Unique Quest For Pork Ribs Boss (Part 2)

After receiving the quest from Father Barry, Pork Rib Boss went straight to Hanjun's cottage.

He knocked on the door for half an hour, but only Snowball responded.

Realizing that Pork Rib Boss meant no harm, Snowball went upstairs to get Hanjun.

So, Pork Rib Boss ended up waiting for half an hour.

But it was fine for him.

Back when he was a soldier, he used to stand for more than half an hour—sometimes even for a whole morning.

Waiting like this was nothing to him.

Since standing at the door was also part of his guard duty, Pork Rib Boss didn't say a word and just quietly stood at the cottage door.

Hanjun raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

Pork Rib Boss, seeing Hanjun come downstairs, said seriously, "Hanjun, Father Barry assigned me to be your guard starting today. Sorry for the interruption."

Hanjun waved his hand, "Let's put that aside for now. Do you know why Father Barry asked you to come?"