Chapter 61 (Going Back to Town - 1)(S2)

Ishan smiled and turned back to the night sky and said, "But..." Sara turned back to him and Ishan continued, "... You... Made me forget the which stars were counted."

Sara remain silent for a second with what Ishan just said and then laughed and said, "Sorry" and sat again next to Ishan.

"Hey!!! What are you doing with this loser who can't even win?!"

Sara turned back and it was Mister Ken.

"If you have this much of free time to spend with him, why shouldn't I increase the time for your practice?!"

Sara remain silent and stood and turned towards Mister Ken and smiled and said, "... Just try doing that if you can... Sir."

And Mister Ken was shocked on Sara's type to reply and shouted and said, "How did you even dare to talk to me like this?! I will--"

"Sshhhh, no voice sir. You have no right to interfere in Sara's personal life that with whom she is spending or whatever.... The only thing which should matter to you... Should be winning, right?" Said Ishan and turned towards Mister Ken and gave a scary smile which scared Mister Ken.

"You... I am going to call Miss Naya." Mister Ken tried to scare Ishan but he replied, "Don't make Miss Naya enter in this situation, if you did then I will have to stand and make you expelled from the school, I have the audio of whatever you just said to Sara so you better silently leave."

And again Mister Ken has got checkmate that he can't do anything and with mumbling abusive words, he left.

"Uh... Are you sure not in a problem?" Sara was being worried because she knows that if Miss Naya got to know about that Ishan threatened Mister Ken, he is done.

"There is nothing to worry, worrying gives the power of devil so leave the things to god." Said Ishan and again started watching the night sky and this time he started making patterns by connecting small dots, stars, and Sara again sat and she also started making them.

An hour later, Mister Wa got out of the court for having some meals and he saw that Ishan was sitting on the ground and his head was supported by Sara's shoulder. It was normal but the thing was that the cafeteria was opened already but why they both are not there. And with the curosity to know, he started walking towards them.

"Um... Are you both not eating?"

Sara said with a low voice, "He is sleeping, sir."

And suddenly Ishan woke up and yawned and said, "When did I slept? *yawning again* Anyways, now I am hungry, so let's go to the cafeteria."

And Ishan tried to stand and Sara gave him some support and he sat on the wheelchair and Sara said, "Have a good meal sir." And started leaving and pushing Ishan's wheelchair towards the cafeteria.

"I guess I should also move towards the cafeteria." And he also started walking towards the cafeteria, but suddenly Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Aid and Cyet also joined the walk because the time schedule was changed that they will also eat in the time when cafeteria will be open.

Now Ishan was discharged from the room so he can sleep in the classroom with his companions. Till one hour, they just kept on talking and talking and slowly slowly everyone started feeling sleepy and finally they slept.

The next day at 6:30 AM, Jiyu was running with pushing the wheelchair where Ishan was sitting and they both were enjoying but in this, Sara has also to run so that Jiyu can't make Ishan fall.

Everyone came to the park and Jiyu, Aid, Era, Eiro and Cyet started exercising with Mister Wa and Sara and Ishan were just wandering and exploring the park.

"Oh, how beautiful a rose is." Said Ishan with looking at the garden of roses in the park and Sara looked at a board and there was written,

"ONLY ONE FLOWER" which means you can just pick one. Although nowadays no one even looks at them, anyways.

Sara took out one white rose and gave to Ishan with saying, "The most beautiful flower for the most beautiful heart."

And Ishan smiled and realized that Sara loves him which can never end and what he did in his previous life was not right to do.

But with moving forward and getting another chance to live with fulfilling, he accepted the white rose and started moving with Sara.

The days started passing by these beautiful roses and stars and finally, the last day, 15 May finally came.

"Well, this is it."

It was 6 AM and boys had already packed everything and just saw the classroom for maybe the last time and started leaving with their bags.

"It was fun playing and camping in a school for 14 days." Said Jiyu.

"It was my first camping and it was worth it." Said Era and Eiro also said with passion, "Yes!!!"

"I am happy that I am in this team." Said Aid and continued, "We made a lot of memories and--"

And suddenly someone came running in the hallway towards Aid crying.

"Will you not forget me, right?" Said crying Ahi and hugged Aid.

Ahi was totally emotional on letting Aid to leave, although she can't do anything on it.

Aid for a second blushed but suddenly smiled and patted on Ahi's head and said, "Why would I? You are my very close friend."

Close friend? Hugging means close friend? {*Author being jealous although he don't even have a single normal friend.*}

Cyet said, "Why don't you both exchange your numbers?"

And Aid and Ahi were fools, how they both can't have such a simple idea?!

Aid and Ahi with being embarrassed and blushed took each other's phones and saved the numbers if they both want to call they can.

Sara and her teammates, with their bags came at the same hallway and joined them and started talking there only.

"Hey, are you all not going to the town?" Miss Naya came and everyone started stepping towards the entrance gate of the school.