In the city of Tokyo, where fate separated four childhood friends, among them, Kuroi Sora a lonely and introverted soul. His heart was always tied to Fuyu Shiori, his childhood friend, carrying the weight of a secret love for years. But after 12 years, the reunion in high school would bring them together again.
Everything seemed to be going well. However, her destiny would be forced to change drastically, as her life would suddenly end. But instead of this story ending, Sora wakes up in heaven and faces God, who offers her a second chance: to be reincarnated in the same world, but as a woman.
Now, as a new entity in the body of a woman, Sora must navigate a familiar but different world, exploring not only her new identity, but also confronting the bonds and emotions she left behind. In this story, Sora will embark on a unique journey towards understanding himself, as he struggles to reconcile the broken bonds of the past and forge a new future.
"Futatsu No Toki No Aida Ni"