He doesn't love you anymore

On the day of the beginning of winter, Jiangyu City welcomed the first snow of the year.

"Sister, you can't come alone to get an IV. You fell asleep just now. The medicine was finished and the blood was back. Fortunately, my mother saw it and called the nurse for you."

Jian Cheng was lying on the bed in the emergency infusion room of the hospital. She listened to the kind reminder of the little girl in the next bed, and her mind was still groggy.

The little girl was still talking.

"Sister, you still have a few bottles to give. Call your family."

Jian Cheng thanked her before answering her words.


The little girl was stunned and apologized repeatedly. Jian Cheng smiled and said it was okay. She slowly took out her mobile phone from under the pillow and checked the time.

Two o'clock in the morning.It's so late.

She was in the studio all day, ordered takeout in the evening, and went into the darkroom to develop photos after eating. After four hours, there was not a single photo that satisfied her. They were all rubbish. When she was about to collapse, her abdomen was cramped again.

She went back to her room and lay on the bed, thinking that she would be fine after a rest. Not long after, she began to feel nauseous and vomited again. Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore and had to take a taxi to the hospital.

The doctor said it was acute enteritis.

She had already finished two bottles of medicine. She was awake during the first bottle, but couldn't hold on halfway through the second bottle.

Too sleepy.

It's been too long since I had a good sleep.

After the nurse changed the infusion bag, she gave a few more instructions before leaving. She was a good young nurse. Knowing that she had no family members to accompany her, she said she could help her contact a nurse.Jian Cheng stayed in the hospital for three days. On the day of her discharge, Ms. Mei called.

"Tomorrow is your sister's birthday. Don't forget it."

Jian Cheng just walked out of the hospital, "I can't go. I'm sick."

Mei Lan knew her daughter thoroughly and obviously didn't believe it.

"Sick? You are pretending. You didn't get sick earlier or later. Why did you get sick on your sister's birthday?"

The weather was humid, and Jian Cheng's eyes were wet for a moment, but only for a moment, and then she sneered lazily.

"Believe it or not, I won't go anyway. What's the point of going to a birthday? Funerals are more interesting. I'll go when she dies."

"Jian Cheng! How can you be so vicious!" Mei Lan was furious.

"No matter how vicious you are, you gave birth to her. You scold me and scold yourself."

"You still know that you are my child.? Is this your attitude towards your mother?

"Can't you learn from your sister? Your sister is obedient and sensible, and never makes us worry. Your sister..."

"What should I learn from her? Learn from her shamelessness? Learn from her to occupy the magpie's nest? Learn from her to be immoral and full of feces? Learn from her to be a bitch and have a vicious heart?"

"Jian Cheng!"

A taxi stopped on the side of the road, and a passenger was getting off. Jian Cheng walked over.

"Why do you call me when you dislike me so much? Aren't you afraid of being mad to death? Otherwise, let's delete each other."

"Jian Cheng! Speak nicely!"

Similar conversations happen every year, and Mei Lan has long been accustomed to it. After a reprimand and warning, she began to give orders.

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. Yu Feng will come over tomorrow. He saidHe'll pick you up."

Jian Cheng's face turned cold, "Did you call him?"

"Yes, you had a fight, how can I expect you to call? I'm giving you a way out, apologize to him when you see him, and admit your mistake."

Speaking of this, Mei Lan began to educate him again.

"You will get married after the New Year, you don't have to stay in your shabby studio all day, and you don't make much money.

"You have to work harder on Yu Feng, don't quarrel with him every day, you have to change your temper, you have to learn from your sister, your sister has a good temper, your sister..."

A lot of nagging.

It's more annoying than Tang Seng's tight hoop.

Jian Cheng opened the car door and got in, ready to hang up the phone, Mei Lan hurriedly said:"A lot of people will come tomorrow. It's my sister's birthday. How can you, as her younger sister, not come?"

"There are rumors that you two don't get along. If you don't come, your sister will be gossiped about. Give me some face and come."

Jian Cheng told the master an address, then leaned back, "Oh, my appearance fee is very expensive."

Mei Lan was speechless, "Money, money, money! Every time I talk to you, you always negotiate for money. You are obsessed with money!"

After scolding, she held back her anger and asked, "How much do you want!"

Jian Cheng: "Didn't I say I'll give you face? How much is your face worth?"


Jian Cheng went home and cooked porridge. After eating, he went straight to bed and slept. He slept until noon the next day and was woken up by a phone call.

It was from my childhood friend Meng Tang."Honey, my flight is at 3pm, and I'll arrive at 5:30pm, come pick me up."

Jian Cheng stared at the ceiling and calmed down, "Aren't you going on a business trip for a month? It's less than half a month, is it over?"

"No, I'll take half a day off, accompany you for dinner and then come back."

Jian Cheng was stunned for a moment, patted his forehead, and sobered up a little.

By the way, today is Jian Wenxi's birthday. Every year on this day, Meng Tang will accompany her to eat hot pot and drink all night.

"You don't have to go back and forth."

Jian Cheng sat up from the bed, took a sip of the cold tea on the bedside table.

"I'll go back to the old house tonight."

Ms. Mei transferred money to her. At first, she only gave five digits, and she ignored it. Ms. Mei repeatedly tried to get seven digits, and she sent a "thank you money"'Goddess' emoticon.

Ms. Mei was furious and nagging for a long time. She was quite calm. She went over to have a drink for seven figures and upset those people. What a good deal.

"Seven figures? Ha, Aunt Mei is so generous."

Meng Tang's words were full of sarcasm. She really didn't understand Mei Lan. She was biased. She was usually stingy with Jian Cheng, but now she spent a lot of money to save face for an adopted daughter.

She treated her own daughter as a weed and her adopted daughter as a treasure.

Which mother is so stupid?

No, I didn't scold her enough. Except for Jian Cheng, all the people in the Jian family are stupid. It's like their brains are stuck in the door.

Meng Tang was so angry every time she mentioned the stupid people in the Jian family. She changed the subject after a few scoldings.

"How are you and Zhou Yufeng?Are you still in a cold war? "

Jian Cheng took another sip of the cold tea, her hands and feet were cold, "He is also going to the birthday party tonight, Ms. Mei asked him to pick me up."

She didn't say she would reconcile, nor did she say she wouldn't reconcile.

It means the problem this time is very serious.

Meng Tang was silent for a while, but she couldn't help it in the end, "Baby, don't blame me for being nosy, it's not a good thing for you and Zhou Yufeng to keep quarreling like this."

Jian Cheng put the cup back, didn't answer, closed her eyes and calculated the time.

Fight? She did quarrel, she and Zhou Yufeng quarreled more fiercely this time, it seems, the cold war has lasted for two months.

"Zhou Yufeng is no longer the Zhou Yufeng of the past."

Meng Tang wanted to scold her to wake her up.

"He changed his mind, he fell in love with Jiang Yawei, you wake up, he is not clean anymore,Why do you have to hang yourself on this crooked tree of his? "

The truth is really harsh, like the sharpest blade, it can dig a bloody hole in a person's heart.

Jian Cheng felt a pain in her head like a needle.

Indeed, Zhou Yufeng loved her, passionately.

Indeed, Zhou Yufeng doesn't love her now. She has gone from being Zhou Yufeng's rib to a chicken rib that will get stuck in the throat if you eat it. It's tasteless to eat, but you can't throw it away.

Jian Cheng hates this name and is particularly reluctant to mention it, but the fact is that this woman named Jiang Yawei has become Zhou Yufeng's second rib.

Why do you have to hang yourself on Zhou Yufeng?

Of course she is unwilling. After all, she has waited for so many years and is finally waiting for their wedding. After all, she has loved before.Moreover, they were already engaged, and the wedding would be held after the Chinese New Year. There were still more than three months left, and the invitations had been sent out.

Everyone knew that she was getting married. If she gave up now, where would she put her face?

Okay, she was thick-skinned, she could be shameless, but she was still unwilling.

She was unwilling to give up like this, unwilling to let Jiang Yawei, that ungrateful wolf, get away with it.

But what could she do even if she was unwilling?

Zhou Yufeng said that she had turned into a hedgehog, and she was indeed a hedgehog.

Unfortunately, she was no longer a hedgehog soon. Zhou Yufeng had pulled out all the thorns on her body one by one, and the armor was gone, leaving only bloody holes.

When the last thorn on her body was gone, how could she survive?As Ms. Mei said, Jian Cheng received a call from Zhou Yufeng.

"It's your sister's birthday, Aunt Mei asked us to go together, where are you? I'll pick you up."

Jian Cheng had just come out of the shower and was walking towards the cloakroom with her phone, "Didn't you ignore me? So you've reconciled now?"

Zhou Yufeng paused and asked back, "Do you want to reconcile?"

Jian Cheng heard his arrogant and unyielding tone and knew that once this topic was brought up, they would have to quarrel again, and she didn't want to quarrel on the phone.


As night fell, gray clouds hovered in the sky, and the heavy feeling made people breathless.

A black car stopped by the roadside, and Zhou Yufeng was leaning against the car door smoking.

Jian Cheng walked over in high heels, her waist slender, and her clear eyes glanced at the few people at his feet.

"Are you tired of waiting?"

Zhou Yufeng leaned against the car door and waited for her to come over. His eyes fell on her and he replied perfunctorily.


In fact, he was impatient. He had been waiting for almost an hour. If he was five minutes late, he would leave directly.

Zhou Yufeng knew that he had changed. In the past, let alone an hour, he would wait for Jian Cheng even if she was late for one day. He would wait no matter how long it took.

Now, he is impatient with her and can only tolerate one hour.

Many people say that whoever can marry Jian Cheng is blessed.

First of all, Jian Cheng is beautiful, a real beauty.

Zhou Yufeng agrees with this point, because Jian Cheng is indeed beautiful.Bright, just in terms of appearance, she is a vase type that many men like, with a hot body, seductive eyes, white cheeks as soft as water, and charming peach blossom eyes with unique charm.

Even with light makeup, she is bright enough.

For example, at this moment, she is wearing a low-key high-end brand, the style is not ostentatious, others wear it according to the rules, but she wears it in a charming, unique and noble pure desire style.

Her posture is upright, and her manners are like a proud princess.

Such a beautiful woman is definitely face-saving to take out. What's more, Jian Cheng has a good family background, the daughter of a real estate tycoon, a noble lady, and marrying her home will bring both face and money.

This blessing fell on Zhou Yufeng.

Jian Cheng is his fiancée.Unfortunately, he doesn't value money. No matter how good the Jian family's family background is, it can't compare to the Zhou family. He is the young master of the Zhou family, and the last thing he lacks is money. Jian Cheng is marrying into a wealthy family.

As for her face, Jian Cheng is indeed in his aesthetic taste, but if you have a blooming red rose for too long, you will get tired of it one day. Just like eating delicacies from mountains and seas, after a long time, it will become boring.

Their mutual friends advised him.

"Zhou Yufeng, don't do it. In this world, no one loves you more than Jian Cheng. If you make her angry and run away, you will regret it."Jian Cheng loves him, he knows.

He also loved Jian Cheng, at first the love was passionate, but later, the love became dull and boring, with a resentment that he dared not admit.

Now, he fell in love with Jiang Yawei, a woman whose life was like weeds, but she was tenacious and persevering.

His friend advised again.

"Zhou Yufeng, wake up, you have loved Jian Cheng for so many years, it is impossible for you to fall in love with someone else suddenly.

"It must be an illusion, you are just temporarily confused, in fact, you still love Jian Cheng in your heart."

Is it an illusion?I don't know, what does it matter? In his heart, Jiang Yawei is indeed more important than Jian Cheng.


On the way to the old house of the Jian family, Zhou Yufeng mentioned the cold war between the two and repeated the question on the phone.

"Do you want to reconcile?"


Of course I want to reconcile, but——

Jian Cheng turned to look at him, "Sure, as long as you fire Jiang Yawei, I will never quarrel with you again."

Jian Yawei, Zhou Yufeng's secretary.Jiang Yawei, Zhou Yufeng's secretary.

When Jian Cheng found out that Zhou Yufeng had something special to say about Jiang Yawei, she asked Zhou Yufeng to fire her.

Zhou Yufeng refused, saying that Jiang Yawei had outstanding abilities and there was no reason to fire her.

She was more anxious about how to win back Zhou Yufeng at that time, thinking that Zhou Yufeng just blamed her for being away for too long and that Zhou Yufeng was just angry with her.

She never believed that even Zhou Yufeng was going to abandon her.

Until two months ago, she saw the two of them downstairs of Zhou Yufeng's apartment building, and the interlocked hands and the lingering good morning kiss hurt her.Zhou Yufeng's later frankness was more like charity, like a hand from hell tearing her internal organs apart.

He said, "Jian Cheng, I don't want to hide it from you. I'm in love with Yawei. Of course, the Zhou family can't admit her, so don't worry, I will still marry you, and the wedding will go on as usual."


There was a quiet and soothing piano piece playing in the car, and the falling notes stirred Jian Cheng's memory that was on the verge of decay.

The vows made in youth were nothing more than this.She wanted to marry Zhou Yufeng, and she dreamed about it. Zhou Yufeng was sure that she would compromise because she loved him.

But her pride did not allow her to coexist with Jiang Yawei. Zhou Yufeng fell in love with Jiang Yawei and forced her to fulfill his second love.

This is a dead end.

As expected, the topic of "reconciliation" was discussed by both sides.Jian Cheng didn't reply. She leaned her arm on the car window and looked at the scenery outside. Looking at the high-rise buildings on both sides of the road, her thoughts were wandering.

When she was about to get off the car, she took out her phone and sent a WeChat message.

The message was sent to Zhou Yufeng.


Zhou Yufeng glanced at the screen and put the phone in his pocket without paying much attention.

This was not the first time Jian Cheng sent him a number. The first time was "1". This was the ninety-ninth time, so it was "99".

He asked her what she meant, and she joked when she was drunk:

"When you stabbed me in the heart, I remembered it for you, Zhou Yufeng. When you stab me a hundred times, Jian Cheng, who loves you, will be dead, and I will not want you anymore."Jian Cheng sent "1" last year, the first time they had a quarrel after they got engaged.

Zhou Yufeng analyzed her pattern, indeed, she sent numbers every time after they had a big quarrel, but not every time they quarreled, it seemed to depend on her mood.

Zhou Yufeng didn't take it seriously, just thought she was throwing a tantrum.

After all, Jian Cheng loved him as much as her life, he was sure that she would compromise in the end.