Looking atop the walls of the Silo City, Cesar couldn't help but look around at the dreaded atmosphere that surrounded the city walls.
Who wouldn't get nervous?
They are aware that an incoming attack from a group of worse people and it came from no other than the current enemy, the Revolutionary Army.
Now Cesar was expecting an attack from them at any moment.
After talking with Mayor Trevor about their current strategy, it was a definitive strategy that defending the city would give them the highest chance of win rate.
If the military promised their arrival for over five hours which has been reduced to three now, waiting for the additional men is the right way.
Cesar put himself on the south side of the city, watching out the perimeter using the goggles that the Silo City provided.
Of course, it would be different if their enemies have Facets or Artifacts since mundane equipment will be nothing but a piece of garbage into them.