Chapter 90 (Changeing and Changes)(S3)

At first, after Mahi's first move, Ishan just kept on staring at the board for 5 minutes.

And currently, the match actually became too much intense. Ruhi was not able to understand that on just first day of Ishan and in the third game only, he is beating Mahi at equal stage.

Ishan has played till now 32 moves and it was Mahi's turn to move but she was shocked by seeing that she is already trapped from everywhere and where she should go now!

"Ishan, was it a coincidence that you are playing so well or you have already calculated the moves?" Asked Ruhi.

"I just remembered that this year only, I played chess with Jiyu, my friend. And it's not coincidence but before the match, I actually never played."

'I apologize but I played chess 10 years in my previous life when I have to leave basketball. I just forget the basics but now I can remember everything.' thought Ishan.

And Mahi, after calculating, took a move.

"It's a blunder, checkmate." And Ishan defeated Mahi!

Mahi realized that she missed seeing the thing which made her defeated.

"Last match! I have never been defeated in public matches, indeed I have been defeated online but it's my first time... I don't know why... But... I want to play more against you." Said Mahi and Ishan smiled and started arranging.

Mahi was becoming more excited and obsessed for the game. She was actually enjoying it.

And the game once again started with a smile on Ishan's face and Mahi enjoying playing with him.

"You should never think bad about yourself, you know. My one best friend just scolded me on mobile on doing that." Said Ishan and gave his move.

"I don't do that. I just become sad if someone feels pity for me or if says me a cheater." And Mahi gave her move.

"Whatever but can't you ignore other's thinking or words? I will love to see you in an actual chess tournament." Said Ishan and ended the game with draw due to not sufficient material rule, just kings are left.

And Mahi suddenly blushed by hearing what Ishan said.

"Yes, I even play in tournaments. By that, you can even gain your ratings." Replied Ruhi.

"Um... I will think about it." Said blushed Mahi.

Ishan gave his hand for a handshake and they both had one and Ishan stood from his seat.

"Um...! Can you both exchange your number with me?" Asked shy Mahi.

Ruhi totally became excited and accepted Mahi's proposal and exchanged their numbers.

"Um... And you...?"

Ishan replied, "Um... I don't have my phone currently. It's at my home country, so yes. If big brother agrees, then you can give to him and when I will reach back. He will give it to me."

And Ivan directly gave his phone.

Mahi happily took the phone and saved her number in the phone.

"You are a good boy, Ishan." Said Ivan and patted on Ishan's head.

Era, Eiro, Cyet and Aid came to the their school stadium. They saw Jiyu playing basketball and smiling and enjoying like nothing actually happened.

"Yo! Why did you all came too much late?" Asked happy Jiyu.

"Huh? We are only allowed to be in the school for that two last periods which are of club activities until their suspension ends. And... It has just started." Said Aid.

"Hahaha, just kidding. Let's start our practice."

And Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Aid and Cyet started their match. Although Era, Eiro, Aid and Cyet were surprised to see Jiyu that Jiyu actually moved on from yesterday incident. So Cyet finally asked when his stomach was not digesting about sudden change in Jiyu.

"Hey Jiyu, are you alright? I mean, have you already moved on from yesterday's incident?"

Jiyu smiled and said, "Of course I have. I thought for a while and realized that we can't do anything except just wait for both of them and apologize properly. So I thought that thinking is not the solution but patience is, so yes, I am just waiting for them."

And Era, Eiro, Cyet and Aid realized that Jiyu indeed true that they can't do anything except wait for them and apologize.

And Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Aid and Cyet continued their practice.

Miss Naya passed by the stadium and was surprised that they all have become normal and at looking at same Jiyu, smiling and joyous like he was has came back was surprising for her but passed with a smile on her face.

Yu came to stadium and was surprised that all of them have became normal and were enjoying in playing.

"Guys!" All eyes at Yu and she suddenly bended down and then continued, "I apologise that without knowing the reality, I said that I can't be the coach anymore."

"So... You have left your work of a coach? But why?" Asked curious Jiyu.

"I apologize for that. My mind was wrong. I just want an answer, do you all even have a need of a coach?" Yu stood straight.

"Um... I guess we need a coach like you. The one thing which makes our need of you is... Your defensive strategies. But if Ishan is out, then we need your both strategies, defensive and offensive." Replied Jiyu and Yu was surprised that Jiyu will say this, the one who once expected that she is of no use.

Yu became happy and then with embarassment said, "So... If you all don't mind... Will you all have any problem with me if I become the coach once again?"

"You should be.You are also a part of our team and we need you, there is nothing to ask." Replied Jiyu and Era, Eiro, Cyet and Aid were just staring at Jiyu that how is he able to talk to her, the one who always tried ignore her.

And Yu totally became happy and said with joy, "Yes!"

And Jiyu with Era, Eiro, Aid and Cyet again went in the court to practice again.