Chapter 52: Unknown Blackwood

The Blackwood was a place steeped in legend, its towering trees and dense undergrowth hiding secrets that had been buried for centuries. For Lucian and his comrades, the forest offered both a sanctuary and a reminder of the kingdom's forgotten past. As they navigated the winding trails, the thick canopy above blocking out the sun, they couldn't shake the feeling that the very trees were watching them, ancient sentinels standing guard over the land.

The old fort they sought was hidden deep within the Blackwood, a relic of a bygone era when the kingdom had been a different place. Built by a forgotten order of knights, it had long since fallen into disrepair, its stone walls crumbling and overgrown with moss. But its location made it the perfect refuge for the rebellion—a place where they could regroup, plan, and prepare for the battles ahead.