Chapter 44: Unwrapping the Bandages

"You said, how much?"

Both of them turned their gaze towards him simultaneously.

As the saying goes, "An army marches on its stomach."

A coup d'état also requires a large sum of money to support it.

The Uchiha clan's current trend is towards an armed uprising. Unless the Uchiha are given the Hokage position now, this will be unstoppable.

Given this, money and supplies have become crucial.

However, the Third Great Ninja War didn't end long ago, and with some instigators causing trouble, the Uchiha clan has just barely recovered.

Their strength is far weaker than before the war.

So when they heard about a million explosive tags, they both shuddered.

Fugaku was even more straightforward and said, "Can the position of Uchiha's Vice Chief be measured by money? Itsuki, you're underestimating us. The Uchiha are a thousand-year-old ninja clan."

Itsuki squinted at him and said, "So, you want more money, right?"

"…Yes!" Fugaku responded decisively, "Two million explosive tags, and I'll push through all opposition and agree to Itachi becoming the Vice Chief."


Itsuki was even more straightforward.

At that moment, Fugaku and Setsuna's minds went blank, with only one thought remaining.

Damn, we asked for too little!

Two million explosive tags!

That's two million!

This is no small amount.

The price of explosive tags varies at different times.

When cheap, you can buy one for two hundred ryo; when expensive, it can go for over a thousand, making many Chunin green with envy.

At the current price in Konoha, one tag costs around three hundred ryo.

Moreover, explosive tags are strategic resources, and while you might buy a few at a weapon shop, once you start buying in large quantities, you won't be able to find any.

They are strictly controlled.

If Fugaku could buy two million explosive tags for ten billion ryo, he would be ecstatic.

In reality, no weapon shop in Konoha would sell so many to the Uchiha.

Who doesn't know you're planning something?

So where did Itsuki get so many?

This would be a huge help to the Uchiha's plans.

"Itsuki, you..."

"Don't tell me you're planning to raise the price at the last minute," Itsuki said with a half-smile. "I really will beat someone up. I'll do it right in front of the Jonin, and as long as I don't kill them, I'll beat them within an inch of their life."

Fugaku fell silent.

After their brief exchange, he had little confidence in facing Itsuki.

At their level, even a short confrontation reveals a lot.

Moreover, winning against Itsuki wouldn't bring him any benefit, but losing would embarrass him in front of the entire clan.


Setsuna cleared his throat and said, "Itachi is just a child. What business does he have being the Vice Chief? As a clan elder, I oppose this."


Itsuki smiled faintly and said, "What's this? You two are teaming up now? Planning to pull a fast one on me?"

Setsuna then said something that almost made Itsuki's jaw drop.

"Everything I do is for the sake of Konoha!"

Fugaku: "..."

Elder Setsuna! Did you take the wrong medicine?

Itsuki was stunned, staring blankly at Setsuna for a long moment before saying, "Elder Setsuna, have you been possessed by Danzo?!"

"I hope I misunderstood what you just said."

Setsuna rubbed his temples in frustration and said, "I just got a bit anxious and suddenly thought of Danzo."

Itsuki burst out laughing and said, "Elder Setsuna, when you get anxious, the first person you think of is Danzo? Wow, he must be really important to you."

"Yes, that's exactly how important he is!" Setsuna said with a cold sneer. "I dream of killing him—damn Danzo!"

"Sigh, for that damn Danzo, I'll add another 500,000 explosive tags. Consider it a tribute to his future grave."

Itsuki looked at the two of them and said, "I'm giving you a 250—aren't you satisfied?"

"Satisfied, satisfied!"

Setsuna's face bloomed into a wide smile.

Fugaku also nodded repeatedly, though his gaze grew even fiercer.

As for "250"... what does that mean?

The ninja world's shinobi have no idea about these things.

"Then it's settled. I'll deliver them to you in batches," Itsuki said as he stood up. "Let Itachi take the position, support him, and let's see if injecting some fresh blood into the clan's leadership brings any change."

"Let's give it a try!"

The two, clearly bought off with explosive tags, didn't seem too hopeful about the outcome.

Itsuki frowned and said, "Chief Fugaku, Itachi is your son, not mine. Of course..."

He cast a sly glance at Mikoto, who was tidying up nearby, and chuckled.

That smile immediately made Fugaku's Sharingan activate, his eyes spinning into the three-tomoe form.

In an unprecedentedly furious voice, he roared, "Fire Style..."


Before Fugaku could finish, Itsuki vanished using the Body Flicker Technique.


Fugaku let out a heavy snort of anger.

Setsuna looked at Fugaku and said slowly, "Are you afraid of him?"

"Uchiha Itsuki is unfathomable!"

Fugaku's expression turned serious. "During our brief fight, I had the feeling that I was completely in his grasp. If he just closed his hand slightly, I would be crushed."

At that moment, Fugaku showed a hint of fear.

For a ninja of his level to constantly feel a sense of intense danger during battle was almost unimaginable.

Setsuna fell silent, finally speaking after a long pause, "This is... astonishing."

He didn't know what else to say.

This was the highest praise he had ever heard from Fugaku.

Yet Itsuki is someone difficult to predict. You never know what he's thinking.

Even Itsuki admitted it—he has a plan.

What is his plan?

Fugaku, however, smiled casually and said, "At least he bears the Uchiha name. Even if we all fail, as long as Itsuki is alive, the Uchiha will not perish."


Fugaku hesitated and said, "What do you think about making Itsuki the Uchiha clan chief?"


Setsuna was so shocked he almost stood up.

"How could you even think that?"

"Never mind!"

Fugaku shook his head with a smile and said, "Forget I said anything."

Setsuna looked at Fugaku with suspicion.

How could he entertain such an idea?

Itsuki? Clan Chief?

Setsuna's face twitched slightly.

It's hard to imagine that scenario!

If this guy became the clan chief, he would drive everyone mad. Even Hiruzen Sarutobi and Danzo Shimura might cry!

Publicly, openly cry!

Wait? When you think about it, maybe it's not such a bad idea after all!


Itsuki didn't return to the crematorium, nor did he go to Kurenai's house.

Instead, he went to a remote corner of the Uchiha clan's territory, a place rarely visited.

There stood a solitary stone house.

Itsuki opened the door and leisurely walked inside. He then pressed a switch on the wall, causing the floor to slowly rise and reveal a large hole.

Itsuki jumped straight in.

It looked like an underground cell, yet it wasn't locked—in fact, the door wasn't even closed.

At the deepest part of the cell, a candle flickered.

In the uncertain light, a graceful figure sat quietly, holding a book in her hand. A small table beside her held a cup of tea.

One person, one table, one tea.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, now this is a vibe!"

Itsuki smiled as he looked at the person and said, "Long time no see. The smell of corpses is strong here. Looks like you've had a lot of visitors lately."


The woman sighed helplessly and said, "You're here. You finally came."

"Yes, I'm here!"

Itsuki adjusted his glasses and smiled. "Today, I will fulfill my wish. The most beautiful back in the ninja world is now mine."

"From today onwards, your body and soul will belong to me!"

With that, he began unwrapping the bandages on his face.

(End of Chapter)