What Are You Willing To Do Just To Survive?

4 seconds.

That is what I have left before Astrid, who is currently pinning me down on the floor with all of her strength while sitting on top of me, turns me into a Zombie.

In case you're wondering why I guy like me wasn't able to fight back and push away Astrid. Well, as I said before, I'm just your genuine average guy.

I'm maybe physically fit, but I don't excel in sports.

So if a girl like Astrid, who is around the same height as me, 170 cm, got a hold of me like what is happening right now, I certainly won't be able to escape.

You can also add the fact that I'm currently panicking because of Astrid's gruesome Zombie appearance that I see through the lens of my virtual glass.

With all of those factors put into the equation, it would be reasonable that I won't be able to gather my strength and push away Astrid.

It's definitely not because I'm enjoying my current situation.

It was like a dream come true seeing Astrid on top of me, doing her best not to let me escape.

Seriously... I didn't dream of that fantasy... Never before... Definitely not!

Besides, who would enjoy seeing a gruesome Zombie girl sitting on top of you while you're lying down on the floor?

Astrid may be attractive, but with all of those dark blood veins running all over her face skin along with those bloodshot eyes and blood-stained mouth as her long hair covered a bit of her face, there's no way I'm going to... find... her... current... appearance... attractive...

... ... ...

Shit, shit, shit... What the heck am I thinking?

Pluck that weed before its roots bore deep into my brain.

I don't want to have any Zombie girl fetish in my fantasy.

Forget it, forget it, forget it!

That's not important now!

I need to find a way to survive!

I'm not gonna give up yet.

I still won't give myself to Astrid and allow her to turn me into a Zombie.




4 seconds.

Yep... It's still 4 seconds of countdown before I turn into a Zombie.

I know, I know, I know... With all of those things that I have thought about, it feels like a lot of time has passed.

But actually, not even a second had passed.

How is that possible?

Well, it's actually my special talent. Or you could say, my only redeeming aspect being a genuine average guy.

I mean, I'm not smart. Yet I still managed to get into the engineering course to follow with my friends.

So, how did I make the feat possible?

I'm maybe not smart but I'm a fast thinker.

My brain works fast compared to others, probably. I can think of a lot of stuff within a second, mostly useless stuff, though, and take my time with my calculations. Yet I'm not that good at math either.

Anyway, back to the current event, I need to do something if I don't want to become a Zombie.

And that leads us to the question...

What are you willing to do just to survive?

For me?... I'm willing to do atrocity and be hated by others.

Okay, that's just a bit of exaggeration but who knows, maybe I'm capable of doing that.

Maybe I have it in me the cruelty to stab my friend in the back and kick him toward the Zombie horde chasing us just to buy enough time for myself to escape.

Well, I wouldn't know the truth unless that situation actually happened.

Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked.

What I need to do now is prepare myself as I steel my heart. Gather my resolve because I'm about to do something that I have never done before in my life.

I'm going to commit an atrocity and hope that I will be forgiven later by Astrid as well as not to be hated by her friends and her fan club along with those guys who are dreaming and praying that one day be chosen by Astrid herself.

I warp both of my hands at Astrid's shoulders and instead of pushing her away, pull her closer to me.

Closer enough that both of our faces are right in front of each other.

I guess everyone who is watching the scene between me and Astrid can already figure out what is about to happen.

I mean, what I'm about to do is something I saw done in a movie. Where the protagonist is being strangled by the enemy, so he has no choice but to do the same thing I'm about to do.

With our faces only a few centimeters away from each other, I steel my heart once again as I gather my resolve from my guts to do what needs to be done.

I dare to conquer that few centimeters, which seems like infinity, and bring my lips to Astrid's lips.

Yep!... I stole a kiss from Astrid, the most attractive girl in our class.




So the legend is true.

That at your first kiss with the person you like, time would seem to stop.

Because at that second I kissed Astrid, everyone who saw what happened stopped whatever they were doing.

Both Zombies who are pinning down other Survivors and Survivors who are escaping from Zombies all of them look at us with disbelief and surprise on their faces.

"""...WHAT THE HECK!!!..."""




2 seconds

That is what I have left before Astrid turns me into a Zombie.

However, I probably don't mind spending another 2 seconds just to keep kissing Astrid.

Who cares about staying as a Survivor? Maybe I should just let Astrid turn me into a Zombie. Therefore, she will forgive me for stealing a kiss from her.

Wait?... Isn't that contradicting the reason why I stole a kiss from Astrid in the first place?

Right, right, right... It's human nature to survive. So I need to do what needs to be done, even if it means waking up from this dream with Astrid.

I hold Astrid's shoulders with both of my hands moving her away and ending that stolen kiss.

Astrid didn't even resist... Not in an indecent way!... I mean, her strength that was keeping me pinned down on the floor seems to have disappeared at the moment that I kissed her.

She's probably in a daze and confused about what happened.

I looked at her and saw her face and ears turning red.

She still looks like a gruesome Zombie through the lens of my virtual glass, but that embarrassed face is really cute...

... ... ...

ARGH!!!... That weed is taking root in my brain! I think it's already too late for me. I'm already infected by the Zombie girl fetish.

Pluck it, pluck it, pluck it... Remove the roots of that weed.

Anyway, as the legend has foretold, after your first kiss with the girl that you like, you should hold her in your arms and embrace her tightly as caring as you can.

But that isn't the case right now.

ARGH!!!... I'm having second thoughts right now!

You can do it Luel... Steel your heart and gather your resolve, even if it means letting go of that perfect moment when you can embrace Astrid tightly in your arms while still looking embarrassed and cute.




1 second.

That is when the countdown stops as I let go of that dream, embracing Astrid in my arms, and push her away from me.

GOD DAMN IT!!!... I can't believe I chose to survive and not become a Zombie over a moment of embracing Astrid that might never happen again.