Chapter 12: Goblin Culling Begins

The first light of dawn crept over the horizon as Lucian prepared for the day ahead. The culling of the goblins had always been a significant event in their region, a necessary measure to keep the surrounding lands safe from the marauding creatures that thrived in the nearby forests. This year, however, it felt different. For Lucian, it wasn't just a test of his skills but a chance to apply the knowledge and powers he'd been honing, including the use of his newly enchanted stones.

Lucian donned his leather armor, securing the straps with practiced ease. His short sword and shield were polished and ready, hanging from his belt. The twin daggers, now a constant part of his gear, rested comfortably at his waist. He retrieved the small pouch containing the E-grade mana stones he had enchanted the night before, their potential for destruction giving him a strange sense of confidence. The F-grade stones, already sold to Marcellus, were no longer his concern; his focus was solely on the task ahead.

As he stepped outside, the crisp morning air greeted him, bracing and full of promise. The estate was a hive of activity, with knights, adventurers, and retainers all preparing for the culling. Horses were being saddled, weapons sharpened, and provisions packed. His father, Baron Alaric Lionhart, stood at the center of it all, directing the preparations with his usual stern efficiency.

Lucian approached him, noting the proud, yet hard look on his father's face. Alaric was a man of tradition, and the annual culling was as much about upholding the family's honor as it was about protecting their lands.

"Lucian," Alaric greeted him, his deep voice carrying the weight of command. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Father," Lucian replied, meeting his gaze with determination. "I'm prepared."

Alaric nodded, his eyes lingering on the short sword at Lucian's side. "Good. Remember, this is not just about killing goblins. It's about showing that you can lead and protect. Stay with your unit, follow orders, and be vigilant. The goblins have grown bolder in recent years. There are reports of larger, more organized groups."

"I understand," Lucian assured him.

Alaric studied him for a moment longer before clapping him on the shoulder. "I'm counting on you, son. Make us proud."

With that, Alaric turned to continue his preparations, leaving Lucian to his thoughts. The culling was more than just a rite of passage; it was a chance to prove himself, not only to his father but to everyone who had ever doubted him.

The assembled forces consisted of seasoned knights, hardened adventurers, and a few select younger members of noble families, each with something to prove. Lucian's unit was comprised of men and women he had trained with before, each of them armed and armored for the task at hand. Garret, his trainer, was among them, clad in chainmail and wielding a broadsword with practiced ease.

"Stay close to me," Garret advised as they moved into formation. "We've got our orders. We'll be sweeping the western edge of the forest. It's dense, but that means we'll be able to funnel any goblins we encounter into narrow spaces, making them easier to deal with."

Lucian nodded, checking his gear one last time. The plan was simple: they would drive the goblins out of their hiding places and eliminate them before they could regroup or flee. But as with any battle, there was always the risk of the unexpected.

The morning sun was climbing higher as the forces began to move out, the heavy thud of hooves and the clank of armor filling the air. The forest loomed ahead, dark and foreboding, its thick canopy casting long shadows over the ground. Lucian could feel the tension in the air, a mix of anticipation and dread that had become all too familiar.

As they entered the forest, the sounds of the estate faded, replaced by the rustle of leaves and the occasional snap of a twig underfoot. The knights moved in formation, their eyes scanning the underbrush for any sign of movement. The adventurers, more experienced in forest combat, spread out slightly, their weapons at the ready.

Lucian gripped his sword tightly, his senses on high alert. He had trained for this, prepared himself for the dangers that lay ahead. But there was always that sliver of doubt, the uncertainty of what might happen when the fighting began.

They hadn't gone far when they encountered the first signs of goblin activity. A crude trap, barely hidden beneath a layer of leaves, was spotted by one of the adventurers, who quickly disarmed it with a practiced hand. A little further on, they found the remnants of a campfire, still smoldering.

"Stay sharp," Garret warned. "They're close."

The unit advanced cautiously, their movements synchronized and deliberate. The tension was palpable, the forest eerily silent except for the sound of their approach.

Then, suddenly, the silence was shattered by a shrill cry. A goblin, small and wiry, burst from the underbrush, its beady eyes filled with malice as it charged at them, wielding a rusty dagger. Lucian reacted instinctively, raising his shield to block the attack and countering with a swift slash of his sword. The goblin fell, its body crumpling to the ground with a gurgle.

But the single goblin was just the beginning. Within moments, more of the creatures emerged from the shadows, their numbers growing as they swarmed toward the unit. The air was filled with the clash of steel and the guttural cries of goblins as the battle began in earnest.

Lucian fought with everything he had, his sword cutting through the goblins' ranks with precision. He stayed close to Garret, who fought with the skill and ferocity of a seasoned warrior, his broadsword cleaving through goblin flesh with every swing.

The goblins were relentless, attacking in waves, but the unit held their ground, their training and discipline giving them the edge. Lucian's heart pounded in his chest as he parried a blow from a particularly vicious goblin, the impact jarring his arm. He countered with a thrust, driving his sword into the goblin's chest.

"Keep moving! Don't let them surround you!" Garret's voice cut through the chaos, and Lucian obeyed, shifting his position to avoid being boxed in by the goblins.

It was then that Lucian remembered the enchanted stones in his pouch. He reached for one of the E-grade stones, his fingers closing around the smooth, cold surface. With a quick motion, he hurled the stone into the midst of the goblins.

The stone exploded with a deafening crack, sending a shockwave through the air. The goblins closest to the blast were torn apart, their bodies shredded by the force of the explosion. The others, momentarily stunned by the blast, hesitated, giving the unit a crucial advantage.

Lucian didn't waste the opportunity. He pressed forward, cutting down the disoriented goblins with swift, lethal strikes. The tide of the battle was turning in their favor, and soon the remaining goblins were either dead or fleeing back into the forest.

Breathing heavily, Lucian surveyed the battlefield. The ground was littered with goblin corpses, their blood staining the earth. His heart was still racing, the adrenaline of the fight coursing through his veins. But they had won the first skirmish, and that was a victory in itself.

Garret approached him, his expression one of approval. "Good work, Lucian. That stone was well-timed."

"Thank you," Lucian replied, still catching his breath. "It's something I've been working on."

Garret nodded, but there was no time for further discussion. The unit regrouped, checking their weapons and tending to any minor injuries. The culling was far from over, and they had to keep moving.

As they pressed deeper into the forest, the air grew thicker, the shadows darker. The trees closed in around them, their twisted branches forming a canopy that blocked out much of the sunlight. The further they went, the more evidence they found of the goblins' presence—scattered bones, discarded weapons, and the occasional footprint in the mud.

Lucian's senses were on high alert, every rustle of leaves or snap of a twig setting his nerves on edge. The goblins were out there, watching, waiting for the right moment to strike. He could feel their presence, a malevolent force lurking just beyond the edge of his vision.

The unit came to a halt at the edge of a clearing, the open space eerily quiet. Garret held up a hand, signaling for silence. They stood there, listening, the tension in the air almost unbearable.

Then, without warning, the goblins attacked. They came from all sides, bursting out of the underbrush and descending upon the unit in a frenzied rush. The clearing erupted into chaos as swords clashed and arrows flew, the goblins fighting with a desperate ferocity.

Lucian found himself in the thick of it, his sword a blur as he fended off the goblins' attacks. They were faster, more aggressive than the ones they had faced earlier, their movements erratic and unpredictable. He barely had time to think, his instincts guiding his actions as he fought for his life.

A goblin lunged at him, its claws raking across his shield. Lucian countered with a quick slash, but before he could land the blow, another goblin was on him, its jagged blade slashing toward his side.