Isn't It Easier To Just Become A Zombie Than A Survivor?


"""Get out of here, Luel!!!"""

"""Face the judgment for your crime!!!"""

"The heck are you all saying? I'm not going out there!"

After locking myself inside the classroom restroom, the guys whose one collective dream I just trampled down on the ground kept bashing the door and demanding I get out and surrender myself to whatever judgment they were talking about.

I guess it's true that anger can cloud one's judgment.

I mean, are all those guys morons?

As if a monster would come out and surrender himself to the angry mobs carrying pitchforks and torches.

Now I finally understand how Shrek feels being harassed by those angry mobs.

Not that I'm a monster or an Oger though. I may be a total jerk because of stealing a kiss from Astrid, pushing her away, and running away from her... ... ...

Fine! I stand corrected!

If what I did to Astrid isn't enough for me to be called a monster, then I don't know what am I.

Maybe I'm a robot.

But the last time I checked, Google-sensei still thought of me as Human.


The loud bashing of the door continues as I loathe being an idiot, a jerk, a monster, or a robot.

Just pick whatever you like to call me from those, and I won't have any complaints.

Anyway, that loud bashing is starting to get scary.

My classmates who chose to become Zombies are not becoming mad and crazy, right?

There's no hidden conspiracy about the first-ever VRMMORPG Zombie Apocalypse Olympic turning everyone into an actual Zombie, right?

"The faq!... This Zombie Apocalypse Olympic is starting to get crazy."




After a while, as I sit at the toilet and continue to think of all this useless stuff along with the possibility of PuroTech smartphone sending a kind of signal or frequency to the people who chose to become Zombie, making them aggressive and brainwashing them to attack those who have chosen to become a Survivor...

Okay, okay, okay... That's enough overthinking. As if something like what Mr. V did in the first Kingsman movie franchise will happen in real life. After all, I still believe in the existence of a secret organization of super Spies doing their best to save the world.

Anyway, the bashing of the door has already stopped a few minutes ago. Those guys whose one collective dream that I just burned to ashes probably had calmed down and returned to their usual selves.

"Are guys ready to give up?! I'm surrounding you by myself, you know?"

That's one of an old-time joke that I found to be funny, considering my situation of being locked inside the restroom. Not sure if everyone will get the reference though.

Anyway, it's just my way to get back to those guys who scared the hell out of me from repeatedly bashing the door as well as to check what is happening outside.

"You think you're funny, Luel? Jokes on you! You have nowhere to go, so just come out and surrender yourself to your punishment."

I can't recall whose voice was that among my classmates, but I know it sounds full of hatred and resentment.

"Fufufu... Serve you right, moron."

"What the heck are you laughing for? FAQ YOU!"

"Hey, that's too much isn't? Even if we are Zombie and Luel is a Survivor, we are all still friends here, right?"

"Not after what he did!"

"Wait... That voice..."

Aside from the desperate voice of that one guy who I still can't recognize, that person who speaks in my defense is Edd.

But what is he doing here? Didn't he escape along with those traitors, Kris, Mark-1, and Mark-2, earlier? Wait... Does it mean...

"Edd!... Did someone catch you and turn you already into a Zombie?"

Well, that's kind of disappointing but we all have that one friend in our squad who will be eliminated at the start of the game and will be forced to watch, from the sideline, his other friends enjoying the thrill of the game.

I can only feel bad for Edd losing this earlier in the game like he always does...

"Well, I didn't turn into a Zombie. I chose to become a Zombie since the start of the game."

"Oi!... Return my sympathy for you, right now!"

"Hahaha... Nope, can't do!"

"What the heck are you choosing to become a Zombie? What about all of the preparation we made just for this day?"

"Well, we left all that bag of preparation at home, right?"

What are other terms for the word traitor? Betrayer, backstabber, double-crosser, deserter, two-timer, cheater, turncoat? Either way, if there's one word that would describe Edd right now, just choose from those words.

"I mean, you can't blame me. How do you think we could survive within 31 days without the food and drinks we bought as our supply? Do you think all those Zombies will let us walk into a supermarket without being chased? Do you think there's still a bus heading home that is not filled with Zombies? How do you expect to keep studying at University while staying as a Survivor? What are you planning to do with your daily life? Are you going to abandon going home and attending college just to stay as a Survivor? How much of a bother do you think is that? Isn't it troublesome? Isn't it easier to just become a Zombie than a Survivor considering all of that?"

This faqker... Always choosing the easiest way out like he has always been.

Isn't it easier to just become a Zombie than a Survivor?


It doesn't matter what is easier or harder. What is important is our survival instinct. Human will always follow their instinct to survive. How do you think the caveman survived the Ice Age and Stone Age?

It's because of their survival instinct and their will to live.

You're nothing but a disgrace to your caveman ancestors!

Get preserved in ice! Be crushed by a mammoth! Get eaten by a Sabertooth!

"FAQ!... What the heck is all this useless stuff, I'm thinking? This Zombie Apocalypse Olympic is much more tiring and stressful than I thought it would be."