"Your Best friend?" Lorenzo repeated,

Celeste nodded solemnly, her body trembling with sobs. Lorenzo wasn't sure if she was trying to fake it or if she was truly devastated, but nevertheless he hated seeing her cry.

"How do I know that you don't intend to go back to him?" He whispered for her ears only.

Celeste turned to him in frustration, her eyes frozen shards of deep green.

"Come along then, I don't care if you do i just want to make sure she is alright" 

Lorenzo looked at Bruno, then at Luca before nodding at Luca, giving him a silent order.

Luca saluted him and left immediately to catch the next flight to New York. He couldn't understand or explain the uneasy cloak that hovered over him since Celeste had said Isabella was in trouble.

There was this prickling tendril of worry crawling up his veins causing him extreme uneasiness.