Chapter 66 (Elisa's friend is...)(S3)

"It was a good choice of yours, Ishan, to buy a whole cake in spite of 8 pieces. You are also good in bargaining and all that stuff." Said Jiyu while walking with Ishan and Sara.

"It's not bargaining. It was a common sense. When cost of 8 pieces was giving me a while fresh cake then what will I buy?" Explained Ishan.

"Well, it was good. Now in spite of 8 pieces, I guess the whole can cover of 12. So I'll take a large ones." Said Sara.

"Yes yes. But firstly, let's take it safely. I am always scared until the cake is placed on a table." Said Ishan.

And Sara, Ishan and Jiyu continued moving back to home.

Sara, Ishan and Jiyu, in a few minutes reached back home and Sara said, "We are back!" And opened the door and entered in.

Ishan, Sara and Jiyu looked at 2 more pairs of shoes which means the guests have came.

"Ah, I guess we are late. Anyways, let's enter and eat some delicious cakes." Said Ishan with his mouth watering now.

Ishan, Sara and Jiyu came in front of the gate of living room and opened it.

Cyet was watching the volleyball match and turned towards the gate and Ishan, Sara and Jiyu were there. They all were stunned and not understanding what's happening.

Ivan and Elisa came in front of stunned Sara, Ishan and Jiyu from the kitchen room and Ivan said, "So you all have came? Meet her, Elisa, she's my one friend."

Ishan, Jiyu and Sara were still stunned and Jiyu, accidentally left the cake from his hands.

And Ivan and Elisa were watching the falling cake with being shocked but suddenly Ishan fall on face on ground and caught the cake, safely.

And Jiyu, Cyet and Sara came in senses and Jiyu was shocked that he left the cake from his hands! But Ishan saved it.

Ivan with feeling kinda pain and asked, "Are you... Alright?"

And Ishan suddenly shouted in pain because his broken knee folded a little bit and suddenly collided with the ground just to save the cake.

Cyet ran towards Ishan to help and Sara, Jiyu and Elisa suddenly sat to help whereas Ivan picked up the cake and ran towards the kitchen to keep it safely.

Ishan with help of Sara, Jiyu, Elisa and Cyet came out of his face towards the ground and stood straight his both legs with looking down.

Elisa saw that Ivan is nowhere and shouted saying, "You moron Ivan!!! Your little brother has fallen and you have ran with the cake!!!"

Ivan came back and said, "For what Ishan has sacrificed must not be wasted so my first priority to save the cake." And smiled.

Ishan, with laughing from inside but also being a little bit angry raised his head and his nose was bleeding! But he was still smiling and looking at Ivan with smile of anger.

"Hey! Your nose is bleeding!" Sara panicked.

Ivan started teasing and said, "How embarrassing, you fall in front of your girlfriend."

Sara shouted, "It's not embarassing!"

And Ishan started laughing but with no voice because he understood what will happen next.

"So you have accepted that you are his girlfriend, right?" Said Ivan with again teasing.

Sara stunned and blushed and left the handkerchief from her hand.

"Sara, say in front of big brother with all predictable consequences. He is extremely manipulative." Said Ishan and suddenly started laughing and sat on the wheelchair.

"Oh... My god, what just happened." Said laughing Ishan.

And Ivan smiled on looking at laughing Ishan that on this situations also, he can laugh.

Sara gently removed the blood the Ishan's nose bleed.

Whereas, Elisa hit on smiling Ivan's head and said, "Don't do such things to your little brother."

Ivan said, "It was just for his smile and laugh." And Elisa looked at smiling Ishan and understood what Ivan meant to say.

"Sooo... Will you tell us something, Cyet?" Asked Ishan and Elisa was surprised that Ishan knows Cyet.

Cyet and Elisa were sitting on the sofa and Ishan, Sara, Jiyu and Ivan were sitting on their chairs.

"So... Why didn't you told me it earlier, Cyet?" Asked Elisa calmly.

"What to tell? I myself don't knew that I am going to my team's captain and his big brother's home. I also didn't expect that you are a friend of big brother, we were playing basketball everyday in morning and evening." Said Cyet.

"And I am sorry that I left the cake with being shocked on seeing you, Cyet. We were surprised to see you. So..." Apologizing Jiyu.

Cyet laughed and gave a direction of his finger towards Ishan and said, "You should apologise to him, not me."

And Jiyu apologized Ishan and he easily forgave him.

Elisa pinched Ivan and said, "And when are you going to apologize to him?"

"Ah... Girls nowadays... Anyways, I apologise Ishan." Said Ivan and Ishan giving a clever smile that he just wanted it only.

"Anyways, Ishan and Sara and Jiyu have brought cake so please wait for a while and I will bring it on." Said Ivan and stood and went to the kitchen and Elisa also moved to help him.

Suddenly Jiyu sat next to Cyet and said, "I have seen you in these clothes never. And why are you being shy?"

Cyet laughed with being more embarrassed and said, "I can't... Actually normal at such places."

"Huh? You are too much shy. Don't be that much, you will definitely not get a girl." Said Ishan and Cyet shouted, "Shut up!"

And Sara, Ishan and Jiyu started laughing.

Whereas, Ivan and Elisa opened the cake in the pack and Ivan was surprised that Ishan has brought a large whole cake despite of 8 pieces. He was not angry or anything but surprised that he has brought more than said because he was having limited money.

"Ishan! How did you got a whole?" Asked Ivan from the kitchen.

"Oh, that. A fresh whole cake was being sold at price of 8 pieces so I purchased bigger ones."