Chapter 9 (Matches and Sad Announcement)

The match began and the ball in Ishan's opposite team.

Ishan and Jiyu were not going to play with their whole strength because it would be not good for others as well as them, of they did then their opponents can be discouraged and they themselves can be overconfident on their skills and more on.

The opposite team passed the ball to their companion and he ran and then he passed to the third and in Ishan's team area, he threw the ball for a goal.

But unfortunately, Jiyu jumped high and caught the ball and Ishan ran towards his opponents area and Jiyu also ran but they both were a little bit far away from each other.

The opponent team tried to block Jiyu's way but in a zig zag pattern, he escaped from his opponents block.

But still, two opponents were a little bit far from Jiyu, in case if Jiyu threw the ball for a goal, they can try to jump and block the ball from going to the hoop.

But suddenly Jiyu passed the ball to Ishan, who was also in the opponents area, and he caught the ball and threw for a goal.

And it was a goal and Ishan's team got 2 points on the throw.

Suddenly an announcement came to the sports teacher and he made the basketball game stop.

"Um... Any problem sir?" Said Ishan.

The sports teacher said, "Nothing serious. Just an announcement for all the students registering for Basketball team of our school."

Ishan and Jiyu raised their hand, indicating they are interested in participating for the team.

Ishan's school basketball team was never again created when no one was interested to participate in it. It was a having a room of the basketball team but it was closed when everyone resigned from the team and it is still closed, being a abandoned room.

Sports teacher laughed and said, "No, we are not taking names who are interested in it."

Nobody understood what the sports teacher meant to say.

"The announcement is that, names will be taken from May but for it everyone should pass from at least 45% of exams which will be in this month only. If not then you will have to take remedial classes and miss the training session."

And Ishan and Jiyu got the biggest shock in their life. It was looking like the land has seperated in two (like of earthquake) and a great thunder fall on Ishan and Jiyu through their chest.

"E... Exam...?" Said Ishan and Jiyu with a great depression in their minds.

The sports teacher happily said, "Why you both are worrying? I think you both are also good at studies and it will be just of 6 days."

"6 days?" More depressed Ishan and Jiyu.

Sports teacher said, "And it will start from 24 April. Do your best." And he started leaving and went to inform other students.

Sara said, "So... Are you both going to continue the match or not?"

Ishan came in front of Sara and asked, "Sara, now you are my only hope. Please... Teach me in studies!"

Jiyu also came and said, "Me too!!!"

And the match again started but Ishan and Jiyu can't perform well due to the announcement because of taking too much tension of it which was not required a lot.

The sports period also ended and now only one period was left which was taken by class teacher as arrangement period for telling about the exam.

The class teacher said, "Ok, first of all, let me tell you all about which which types of questions would come in the first exam."

Ishan and Jiyu, head down on their bench.

"Multiple choice questions will come."

Ishan and Jiyu raised their heads and were happy on thinking that just Multiple choice questions will come.

"Then short question answers and definition question will cover it."

And Ishan and Jiyu, again became sad.

"And Case studies. That's all."

And Ishan and Jiyu became as they were a while ago before they became happy.

Then the class teacher told about chapters which will come in the exam but also mentioned that the chapters will be covered before the exam. And each subject was having only two chapters which will come in the exam which means 12 but it was a little bit of relief for Ishan and Jiyu that just 2 chapters of each.

The school ended and Ishan had become normal and alright but I don't know how?

But Jiyu was still in the same sorrow.

Sara was a little bit shocked that Ishan has became normal and no more sad.

Sara, Ishan and Jiyu, walking towards their home and Sara asked to Ishan that what has happened to him.

Ishan calmly said, "I think we are overthinking on the things. It will be not that big how much we are thinking and I know that soon exams will also come and go. Time fly in front of your eyes, it is just depended on you how do you utilise it, with making beautiful memories or wasting it."

Sara and Jiyu were a little bit surprised by Ishan and his philosophy.

But Ishan to learn that has to pass from his previous life in which he just wasted time and forgot about others which he will not let happen again.

Ishan was confident on himself which also made Jiyu confident and he thanked him and with happiness and confidence, Jiyu ran towards his home.

And Ishan and Sara started walking towards their home.

Sara said, "I never thought you think like this. I am impressed."

Ishan said, "Just you wait and watch who I actually am but for it... Keep on cheering me." And a huge smile in Ishan's face.

Sara also smiled and they both continued their path.

Ishan, as usual, dropped Sara at her home and started stepping towards his home.

"Life wasn't that much bad." Said Ishan with seeing at the sunset sky and a smile on his face.