Melinoe sat by the edge of her wide bed in her grand room adorned in silver, her head faced downwards as she listened to Lilith's complaint with Jo standing by the side

" How long have you been sneaking out" Lilith questions, her eyes narrowed

Melinoe hesitated, "Just once or twice." But Lilith saw through the lie.

"Lying to me won't make this better, Melinoe. Or do I need to punish Jo for your disobedience" Lilith's gaze shifted to Jo, her voice dripping with malice.

" He has nothing to do with this, leave him out of this " Melinoe snapped

Lilith's expression turned cold. "What do you think your Father would do if he finds out about your little escapades?" Melinoe's eyes widened, fear flickering in her golden orbs. "Please, you can't tell him..."

Lilith sighed, her voice softening slightly. "It's dangerous out there, Melinoe. If those guards had caught you, it would have sparked a conflict between the Celestial gods and the Underworld."

" But I didn't get caught," Melinoe said in a low tone

" I won't tell your Father but I can't let this slide,you are forbidden from leaving the underworld again,leave one more time and I'll inform Hades myself, Am I understood" Lilith Said, her voice Stern

And a with a low voice and nod Melinoe responded "Understood Lady Lilith" 

" Good, now get some rest," Lilith said before exiting from Melinoe's room

" I'm sorry my lady, I should have protected your secret better" Jo spoke up

Melinoe walked up to him and placed her hand on his shoulders and gave him a warm smile" It wasn't your fault Jo, you did your best and I was gone for too long, I'm sorry" 

' I really hope Leo is safe ' Melinoe pondered


Santaliel wandered through the hallways thinking about how he would overcome the trials of the Celestial Exam with Orly trailing beside him as usual, As they turned a corner, they encountered Deran and a few other elite soldiers

" Greetings Santaliel" Deran bowed as he approached Santaliel and the other soldiers bowed and greeted in unison " greetings master"

"Hello Deran, is there a problem" Santaliel asked as he glanced at the soldiers

" We're just coming back from Patrol and decided to report back to his Lordship" Deran waved his hand, dismissing the soldiers to continue on their way

" Did anything happen during Patrol, that's the only reason there would be so much soldiers here" Santaliel inquired

" We came across someone,unaware if it was a demon or a god but it ran from us and we chased after it, it was able to cast a powerful spell so it wasn't someone ordinary and we lost track of it but we were able to capture the beast that was with it" Deran said

Santaliel's interest was sparked. "A beast, you say? I'd like to see it."

Deran raised an eyebrow. "Ofcourse but why are you interested in it"

 "Apart from Orly here, I've never seen another beast. I'm curious to know if they're all similar." Santaliel responded

Orly spoke up, "We're not all the same, Master."

Santaliel chuckled. "I still want to satisfy my curiosity."

Deran nodded. "Very well, I'll take you to it."

With that, Deran led the way, Santaliel and Orly following closely behind.

They got to the courtyard where a giant cage stood with the beast inside it covered in chains, growling and trying to break free but the thickness and Celestial Force put in the cage is as strong as titanium

Orly's eyes widened as she saw the beast, her expression a mix of emotions.

" Isn't that cruel" Santaliel questioned, his voice filled with concern

" It's no ordinary beast, it's one of fiercest and powerful beast in the boundary's forest, not much of it's kind remains" Deran explained

Santaliel's frown deepened. "That's not a good enough reason to treat it this way, what did my father have to say about this"

" He ordered for it to be kept here till he figures out what to do with it" Deran said

" I will go talk to my dad" Santaliel said

" No need son,I'm already here" Ares said as he approached from behind, his Aura filling the air and all the soldiers and guards present bowed in unison

" Father this is just too cruel," Santaliel said " look at it's eyes,it isn't a beast that could harm anyone"

" You're right but if I want to find out who was powerful enough to evade my elites I need this beast" Ares said

"How does that have to do with the beast" Santaliel inquired

" There's a spell on it, it's like a tracking spell and it a type of spell used in the underworld, so this beast is very important to whoever evaded my guards" Ares explained

" But Father, if the owner is as powerful as you claim it to be then why didn't it attack and just ran, what if it meant no harm" Santaliel asked

" That is possible or it could have felt outnumbered and retreated" Ares responded "Only Demons and banished gods lurk In the underworld , so if they are planning something, I have to bring a stop to it"

" But the beast is innocent" Santaliel pressed on

" If you can get it to calm down then it's yours until we find it's actual owner" Ares said and Santaliel sighed and walked towards the beast, he extended his hands towards the growling beast in a calm gesture, trying to calm it down

" I know you're upset,I would be too if I was put in that much chains, but until your owner is found, you can stay with me and I promise I will make sure no one harms you " Santaliel said to the beast looked at Santaliel Asif understanding him and calmed down

Ares nodded in approval. "That's my boy. For now, the beast is yours. Keep it safe." With that, he departed from the courtyard, leaving Santaliel to tend to the creature. 

" That settles it then, Release it" Santaliel smiled and Deran waved his hands and a guard opened the cage and the Chains on the beast began to disappear

It stepped out of the cage, and walked towards Santaliel and Orly, its size intimidating

" You're so big, it's a good thing my room is bigger" Santaliel chuckled " do you have a name? You have an owner so I guess you have a name" Santaliel said and the beast growled

" His name is Leo " Orly answered

Santaliel narrowed his brows " how do you know "

" It's a beast just like me Master,I can understand it" Orly responded

" You're right, well Leo, you're my new friend" Santaliel smiled and the beast looked at Him unsure of what Santaliel meant.

" Let's head back to my chambers, we have an exam to prepare for" he said as he turned to head back to his Chambers, Orly and Leo Following Closely beside him.