Unknown Teenager

Volk stood tall, the towering leader of the Orc horde, his bulging muscles flexing beneath his rough skin, sweat and dirt smeared across his face.

His breath came out in heavy, angry puffs as his eyes scanned the battlefield.

The six unknown human fighters had been giving his Orcs a surprisingly hard time.

For warriors as big and brutal as the Orcs, it was almost humiliating. Still, despite the chaos, Volk knew he was close to completing his mission.

He needed twenty-five kills, and these six wouldn't be enough.

There was one more.

He frowned deeply as he surveyed the scene, eyes narrowing in frustration.

The clash of steel against Orc shields filled the air, mingled with the grunts and roars of battle.

The six humans were fast—almost unnaturally so—darting in and out of combat like blurs.