The beginning of hearts

She had only stretched her hand to touch his chest, maybe, just maybe if he feels her touch as he takes her unflinchingly without permission, he might understand the pain he makes her suffer almost every night.

His upper body–drenched in sweat and covered in tattoos stretched bare on top of her, his forehead resting beside her shoulder as she heard his countless curses erupting from each thrust. He had warned her never to touch him on the bed or anywhere, but she couldn't pretend the amount of pain that emanated from lower stomach to her thighs.

So she stretched her palm and her finger only grazed his abs when a strong hand wrapped its fingers around her neck. She whimpered.

"What do you think you are doing?" he asked, with a deadly calm vivid in his eyes. "You have grown some wings, yea?"

Her pleading eyes grew wide as she felt him tightening his grip around her neck. "I-I forgot. I'm-"

She didn't see it coming, she never did, the slap came too fast, too strong she wailed loudly biting my lips as if that would reduce the pain.

"You forgot…" he climbed down from the bed, and strolled to a shelf with insidious steps. "I know something that will make you never to forget." he finished, bringing out a large black belt.

She immediately attempted to climb away from the bed, but he was too fast. He grabbed her and slapped her again, the pain stung more than the first.

"Please. Please, I promise I'll never do it–" but the pleas fell on deaf ears, no one could tell which one was louder, the continuous sound of the belt slicing through space before hitting its target, or the cries of a woman too frail to take another hit.

Her eyes snapped open, following another series of headaches. She climbed down from the bed, and walked slowly to the toilet. Claire had been too kind to give her a big room with a personal convenience room inside it, she knew this wasn't the visitor's room even though Claire said otherwise. She was grateful regardless.

"Shit." She caught her reflection in the mirror. Her long brown hair looked like she fought with herself during the night. She wasn't sure if Claire knew about her nightmares, or the times her night screams were too loud to ignore. Claire never asked, that can only mean she still doesn't know.

"Ok. Here goes." she stared hard on her mirror reflection. "Your name is Sylvia Hudson, and nothing shall cause you fear anymore." she said it a few times as if she was forcing herself to believe it.

A knock resounded on the door. "Wake up, sleepy head! Breakfast is served." At least, today's morning seems to be going well.

Her eyes darted to the clock and she let out a loud sigh. It was still early, she wondered why Claire would prepare breakfast this early. The betraying growl from her stomach answered.

The smell of egg sauce filled the house. Anthony glanced her way, offering a subtle nod before returning to his phone. Claire hummed, holding a cooking spoon.

"Why are you cooking this early?" Sylvia asked, seated on a petite stool in the kitchen.

Claire shrugged. "Because I feel like it?" Then she paused, and began to study Sylvia's face.


"You didn't sleep well again." Switching off the gas burner. "I don't know why you don't want to get drugs."

Because they don't work, she wanted to say. "Oh well." she said, avoiding her eyes. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"I wonder why that's so hard to believe these days." her eyes dropped, filling up her plate.

Sylvia managed to smile. "That's because you worry too much. Are you going to the hospital today?" trying to change the topic.

Claire sighed, shaking her head. Sylvia knew she caught her but that didn't stop her from saying, "Yes, but that will be later in the afternoon. Unless, of course, there's an emergency."

She nodded, slightly wishing Claire wouldn't ask about her unfruitful interviews. But what she said was quite unexpected.

"Someone wants to meet you."

"Hmm?" her mouth was full, but she managed to chew and swallow, surprised. "Why?"

"You have been throwing a tantrum about needing a job. That's why."

She tried not to read that in the wrong way, but it was a useless effort. Claire has told her countless times she didn't mind if she had to take care of her needs for another two years, but Sylvia knew that would be unfair to the both of them. She never bothered to ask how Claire seems to be living a comfortable life from the doctor's salary, not forgetting a personal guard always at her side. Something at the back of her head kept telling her there was no need to find out.

"Sylvia." concern laced in her voice. Sylvia perked her head. "You just went quiet, I thought that would make your ugly face smile."

Sylvia scowled, with a smile in her eyes. "Oh please. Just because I look like this doesn't make you more beautiful than I am."

"Of course. You can say anything that makes you sleep at night." with mockery evident in her voice.

Sylvia chuckled softly. "Well…when am I meeting this person you talked about?"

"Oh, soon." grabbing her phone on the counter. "I'll send you the details about the job later." she said, biting her lips.

That was when Sylvia noticed Claire was thinking about something. "Claire? What aren't you telling me?"

She cocked her head, with a naughty smile. "What do you mean?"

"Spit it out."

She rolled her eyes at the command. "It's nothing important. Just that he's a little handsome," she said, with a wink.

Sylvia just stared at her, shock in her eyes. "You can't be serious, Clary."

"Did I say anything, hm?"

Her smile shone in her eyes. "You didn't have to. Just to remind you, I'm looking for a job not a lover."

"Oh, please." she purred, waving her hand dismissively. "What is stopping you from looking for both?"