Chapter 21: Fall of the Brave


Kakida lies on the ground, his body battered and bruised from his intense battle with Shinkobi. His chest heaves as he struggles to get back on his feet. Blood trickles from a deep cut on his forehead, and his arms tremble as he grips his Maroon Dragon Sword tightly.

SHINKOBI stands over him, his expression cold and filled with disdain. His sword gleams under the smoky sky as he approaches Kakida for the final blow.



I always knew you were weak, Kakida. Your desperation is pathetic.

Kakida, barely able to hold himself up, grits his teeth and tries to stand. But his legs give out beneath him, and he collapses to his knees, gasping for air.



I... won't... stop... until you're dead.



How noble... and how futile.

Shinkobi raises his sword, ready to deliver the killing strike. But just as his blade descends, a blur of motion rushes in and knocks him back with incredible force. Shinkobi is thrown off balance, and Braden, glowing with electric blue energy, appears in front of Kakida.



You're not finishing him off today!

Braden, using his speed, grabs Kakida and lifts him over his shoulder. Kakida groans, barely conscious, as Braden zips through the city streets, dodging debris and enemy fire.


(breathing heavily)

Why... why did you come back?


(gritting his teeth)

You really think I'm gonna let you die out here? Hang on, I'll get us out of here!

As Braden sprints through the ruins of Riyadh, the battle rages on behind him. The sound of explosions, gunfire, and screams echo through the streets, but Braden's focus is solely on getting Kakida to safety.


(to himself)

C'mon, man, just stay with me. We're almost there.

The scene cuts as Braden disappears into the chaos, leaving the battle between Shinkobi and Kakida unresolved for the moment.


Genko and Jamie rush through the war-torn streets, helping Evo civilians into the transport pods. The sky above is dark with smoke, and the city is in ruins. Buildings crumble around them as explosions rock the ground.


(to a group of Evos)

Get in! Hurry! We'll cover you!

GENKO, standing like a stone wall, fends off advancing Legion soldiers, using his rock-hard fists to smash through their defenses. He grins as he slams a Legion soldier into the ground, sending shockwaves through the street.



Come on, is that all you've got?

But just as they think they're gaining ground, a massive shadow looms over them. ZARVOX lands with a deafening crash, cracking the pavement beneath him. His glowing red eyes narrow on Jamie and Genko, and his presence is overwhelming.


(booming voice)

You think you can save these pitiful creatures? You're nothing compared to the power of the Legion!

Jamie turns, his body tensing. He transforms his arm into a massive energy cannon, his face set in grim determination.


(to Genko)

Keep him busy! I'll try to take him down!

Genko charges at Zarvox with full force, swinging his massive rock fists. Zarvox barely flinches, countering with a brutal punch that sends Genko flying backward. He crashes into a building, rubble falling around him, but Genko pushes through the pain and rises to his feet.


(gritting his teeth)

That all you got?



You're weak, just like the rest of your kind.

Zarvox fires a blast of Martian energy, but Jamie jumps in front, deflecting the blast with a massive chunk of debris. He then charges up his cannon and unleashes a massive beam directly at Zarvox, the energy crackling through the air.



Take this!

The beam slams into Zarvox, but to Jamie's shock, the energy bounces off Zarvox's armor, reflecting back with double the force. The beam strikes Genko, sending him flying across the city, his body smashing through buildings until he lands in a destroyed section of Riyadh, unconscious.



Genko! No!


Genko lies in the rubble, motionless. Dust and debris cover his body as the battle continues far off in the distance. Minutes pass, and all seems still until a faint voice calls out.


(softly, scared)

Mister? Are you okay?

Genko's eyes flutter open, and he groans in pain as he pushes himself up. Standing over him is a small Evo girl, her face dirty and tear-streaked. She can't be more than seven or eight years old.



Where's my mom? I... I can't find her.

Genko rubs his head, trying to shake off the dizziness. He looks around at the devastation—buildings reduced to rubble, the streets deserted and eerily quiet.


(softly, groaning)

Your mom? I'll... I'll find her for you.

He slowly rises to his feet, the girl clinging to his side. The area is deserted, the sounds of battle a distant echo. They begin walking through the destroyed part of the city, searching for any sign of the girl's mother.


(looking around)

It's all rubble... where did everyone go?

The once-bustling district is now a graveyard of broken buildings and twisted metal. They search for what feels like hours, but there's no one in sight—not even soldiers.



Is my mom gone?



We'll find her. Don't worry. Let's get you somewhere safe first.

As they turn a corner, heading toward where the transport pods were last seen, a gold chain suddenly shoots out of the shadows, wrapping tightly around Genko's neck. He gasps in surprise, his body jolting as the chain yanks him backward.



W-What the hell?

A dark figure steps out from the smoke, holding the other end of the chain. His eyes gleam with malice as he tightens his grip.


(in thick Jamaican patois)

Who di ras yuh be? Yuh tink yuh run tings roun' here, eh?


(struggling to breathe)

Who... are you?!

The man steps forward, the chain tightening even more as Genko claws at his neck, trying to free himself. The Evo girl cowers behind a piece of rubble, watching in fear as Genko fights to stay conscious.



In the midst of chaos, a new threat emerges. As battles rage on and hope fades, Genko finds himself face to face with a dangerous stranger. The war is far from over, and the shadows continue to grow.