Look behind you


The ground quaked, sending tremors through the earth.

The sound of the explosion was deafening—a violent eruption that roared through the air like a beast unleashed.

A blast wave tore across the field, flattening the tall grass and sending a cloud of dust and debris high into the cave ceiling.

It was as if the very cave itself had ripped open for a few moments, vomiting forth fire, smoke, and destruction.

The energy of the blast crackled with arcs of lightning, sizzling through the air as flames and icy shards mixed, creating a chaotic storm that consumed everything in its path.

A shockwave pulsed outward, hammering against the chieftains and the watching clans.

The sheer force of the explosion knocked a few of the weaker Orcs off their feet, while others staggered back, shielding their eyes from the blinding light.

