Chapter 17 (Invitation)


Ishan was surprised that why his one team companion is coming with shouting like hell.

The teammate stopped in front the door of the library and all the girls, including Sara and Lisa started clapping because he stopped far from library but by dragging the foot on the ground, he stopped just in front of the library door!

Ishan with being more annoyed and his left eye was moving and showing Ishan is completely angry but also giving a smile trying to calm himself.

"What... What do you want Cyet? Why are you here?"

Cyet was the one making Ishan annoyed by dragging and making bad noise of it!

Cyet laughed and said, "I just wanted you to give an invitation."

"Huh? But why you are not in school uniform?!" Ishan was being jealous because everyone was not wearing the school uniform and wearing normal clothes! But except Lisa. She's a good girl.

"Ahahaha... I just came to school a few minutes ago in search of you. Then after too much asking from others, I found you. I just came to give an invitation."

Ishan forgave Cyet and said, "Ok ok, now tell me that what invitation."

Cyet remember about the invitation and said, "Tomorrow is my sister's first performance... So..."

Ishan understood that Cyet has came to ask him to come tomorrow and pat on Cyet's shoulder and said, "She is also my sister, I will come, don't worry."

Cyet started sweating with a smile and said, "Uh, I know that you will come... But... Sister wants to also invite your big brother, as he is her friend and wants her to support."

Ishan thought for a while and then said, "I can't guarantee about it because... He never picked up a call since he has left the home. No one knows where he is, even if someone knows, we don't know that where that guy is. So yes, I will try to call him and text him."

"Oh... Ok then." And Cyet started leaving until, he saw Lisa in the library on her seat and turned his direction with looking nervous towards Lisa.

Lisa raised her head and said, "Long time no see, Cyet."

And Cyet's heart got an arrow.

Cyet with hesitation said, "Um... Uh... Um... Will... Will you..."

"Just say it already otherwise I will say." Said Ishan and in a second Cyet said with rush, "Will you also come in the performance?!"

Lisa smiled with dropping her head on her palm and half arm on the table and said, "Although I have some work..."

And Cyet's face became sad.

"... But... I will come. Don't worry, just tell the location to me or someone else to whom I know and will be coming with me." And Lisa smiled with making Cyet relieved.

"Th-Thanks!!! I will personally come to pick you up!" And Cyet started leaving.

Cyet started leaving and Sara was looking shocked.

Ishan caught Cyet's collar and said, "Didn't you forgot to ask someone else as well?"

Cyet stopped and looked at Ishan and Lisa and said, "Who else--" And Ishan caught Cyet's jaws and turned towards Sara and left.

Cyet realise that what big mistake he has done and he suddenly bended down his head and said, "I apologise!!! You are also invited for it!!!"

Sara was planning to become angry from Cyet on not giving her invitation of her friend and she also considers her as sister as well but Sara didn't did that and said, "It's alright. I, Sia, and Yu will also be coming. If Ahi can also come then it's more better."

"Thank you!!!" And Cyet raised his head and started leaving.

"Hey, did you informed others?" Asked Ishan with playing the role of a brother of someone else.

"Oh, please invite Jiyu, Aid, Era, and Eiro. I am depending on you." And Cyet ran.

"Uh... What a troublemaking kid." Said Ishan and started leaving.

But suddenly Lisa stopped Ishan and said, "Your income for today." And started moving towards him.

"Me? But what I even did?"

"Miss Naya knew the price but still gave 10 because you were also working. So half is mine, half yours." And gave the half money in Ishan's hand.

"Um... This will be my first time earning..." And Ishan started thinking for a while and then took the money and started leaving saying, "Thanks then." And left.

Sara and her friends stood and started leaving with saying, "See you next time" and left.

Now Lisa has to close the library and started doing that already. She shut the air conditioner, closed the fans and lights and with the key started leaving and closed and locked the door and left.

And Ishan's paper was left on the table under darkness.

The next day, Ishan with Sara continued their walk like a couple to join with others who would be waiting for them.

"Did big brother picked up your any call yesterday?" Asked Sara while walking with Ishan.

"What can you even expect. He didn't. I send the messages but I don't know that whether he has seen or not because in the software it showed not seen."

'But I am sure that he will be there. How can he leave his bride's performance?' thought Ishan and remembers that if he ever said this in front of Ivan, he is already dead. And for congratulations that Ivan is not there, Ishan smiled with a sweat.

And Ishan with Sara reached the performance spot and met Jiyu, Yu, Era, Sia, Eiro, and Lisa. Cyet was gone to help Elisa and Aid couldn't come because he has gone to station to go to the town of Koyo School, of course to date with Ahi.

Aid from metro shouted on me, "Just shut up!!!"

Sia was still looking sad and remaining in thoughts with a faded face.

"Hey, Era. Come here." Ishan called Era to stand next to him and Era came and Ishan whispered, "Why are you making Sia sad? If she has done that, why you are doing the same?"

Era with explaining said, "It's not like that, I am talking to her as I do to you and everyone and I am making her sad?"

Sia's eyes became full of tears on hearing this by Era and said, "So why... Aren't you becoming my friend? I am just saying to become friends again and that's all."

Era looked at crying Sia and suddenly a smile came on his face and said, "Why do you want to become?"

"Because I just want to!!! I just want to end that whatever happened in past!"

Era smilingly said, "Then friendship was also in the past, wasn't it?"