Glitch Abuse

As soon as Volk's feet touched the cold stone of the catacomb, a bright screen flickered into his vision.

The words materialized in large, unforgiving letters, shimmering with an almost accusatory intensity:


| The Host Has Committed a System Violation: Glitch Abuse Detected |

Volk's eyes narrowed as he read, his face tense. He could almost feel the system's disapproving glare through the glowing text. More lines began to appear, each word firm and final:

| While the System was Updating, the Host accessed powers without limitation, exceeding intended limits and exploiting an update vulnerability.

| This has been deemed a serious infraction. |

The words lingered ominously, and for a moment, Volk felt a pang of irritation, his hands clenching. But the message continued, cutting off any frustration he might feel:

| Warning:

| This is not how the system is designed to function.