Chapter 160

As soon as the rumbling heralding the release of the Avatar of Vaermina arrived, it had almost just as quickly subsided. 

Varrus was processing the fact that a fully functional piece of a GOD was active in this realm, when a ping on his scrying orb drew his attention. 

It was from Rho'dan! 

"Everyone hold on, I just received some information that might be regarding this massive outpouring of energy." Varrus said, then ignored them in favor of pulling out his scrying orb. 

Syra seemed a little miffed at the lack of attention, but Varrus had already comforted her, and he had to see that his #1 bro-sorry Kael-was okay. 

[Sorry for the late response, Highlord. I had been kidnapped by an old friend. It turns out Merithra was actually a demigod in disguise that I had known in my youth. No doubt the shockwave of her release from her prison has alarmed you. The matter should be under control, and I would be happy to detail a report for you as soon as possible. I have, per your instructions, 'used my charm' to acquire the assistance of a powerful ally. How are things on your end, do you require my aid? Glory to House Vandercross.] -R

Varrus read the message, and blinked his eyes in shock, confusion, and concern. 

He was shocked, because the so-called demigod that Rho'dan apparently was long-time friends with turned out to be fucking Vaermina! A Daedric Prince, and one of the top tiers in the Elder Scrolls universe! 

He was confused, because Rho'dan had just had a heart to heart with him hours ago in which he said he explicitly did not want to be used as eye candy to attract the hot women in other factions. 

Finally, he was concerned that Rho'dan was under some kind of mind control, or that he was being threatened to write this message. 

Mind control was a very serious threat, and one that literally happened to every single faction in Warcraft. It was the most common trope in the series. 

Hell, the Blood Elves canonically broadcasted brainwashing speeches throughout Silvermoon during the Burning Crusade expansion. Apparently selling Kael out for the Horde was so unpopular, that mind control was deemed necessary. This was but one of many instances in which mind altering magics took place in WoW. 

So understandably, Varrus was quite worried over Rho'dan's mental faculties. 

Shaking his head, Varrus decided for now to believe in Rho'dan. The stalwart guard had fully resisted that cthulhu lobster demigod, Kith'ix's mental corruption during the Amani Troll invasion. He should have more trust in the man. However, while Varrus chose to trust him, that didn't mean he wouldn't keep an eye open for potential betrayal. 

Looking at his words, if everything he said was true, then this had the potential to be an epic win. While Varrus had a generally negative opinion of Vaermina, that didn't mean he didn't believe in Rho'dan's handsomeness to win the day. 

From what he knew of Vaermina, she enjoyed torturing people in dreams, and her realm, Quagmire, was a place of eternal nightmare. However, her lore wasn't very well explored. Perhaps what spoke about her character most, is that in Oblivion, if the player character wanted to speak with her, they had to offer up a Black Soul Gem. Aka, the soul of a murdered humanoid. This wasn't exactly a good sign when it came to her PR. 

All that being said, Varrus was willing to give Rho'dan a chance. Getting on the bad side of a Daedric Prince right now when he still had so much to accomplish seemed like the wrong thing to do. 

Responding to Rho'dan, Varrus typed up a message on his scrying orb. 

[Mission accomplished, I have achieved a complete victory. I just destroyed Xavius, and am in talks with the Dragon of Dreams, Ysera to see if she is worthy of joining the Covenant. I am pleased that you are okay, and have been worried about your safety. If you don't mind me asking, what are the terms of her alliance?] -V 

Some time had passed, and Rho'dan responded. 

[Very good. Vaermina is…clingy. I wouldn't expect much from her, but so long as there is a foe within the Emerald Dream, she would fight by my side.] 

'So not very reliable, but can act as a fist or boot when something needs stomping.' Varrus thought to himself. 

Eying Ysera slowly panicking just a short distance away, Varrus wondered if he could leverage this affection towards Rho'dan to use Vaermina as a leash for Ysera. 

The Emerald Dragon had yet to escape his suspicions, and he still had to test her commitment to Team Vandercross. 

Afterall, her abandonment of Malfurion & Cenarius-no matter how justified-was the abrupt termination of a 10,000+ year agreement. How could Varrus not be concerned with her level of commitment? 

Beginning to form the inkling of a plan, Varrus decided he would have to meet with the Avatar of Vaermina, and bring Ysera along for the ride. If Vaermina was antagonistic, then Ysera could prove her worth. If the Daedric Prince was truly enamored with Rho'dan, then she could be leveraged to put Ysera in check. 

This unexpected event was beginning to sound like a W to Varrus. 

Picking up his scrying orb once more, he sent one last message to Rho'dan. 

[Message received. Let's meet up in the area where Xavius's castle used to be. I'm interested in meeting the woman who has been captured by my guard captain. For House Vandercross.] -V 

Varrus chuckled to himself as he imagined the annoyed look on Rho'dan's face when he read what he wrote. The stoic man was difficult to break, but Varrus had become an expert at pressing his buttons. 

Laughter aside, Varrus decided not to discuss any of his ideas across this messaging platform, as he never knew if it could be intercepted, or if Rho'dan truly wasn't under Vaermina's influence. 

Putting the orb away, Varrus turned to his family, and saw Ysera approach him in concern. 

"The Avatar is sure to seek revenge, and destroy everything I have grown. I beseech thee, Lord Vandercross, please take refuge within my temple, and help me in repelling this threat!" Ysera bowed low, making sure to show off her figure. 

Varrus ignored this-along with Syra's not so subtle hiss-and instead shook his head in denial. 

"That's a negative, Lady Ysera. My man, Rho'dan, has seduced Vaermina. I intend to meet with the two of them on neutral ground. To ascertain if she is a threat myself." 

"To ascertain if she-! Lord Vandercross, please see reason, and remain here. She is a Daedric Prince! A being conjured of malice, and capricious intent! I am sorry to say, but even someone as handsome as Rho'dan can fall to a temptress' bite!" Ysera practically begged Varrus not to go. 

"Then all the more reason that I must venture forth. Rho'dan is my most loyal subordinate-" 

"Awoo…" Omen whined, and sat down upon hearing Varrus's statement. 

"Just like Omen is my most loyal animal companion. I would fight for any of my allies. If you too wish to be someone who I fight for, I ask that you accompany me on this venture." Varrus said meaningfully, very clearly testing this fair weather friend. 

Ysera looked as if she were chewing on marbles as she hemmed and hawed her response. 

Varrus was beginning to wonder if Malfurion was the only do-nothing in the Emerald Dream. Perhaps the seal placed upon her was nothing more than an excuse for cowardice? 

"Of course she will go, as shall I!" A mature woman's voice resounded in the clearing. 

Emerging from the temple, a floating turquoise-blue ethereal womans head made of mana made herself known. 

"Aessina!" Ysera stomped her foot, and pulled at the hem of her outfit in an act similar to childish rebellion. 

Varrus almost caught sight of Ysera's inner thigh due to the action, but Syra was quick to roughly shove his chin away, and embrace him with a deep tongue tying kiss. 

"Ah, the passions of youth. Yes, young Vandercross, Ysera and I would be happy to join you." The floating head said. 

Breaking from the kiss, and feeling his wife's fingernails painfully digging into his forearm, he knew he was on thin ice regarding this troublesome Dragon, and was happy for the distraction. 

Examining the Wild God with his Mana Sight, Varrus saw that Aessina radiated the power of a demigod. 

"The Green Dragonflight keeps impressive company." Varrus inclined his head. 

"Enough with the flattery. We have a diplomatic mission to accomplish, and things to do. Now Ysera, are you just going to stand around like a little girl, or are you going to take action? You can't sleep inside every minute, no matter how much you want to avoid taking responsibility!" Aessina brushed off Varrus, then lashed Ysera like an overbearing mother admonishing her child. 

"Yes, Aessina." Ysera mumbled with her head bowed, and fists clenched. 

"Now this one has character." Nightsong whispered to Varrus, and began to sketch the wisp queen. 

Varrus sighed, hoping Nightsong didn't get any ideas. He then pulled Syra close lest she go on an unexpected rampage. 

Eyes shadowed by her hair, Varrus could tell his loveable murder machine had figuratively her 'turbo kill' switch flicked to on, and was ready to start a bloodbath any second now. 

What an exciting trip to the neutral meeting place this would be! 

Grimacing to himself, Varrus threw out his flying carpet, and let everyone aboard. 

He almost wanted Rho'dan to be mind controlled at this point. Anything to get jealous Syra murdering something. 

This was going to be the longest half hour flight of his life…


After clinging to his wife, and making sure Omen got plenty of headpats, Varrus had studiously ignored Ysera's by now, obvious flirtations, and after 30 minutes of travel time, arrived at his destination. 

Within the scorched lands of Nightmare, not a soul made a peep. All was silent as the haunting white void served as the backdrop for this section of the Emerald Dream. 

Down below, under a canopy of trees, Varrus spotted Rho'dan playing a game of chess against a beautiful woman. 

That dog! 

Varrus almost grinned, happy that his most trusted companion had found someone, however, he was quick to tamp down on such emotions, lest he aggro his wife's threat meter. 

Pulling Syra in for a side hug, he landed the carpet, and placed it into his inventory. 

Before he could say anything, Ysera stepped forward, and pulled a textbook maneuver straight out of a teenage girl's playbook. 

All seeming fear went out the window, and the Green Dragon hit Vaermina where a woman was weakest. 

She insulted her fidelity. Aka, she implied Vaermina was a whore. 

"So what, is this the fourth or fifth partner you've taken under your wing? The seal I placed over your home required true loves kiss as a condition for its undoing. But someone as shallow as you can do it with someone she just met? How low can one creature sink?" Ysera flicked her hair, and looked down on Vaermina. 

Varrus felt a piece of himself die inside when he heard such a trashy level of pettiness come from the Green Dragon. What was worse, is that since she wore the form of a bombshell hot High Elf woman, the insult carried with it 10x more bitchiness than it ever could if a Human had delivered it. 

Frankly speaking, Varrus was stunned by this impromptu development, and didn't know how to react. He wasn't familiar with either Ysera or Vaermina, and he had no clue that there was so much vitriol between the two. 

It sort of made sense, what with Ysera sealing Vaermina's Avatar away…

Swiping at his forehead, Varrus realized he had perhaps been much too positive in his outlook. Of course they would hate one another. 

Upon hearing this insult, Vaermina flipped the chessboard over, and stood up, purple-black energies coated her hands, and her eyes glowed full of malice. 

She was a second away from attack, and Varrus, along with all his companions tensed, readying themselves for battle. 

It was only when Rho'dan wrapped his bearlike arms around the pretty purple lady's thin arms, that she relented, and the baleful aura surrounding her dissipated. 

Breathing a sigh of relief, Varrus met Rho'dan's eyes, and nodded in thanks. 

Nodding back, Rho'dan grimly shifted his eyes to Ysera, as if to say 'what the hell?!' 

Varrus could only shrug in apology. It was complicated. 

Rho'dan nodded once more in understanding. Women were tricky creatures best kept at arm's length. 

The silent bro moment passed in a manner of seconds, and Varrus knew this was his Rho'dan, no mind control should be in effect. 

Tempers had ever so slightly cooled down, only to flare up again. 

"So you've brought Ysera here. Rho'dan has told me you are a kind, young man with a great vision, Varrus. I am pleased to make your acquaintance. However, I question the company you keep. Doubtlessly, she has sold you the same lie she told me, that she was trapped within her temple, and could not come out!" Vaermina fumed from within Rho'dan's grasp. 

Lifting an eyebrow, Varrus slowly turned his attention to Ysera. 

If this proved to be true, then that added an entire new dimension onto their relationship. Ysera had claimed she could not help Malfurion or Cenarius due to her trapped state. That she couldn't speak to Syra or Nightsong directly because she couldn't leave the temple. That she couldn't war with Xavius, because of her plight! 

Should this be a lie, then Varrus came to the stark conclusion that he couldn't trust her whatsoever. 

That the very foundation and basis for their alliance-one founded on him rescuing her from Xavius-was dead! 

Turning to watch Ysera's reaction, what he saw made him disappointed. 

The Green Dragon obviously didn't spend much time socializing, much less living as a humanoid, because her face said it all. 

She was guilty as all hell. 

Truly, she was a 10,000+ year old teenager all along. No accountability for herself whatsoever. Everything was someone else's problem, and she couldn't handle a single problem on her own. She was an insult to strong women everywhere. People like Syra and Nightsong were role models compared to this daydreaming lizard! 

"Varrus, you cannot believe a word of this lying whor-"

"Don't bother honey, they have seen through you." Aessina chided. 

"Aessina! You! None of this would have happened if you didn't urge me to leave the temple!" Ysera scowled, the mana around her fluctuated dangerously as she spoke. 

"My girl, it is time for you to grow up. To face some consequences for your actions. These are some reasonable people. This act of yours proves you have flaws, that you need to earnestly strive to gain their trust. Believe me, you will come out stronger after this trial." Aessina spoke in a mothering tone. 

Varrus, for his part, was torn between turning on Ysera then and there, and doing what Aessina suggested. 

He liked to believe he wasn't a murderous monster who killed everything that disagreed with him. Afterall, he had accepted Valanar's surrender. The druid was practically a part of his entourage at this point, despite them both fighting to the death mere months ago. If the rebellious Prince could work with him, then Varrus wouldn't say it was impossible for Ysera to redeem herself. 

In fact, Aessina was correct. He had been so suspicious of Ysera from the get go, he was almost relieved to learn of her betrayal. Because it was a betrayal of trust, not one where she tried to turbo murder them. There was still a chance at reconciliation, for trust to be mended. 

If she really gave it her all, Varrus anticipated that their alliance would become stronger for it. 

Looking at the Dragon in Elven form with an expectant look, Varrus hoped to hear her ask for forgiveness, and a second chance. 

However, Ysera apparently chose the action of a petulant child. Instead of responding, she opened her eyes. 

Ysera, who always kept her eyes closed to harness her magic, unleashed a powerful, instantaneous, ocular spell. 

Varrus was stunned as he found himself as the target. 

'Not another fucking dream fight sequence!' Varrus raged to himself as he saw Ysera's body become incorporeal and begin to enter his body. 

As he felt himself drifting off to sleep, Varrus had a stroke of inspiration, and activated Dream Geas on himself. 

Ysera may have thought herself clever infiltrating his dream, but he had experience against Xavius, and this time HE was the one in control. He would teach this ancient teenager why he was 1-0 against the Dragon Aspects!