Flying atop his carpet, Varrus felt like Firelord Ozai when he started to burn down the Earth Kingdom.
Spreading from his hands, an overwhelming wave of fire cleansed the land.
Nightmare creatures that would terrify him if he found them in his closet, or underneath his bed were scurrying in fear.
A human-centipede, shadow-man, clown, and countless others ran about like headless chickens as his Illusory Flames destroyed the Emerald Nightmare.
Tens of thousands of Petty, Lesser and Common Soul Gems filled his inventory, and dozens of Greater Soul Gems as well!
With this many Soul Gems, and the insane buff of the Sunwell, Varrus figured he could outright create up to 5 Heroes, and hundreds of mid to high tier Elites!
Of course, stats didn't make someone instantly good, as just like on Earth, someone who bought an account in a game would never be as good as a pro player. But enchanted gear went a long way.
The light of the pale-blue flame reflected off Varrus's face, and revealed a mad grin.
Not only did he have all these minor Soul Gems, but he also had two Heroic Soul Gems from the Heroic Nightmares, and the Legendary Soul Gem that dropped from Malfurion!
Once he slotted those Heroic Soul Gems on himself, he would have 7 such buffed pieces of equipment: head, boots, chest, pants, 2 rings, amulet.
He almost had the entire set, only missing the belt.
Varrus considered using that Legendary Soul Gem on himself, but as he was already in the demigod tier, he feared for his wife's safety.
They were always strongest when they fought together. If he could help elevate her, then that was his number one priority.
The fight against Murozond/Nozdormu saw her almost perish. That was simply unacceptable.
And so, whilst he would love to buff himself even more, he would never forgive himself if she died because he didn't provide for her.
What man would he be if he couldn't protect his woman?
Shaking his head, Varrus decided to get this over with, and obliterate Xavius. Once the Satyr was dead, he would be in possession of two Legendary Soul Stones!
Pressing forth, Varrus swept his hands all around him, erasing the foul corruption of the Emerald Nightmare as if he had spilt a bottle of whiteout over an important document.
Everywhere his flame licked, the foundations of the realm began to turn unstable, and evaporate into the eerie whiteness that was the void.
After smiting hundreds of miles worth of land, Varrus broke through every illusion Xavius had thrown at him, and began to spray the twisted tower of nightmare from afar.
As someone who focused on magic, and had discovered Xavius's achilles heel, he reckoned it was much better to blast the Satyr from a comfortable distance.
Whilst Varrus was capable of infiltrating the tower, and assassinating Xavius, it was sometimes the simpler option of drowning his enemy in an unending torrent of fire that appealed to him.
"Ruff!" Omen stood from his resting spot by Varrus's side, and growled.
A second later, the image of a beautiful High Elven woman appeared in front of him. Which was saying something, because even amongst High Elves, she was pretty. Snow white hair, ample bosom, superb waistline, thighs, etc. Even as a married man, Varrus couldn't help but do a full body scan.
Dressed as a dancer, and wearing extremely revealing clothes, one might think she was a woman of the night, or looking to hook up. Honestly, it was difficult to look away from such a temptress.
Of course, he wouldn't let such thoughts tempt him for more than a few seconds. Beauty was something everyone loved, but as any rational person from Earth would notice, this woman appeared to be like a viper. To Varrus, some beautiful people gave off red flags, and this girl seemed as if she were all sorts of trouble.
"Do I know you?" Varrus raised an eyebrow, and looked at the apparition, preparing himself for some sort of ambush.
He wasn't familiar with too many High Elves, but he couldn't recall ever seeing this one before. As such, he was a second away from blasting this illusion if she did anything funny.
"Ah, Varrus Vandercross, I have been wanting to talk to you for so long, but have been unable to! My apologies for not saying hello to you sooner, I am Ysera, mistress of the Green Dragonflight! I was caught up in a trap, and it wasn't until you scared Xavius away, and severely damaged his Nightmare Tower, that I had the freedom to communicate!" The High Elf, Ysera explained.
Varrus frowned, wondering if this was some sort of trick by the Satyr? If it was, it would be rather odd, as Varrus had not let up his Illusory Flames, and the twisted tower was melting at this very moment.
The land of nightmare was 98% returned to the void. If this wasn't a stalling tactic, then it must be real. But reality and truth were two separate things.
"How can I trust that you were unable to communicate, when you pulled Malfurion, myself, and my companion into the Emerald Dream?" Varrus demanded in a suspicious tone.
"Good question." Ysera nodded her head. "I'm currently in my temple, and have a seal placed over my home. It was only through Malfurion's plea for help, that I managed to wake up from my forced slumber, and pull him-alongside any who were near to him-into the dream. My sincerest apologies if this inconvenienced you." The apparition bowed in apology, her voluminous bust jiggled with the action, and revealed the top part of her cleavage in the process.
Varrus frowned as he thought about what he knew of Ysera. Admittedly, it wasn't much. However, she was notorious for being AFK in Canon, and routinely became corrupted. It wasn't outside the realm of possibility that Xavius had ensorcelled her.
While he was suspicious
"Hmm, very well. I shall take you at your word." Varrus crossed his arms, and eyed her skeptically. "What is it you intend to do? If you have known about me for so long, then you know what has been going on in Azeroth. What I did to reach Xavius's lair." Varrus pointedly danced around the issue without saying anything explicit.
He wanted to test her knowledge of Nozdormu & Malfurion's demise. To see how she reacted to the deaths of her supposed allies.
Because frankly, Varrus found this interaction to be suspicious as all hell. It was certainly plausible, and a small part of him even wanted to ally with her. Dragons were powerful, and the Emerald Dream had a lot of potential. Adding another Demigod to the Covenant would be amazing.
Yet he didn't want to act all buddy buddy with a Dragon when his mom apparently, was an Avatar of Akatosh, and he himself was a Dragonborn. Dragons were his natural enemy, however, he was willing to give Ysera a chance. Who knew, maybe she would end up being chill like Paarthurnax from Skyrim?
"The weave and flow of dreams is chaotic, but I have seen enough. I know that my foolish brother tried to doom your race due to his fear of the future. He, much like Malfurion, spent so much time in fear, they were unwilling to act. For thousands of years, I have been in a reduced state, and neither of them ever acted in my best interest." Ysera pouted, and said with a heavy sense of bitterness.
For once, Varrus thought Ysera spoke 100% truth. It seemed there was no love lost between friends & family.
"It wasn't until a real man like you came along that all my problems were solved!" The apparition of Ysera flew in a backflip circle, and smiled brilliantly at Varrus. "What those losers couldn't accomplish in eons for fear of messing with the natural balance, or the true timeline, you accomplished in one afternoon! While I mourn for Malfurion's loss, he ultimately became corrupted, and Nozdormu actually died to his future self. Your hands are clean of their harrowing demise. I blame you not for their foolish assaults. Lastly, and most importantly, you saved me! Varrus Vandercross, you are my Hero!" Ysera flew close to him, and blew a kiss.
Varrus, feeling uncomfortable by the extreme amount of praise coming from a beautiful woman that wasn't his wife, backed up to avoid Ysera's overwhelming jubilation.
However, ever so slowly, he was beginning to think that this encounter may be legit. He would be pissed off too if he had to deal with Malfurion and Nozdormu preaching about the balance of nature, or the proper timeline. Varrus couldn't imagine what kind of torture it was like to be trapped in a dream for millenia. It was like being comatose, and everyone thought you were brain dead, only you could hear every bootleg conversation around you, and they treated you like furniture!
Shuddering to himself, Varrus, for the first time, felt the inklings of sympathy for this Dragon.
Sighing to himself, and shaking his head, Varrus decided he had to share some bad news with the woman.
"Unfortunately, you aren't free yet, Xavius is still at large, he has escaped my encirclement somehow." Varrus solemnly intoned.
Casting Clairvoyance, a line appeared in another direction. It seemed Xavius was still in the Emerald Dream. He had likely teleported somewhere else.
"Hmm, you're right. The destruction of the Nightmare Tower greatly weakened the seal containing me, but it didn't break completely. All I can do is communicate with the outside world, and talk to people through dreams. My powers are still extremely limited…I would forever be in your debt if you rescued me, Lord Vandercross. I'd do anything for you in return." Ysera finished her statement with a sexy pose.
"Riiight." Varrus said in his best Dr. Evil impression. "Anyway, we can discuss the terms of our alliance at a later date. It was nice to make your acquaintance, Lady Ysera, but I have Xavius to track down. Have a pleasant day, and I'm glad I was of such assistance in freeing you. May our future endeavors be pleasant." Varrus nodded his head, signaling that the conversation was over, and began to move his carpet away.
"Uh oh. Varrus, you may want to hurry." Ysera shouted from behind.
Turning around, Varrus looked at her in confusion.
"Xavius is mounting an assault on my temple! If he gets to me, and takes my purity, he'll have complete dominance over me! Also, there is a group of High Elves who are there as well!" Ysera finished her statement by conjuring up images of Syra, Nightsong, and Valanar.
"Syra?" Varrus said to himself in confusion.
Then he got a good glance at the druid, Valanar, and it all clicked into place, she must have run into the Emerald Dream to rescue him!
"Yes, that's her name! They're in a death defying duel with Xavius right now. It isn't looking too good for him, but I think he might be willing to do something desperate. You have to hurry!" Ysera urged.
She then showed a scene of Syra, and Nightsong battling Xavius.
Nightsong was giving the Satyr the business, and Syra was fighting in a supporting role. If things kept on going on track, then his family were all set for a modest victory.
"What are you talking about, they are clearly winning." Varrus shook his head, and eyed Ysera with incredulity.
"No, look at the girl, her emotions are all over the place! In the land of dreams, this is a huge weakness! Xavius is a master manipulator, and King of Nightmares. One capable of mind control and other nasty plots. If you don't end him fast, he might even infiltrate her dreams!" Ysera cautioned in a panicked tone.
Although Varrus was skeptical of Ysera, she was the preeminent authority on dreams, and had been fighting Xavius for who knew how long. If anyone would be familiar with his style, it would be her.
"Thank you for the timely information, Lady Ysera. I owe you one." Varrus very seriously nodded his head.
"Please, call me Ysera. Now go, your friends are counting on you." Ysera replied with a beautiful smile.
Beginning to feel a slight unease, Varrus urged his flying carpet to move at its max speed.
Like a comet, Varrus streaked through the sky, leaving the land of Nightmares behind, and raced towards Xavius.
If he did anything to Syra, he swore the goat fucker would regret his decision till his agonizing, dying breath!