Chapter 55: The Temptation of Power

Lucian stumbled through the dark corridor, his mind reeling from the encounter with Desire. He knew that the Blackwood was testing him, trying to break him down, but he refused to let it win. He had come too far, sacrificed too much to be defeated by his own desires.

But as he pressed on, the corridor began to change. The walls grew taller, the air heavier with the scent of ancient wood and stone. And then, just as suddenly as before, the corridor opened up into another chamber—this one vast and imposing, with high vaulted ceilings and walls lined with towering bookshelves.

At the far end of the chamber stood a throne, carved from dark wood and inlaid with shimmering jewels. And seated upon the throne was a figure cloaked in shadow, its face hidden beneath a hood.

"Welcome, Lucian," the figure said, its voice a low, resonant whisper. "I've been waiting for you."