Chapter 16: Mana Infusion Part-I

At the approaching dawn, Lucian silently exited the inn and headed back to his estate thinking about the last night's escapade left him refreshed after going through the exhaustion of the culling. On his way home, he decided to pursue other ways or objects for mana enchanting other than mana stones. After reaching his room he opened up his system screen,to his surprise he realized he had levelled up to Level 5 due to his kills from usage of mana bombs and alloted his saved up skill points and free attributes and had unlocked a new skill called Mana Infusion.

Character: Lucian Lionheart 

Class: Enchanter

Level: 5


- Strength: 14 

 Effectiveness in physical tasks and combat.

- Agility: 11

 Speed, dexterity, and reflexes.

- Constitution: 12 

 Physical endurance and resistance to ailments.

- Mana: 20 

 Resource for casting spells and enchantments.

# Health Points (HP): 450 

Total health available for sustaining physical damage.

# Mana Points (MP): 240 

Total mana available for casting spells and enchantments


Mana Manipulation : Level 3 

 Description: Basic control over mana, allowing for simple enchantments and spellcasting. Enhances ability to channel and utilize mana for magical effects.

Mana Infusion : Level 2

 - The ability to channel raw mana into objects to create enchantments

Lucian began to think about how he could use this skill not just to create typical enchanted items but to innovate in ways that could set him apart from other enchanters. Perhaps he could develop everyday objects that could serve dual purposes, tests the waters with small, discreet ventures—like creating steamy illustrated materials and magical aphrodisiacs.

Lucian sat in his small, dimly lit room, the soft glow of his enchanted lamp casting shadows on the walls. The room was modest, filled with books and scrolls piled on a wooden desk, a few alchemical tools that he had previously bought scattered across the surface. The faint scent of old parchment and the earthy aroma of herbs lingered in the air. Tonight, Lucian was embarking on a journey he had never thought possible—a venture into creating materials and substances that could awaken the deepest desires and stir the most primal urges.

With his skills in mana manipulation and infusion still at a novice level, Lucian knew that what he was about to attempt was ambitious. Yet, the curiosity burning inside him was too strong to ignore. He had read about the power of magical aphrodisiacs and how they could enhance experiences beyond ordinary human imagination. But creating them himself, infusing raw mana into substances, and experimenting with his own limited knowledge? That was a different challenge altogether.

Lucian took a deep breath, feeling the familiar tingle of mana coursing through his veins. He extended his hand, summoning a small orb of light that floated above his palm. This was the most basic application of mana manipulation—a mere flicker of energy. But tonight, he aimed for more.

He focused on the mana, channeling it carefully. As a beginner, controlling mana required intense concentration. Too much focus and the energy would dissipate; too little and it could backfire. Lucian closed his eyes, visualizing the mana as a stream flowing through him, gentle yet powerful.

With a slow exhale, he directed the mana towards a blank piece of parchment on his desk. The goal was to infuse it with just enough energy to transform it into a medium that could depict steamy, seductive illustrations. He envisioned the parchment absorbing the mana, becoming more than just a piece of paper.

A faint glow began to emanate from the parchment, and Lucian opened his eyes. The edges of the paper shimmered with a soft, pulsing light. He could feel the mana settling into the fibers, binding with the material. Now came the tricky part—infusing it with intent.

Lucian had read about the importance of intent in magic. The energy needed direction, purpose. It wasn't just about raw power; it was about control, finesse. He imagined the kind of imagery he wanted to create—sensual, evocative, yet tastefully artistic. He pictured the curves, the shades, the expressions that would bring his vision to life.

With careful precision, Lucian willed the mana to carry these thoughts into the parchment. The light intensified for a moment, then slowly dimmed until the parchment looked almost ordinary again, save for the faint shimmer that still lingered.

He picked up the parchment, feeling a slight warmth radiating from it. The real test would be to draw on it, to see if the mana had truly taken hold. Lucian grabbed a quill and dipped it into ink, his hand trembling slightly with anticipation. He started to draw, sketching the outline of a figure, letting his imagination guide him.

As the quill touched the enchanted parchment, the ink flowed smoothly, almost too smoothly. The lines seemed to curve and twist on their own, shaping into delicate, alluring forms. The figure began to take shape—a woman, her posture graceful yet suggestive, her expression soft yet provocative. The parchment seemed to hum with energy, the mana within it amplifying the details, adding depth and life to the illustration.

Lucian's heart raced as he continued, the image growing more vivid with each stroke. The parchment wasn't just reacting to his hand; it was enhancing his vision, bringing out subtleties he hadn't even consciously considered. When he finally stepped back, the result was more than he had hoped for. The image was mesmerizing, almost as if it was about to come to life.

But this was just the beginning.

Encouraged by his success with the illustration, Lucian turned his attention to something more challenging—creating a magical aphrodisiac. He knew this was risky. Playing with mana-infused substances could have unpredictable results, especially with his limited experience. But the potential rewards were too great to ignore.

Lucian began by gathering the ingredients. He had spent his day collecting rare herbs and extracts, substances known for their natural aphrodisiac properties. There was rosehip, for its subtle, warm aroma; damiana leaves, known for their ability to enhance sensual experiences; and a pinch of ground amber, prized for its deep, musky scent. Each of these ingredients had its own unique energy, its own subtle magic.