Elisa with curosity and excitement asked, "You said all the sentences perfectly! So... You mean... You can actually read minds?"
Lisa with pride said, "I can, and I even do regularly."
And Ishan smiled and stood and started leaving.
"Oye! Where are you going?! Don't you have a chess match?" Asked Lisa and Elisa was also doubting that why is Ishan leaving.
"I am taking out my name from chess and will not be coming to training and will be coming in vision on the right day. So see you next time."
And Lisa and Elisa didn't understood that why Ishan is wanting to stay away of his teammates.
Lisa with a little bit confused face asked, "Do you want to increase the hate and those who are not believing in Era's words also believe in it?"
"Exactly, you got it." And Ishan smiled.
Elisa shockingly shouted, "Are you trying to become the same you were last year?! Why?!!! You have friends and everything but you want to stay away of it, why?!"
And Ishan laughed and said, "... I never deserved them."
"Then what about library and your practice?!"
And Ishan stopped and thought for a while, "Um... If you want then call me, I will come to become library--"
And Ishan has to sit on the library seat to become the librarian and Elisa and Lisa were smiling and said, "Now do your job carefully." And left!
"Uh...! I wanted to practice in park!!!"
And Lisa and Elisa left the school and started wandering in the roads! And Ishan was dying in the library!
Elisa and Lisa continued their walk and Elisa got a question and asked, "... Do you like Ishan?"
And Lisa with making a bad face and replied, "Huh? What made you think about it? I
hate him the most because of whatever he plans. How much depressed guy he is, why would someone even be his friend?!"
"Then why do you read his mind?"
"It's not like that, I also read others but I am interested in him because whatever he plans and story he is creating about himself is something like of a fiction. He's a guy who plans the worse to be hated but he is the only guy who thinks like that."
"So... You are not interested in him?"
"No, I am interested in those who loves me."
Elisa smiled and asked, "Like my brother?"
"He told you... I actually realise the day we met for the first time and read his mind."
And Elisa laughed with a smile that Cyet also has a crush.
"And the same day Ishan caught me that I can read minds. And psychologically, he can't read like me." Said Lisa with making a bad face that how Ishan can be so much intelligent that he caught her.
And Elisa smiled with a sweat that Lisa definitely hates Ishan.
And Lisa and Elisa came to the park and two men were playing basketball and when saw Elisa, they ran away instantly without wasting a second.
Elisa was shocked and with shacking arm raised her arm towards the men who suddenly left and said, "... Weren't... Weren't they Ivan and Noah?"
Lisa replied, "I don't know but I read their mind and they were actually shocked by seeing you. And as much I know the story, thanks to freaking Ishan, they must be. And one of them was thinking and feeling guilty about something."
And Elisa realized that they were actually Ivan and Noah only, but didn't wanted to meet her. Although Elisa was glad that Ivan was feeling guilty for his flaws.
"Are you going back to school or home?" Asked Elisa and turned back.
Lisa also turned back and said, "Today is not football and Ishan will be doing the job of librarian... So I will be going to home."
And Elisa smiled and started walking towards home with Lisa.
Cyet woke up and remembered that today is his practice again so he immediately went to get ready but was also surprised because his sister was not at home.
"Cyet!!! Make two coffees for me and your guest!"
Cyet heard and got to know that Elisa is back and came and was shocked to see Lisa is also with her!
"Um... You, Lisa?"
"Yo, good morning Cyet."
And Cyet was completely lost that Lisa is saying good morning to him!
"Hey, bring coffee to us." Ordered Elisa and Cyet instantly ran to make the coffee.
Ishan > I am on break from practice for some days. So I will be not coming in eyes for a while.
And Jiyu didn't understood that what Ishan meant to say in the message, why he wants a break?
"Hey... If anyone of them came to library to me... Then I will be caught easily! They both trapped me!" Shouted Ishan with pain that how... How even his sister, Elisa, can trap him in such a situation!
But nobody came to library and Ishan was bored but thankful as well that no one came. It was already evening and he got a message from Lisa.
Lisa > At 6, close the library and close everything. From fan to lights. And did someone took rent on books?
Ishan started typing to answer.
Ishan > Some kids rented some comics. And asked the rent and I told the price 5, so don't shout on me once again.
Lisa > Reciept?
Ishan > Taken and proved. Any other issue?
Lisa > Thanks for doing work in place of me. You can take whatever you earned today.
And Ishan stood and started closing everything in the library with leaving the money and closed the library but suddenly asked something from Lisa.
Ishan > Where to keep the key?
Lisa > Just go to teachers' office and there will be board to keep the keys, put it at any hook.
And Ishan kept the phone in his pocket and started leaving and moving towards teachers' office.
After coming, he put the key on a small hook where other keys were also there and started leaving.
"Hahaha... Wh-What?!"
Ishan heard the voice of laughter and looked at ground and Jiyu, Yu, Eiro, Era, Sia, Cyet and Sara were moving back to their houses with enjoying in themselves.