" I'm taking the next celestial exam and I need your help Gaia" Santaliel informed with a serious expression

" You need my help?" Gaia asked 

Santaliel's eyes blazed with determination. "Please train me for the Celestial Exam."

"I can't help train you as I'm in charge of foreseeing the Examination but Cael here can help you with that" Gaia said as she gestured towards Cael

" Why would i?" Cael asked confused

" Because you owe Santaliel here for attacking him Earlier" Gaia smiled and Cael narrowed his brows

" Cael here is my discipline, I taught him everything he knows, I'm sure he will be of great help to you Santaliel"

Santaliel turned to Cael and looked closely at him "Please train me," he pleaded with a bow, 

 Cael looked at Gaia in disagreement but Gaia's expression remained calm and absolute and with that Cael took in a deep breath and exhaled as he ran his hand through his blue hair " I don't want to but since my beloved Master wants me to train you then I will...get prepared, you're about to see hell" Cael smirked and Gaia's warm smile reflected her pride in her disciple's willingness to help Santaliel.

Santaliel raised his head a large smile sweeping across his face " I'm ready" he replied determination etched in his eyes

" When do we start" Santaliel asked, excitement etched in his eyes

" We start now" Cael said as he handed Santaliel a small, glowing orb. "This is a direction orb. The more Celestial Force you input, the more accurate its direction will be. My location has already been marked, I'll be at the boundary of Mount Lyrota, waiting for you. Use your intelligence and this stone to find me. You have two days. Try not to get eaten by a demonic beast."Cael said as he turned to Gaia and bowed before disappearing into the air

" Wait....did he just leave? He does realize I have no celestial Force, how does he expects me to find him in two days?" Santaliel said confused and Gaia let out a warm smile

Gaia's warm smile reassured him. "That's Cael for you. Don't worry, he won't give you a task you can't handle. He believes in you, even if he doesn't show it." 

Santaliel nodded, determination in his eyes. "Then I better get going,but before that, there's something I need to ask you Gaia" Santaliel's Expression turned serious

" Seems like your journey to the Earthly realm has made you discover a little about yourself" Gaia gave a warm smile " you want to ask me about the seal of enchantment placed on you right"

"So, you knew?" Santaliel asked in a low, trembling voice.

"Yes, I knew," Gaia responded, her expression calm. "The Seal of Enchantment... only a handful of gods can cast a spell of that magnitude. It was a crucial weapon in the First War, used to defeat the Great god of Chaos.There were 5 of us who placed that seal on you, your Father and i being one of them, " Gaia Confessed

Santaliel widen his eyes in surprise as his face contorted in anger. "How could you?"Santaliel yelled in anger, " Not only did You know and didn't tell me, but you also placed the seal on me sealing my fate! How could you, Gaia?, Why would you and my father do that to me?" He yelled, rage blazing in his green eyes.

Orly intervened, trying to calm Santaliel. "Master please calm down"

"in doing so your survival was ensured, but it doesn't mean your fate was sealed, it wasn't something you were meant to hear from me or anyone else apart your father and that's why I didn't tell you" Gaia explained calmly

"All this time...you're were my only friend....no you were... the only one I could take as my mother.....and yet....yet....you hid something this important from me.....why Gaia, why would you hide this from me!" Santaliel continues to yell as tears began to build up at his eyes

Gaia walks up to him and gently places her palms on his face cupping his cheeks " I'm sorry for hiding the truth from you Santaliel but I couldn't tell you anything" Gaia said in a calm voice and the tears he had been holding dropped from his eyes 

"Why would you, of all people, hide something this huge from me?, And all this while you've been seeing me battle with discovering my aura and didn't say anything" Santaliel said in a low, trembling voice, his eyes brimming with tears that rolled down his smooth face as he gazed at Gaia with immense sadness. His hands clenched into fists, as if trying to contain his emotions. 

Orly looks at her Master, sadness etched in her eyes,while Leo watched in silence

"The seal isn't what's stopping you from having your aura" Gaia informed " the only thing stopping yourself from discovering your aura is you Santaliel"

" That isn't enough reason for you to hide something of this magnitude from he" He said as he removed her hands from his face and wiped the tears off his face. 

With a heavy heart, Santaliel turned away from Gaia and opened a portal using the little Celestial Force he possessed. He gazed back at Gaia, his eyes still brimming with tears and anger. "You should have told me, Gaia," he said, his voice laced with hurt and betrayal. "Instead of watching me train so hard and question myself and my inability to find my Celestial C

He called out to his companions, "Orly, Leo, let's go to the boundary of Mount Lyrota, I'll train and pass the exam, that way I'll get some real answers" he says as he stepped through the portal, with Orly and Leo trailing behind him, leaving Gaia alone in the garden.

Gaia whispered to herself, "With time, you'll understand why I did what I did, Santaliel," her eyes watching him disappear into the distance, a mix of sadness and hope on her face.