Chapter 35: Cracks in the Foundation

Lucian sat at the head of the long, ornate table in the grand hall of his manor, his eyes surveying the faces of his most trusted advisors. The room was filled with tension, a palpable energy that had been building over the past few weeks. The church's looming investigation had set everyone on edge, and Lucian could sense that the pressures of running an ever-expanding empire were beginning to take their toll on his team.

Eveline, as always, was composed and calm, but there was a sharpness to her gaze that hadn't been there before. Roderic, his second-in-command and chief of security, sat with his arms crossed, his expression dark and brooding. Selene, the master illusionist who had been instrumental in the success of their live performances, was unusually quiet, her eyes flickering between her colleagues as if measuring their moods.