). Emolga (Female). Furret (Male). Heracross (Male).Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female).Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male). Muk (Male). Rapidash (Female). Miltank (Female).

Released: Butterfree (Male). Baby Lapras (Male).

Charicific Valley Natural Reserve: Charizard (Male).

Return to Squirtle Squad and Officer Jenny: Squirtle (Male).

Special Item: Rainbow Colored Feather. Moltres Feather. Zapdos Feather. Articuno Feather. Lugia Feather A.K.A Silver Wing.

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Mysterious Brown Crystal with Eevee Tail. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. Alakazite. Pokemon Egg.

Pokeballs: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, 4 Ice Stone, Sun Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale.

Badges: Zephyr Badge. Hive Badge. Plain Badge.

Kurt's House: GS Ball.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male) Masquerain (Female). Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Quagsire (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Vesiquen (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Fomantis (Female). Dewpider (Male). Sizzlipede (Male). Volbeat (Male). Illumise (Female). Red-Striped Form Basculin (Female). Blue-Striped Form Basculin (Male). Wimpod (Male). Wurmple (Female). Budew (Female). Delibird (Male). Eevee (Female). Pancham (Male). Anorith (Male). Swanna (Female). Cramorant (Female) Lapras (Male). White-Striped Basculegion (Female). Solosis (Female). Poliwhirl (Male). Piplup (Female). Voltrob. Spinarak (Female). Larger Sentret (Female). Little Sentret (Male). Mareanie (Female). Wiglett (Male). Shiny Totodile (Female). Vaporeon (Female). Nymble (Male).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female) Starmie. Shellder (Male). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 2 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Sealeo (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Shiny Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male). Caterpie (Female). Joltik (Male). Bulbasar A.K.A Sage (Male). Wooper (Male). Barboach (Male). Shinx (Male). Blitzel (Female). Farigiraf (Female). Rufflet (Male). Bidoof (Male). Clobbopus (Male). Cranidos (Male). Skarmory (Male). Mandibuzz (Female). Wyrdeer (Male). Deoxys (Male). Charmander A.K.A Blaze (Female). Toxel (Male). Galarian Farfetch'd (Male). Fuecoco (Male). Squirtle A.K.S Aqua (Female). Shiny Houndour (Male.). Tyrantrum (Male).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 4 Ice Stones. 2. Leaf Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.

Pokeballs: 1 Fast Ball. 1 Lure Ball.

Jen Files

Pokemon: Amaura (Female). Braviary Hisui Form (Male). Overqwil (Female). Hisuian Zorua (Female). Unova Zoroark (Female). Hisuian Growlithe (Male). Hisuian Voltorb. Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Lucario (Male). Riolu (Male). Cleffa (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Donphan (Male). Hatenna (Female). Sunflora A.K.A Flora (Female). Shiny Hoppip (Female.). Mareep (Female). Salandit (Female). Qwaxly (Male). Wooper (Male). Paldean Wooper (Female). Swinub (Male). Rellor (Male). Aurorus (Female).

Return to Madame Munchmoney: Snubbull (Female).

Items: Ampharosite.

Pokeball: 1 Fast Ball. 1 Lure Ball.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Golbat (Male). Rattata (Male). Hoppip (Female). Weavile (Female). Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Slugma (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Winter A.K.A Alolan Vulpix (Female). Bagon (Male). Sneasler (Female). Pineco (Male). Klawf (Male).

Returned to Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Pokemon at Pewter Gym: Rhyhorn (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Baltoy. Sandile (Male). Dwebble (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male).

Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. 2 Fire Stones. 2 Water Stones. 2 Thunder Stones. Metal Coat. Aggronite. Pokemon Egg.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Molly Profile

Pokemon: 'M' Unown. Teddiursa (Male). Yamper (Female). Pawmo (Male). Tarountula (Female). Aerodactyl (Male). Mamoswine (Male).

Item: Eevee Egg.