True Boss Of The Penalty Zone (2)

The group of 25 minions had surrounded him, making it next to impossible for YuWon to even try to kill the Frenzied Ghoul while it was recovering its lost health.

There was only one way to kill the boss, kill its minions first and fast. The longer YuWon took, the more healthy Frenzied Ghoul would regain.

Having no other choice, he had discarded the idea of defending himself and hoped his body would hold against the minions.

From a distance, it looked like a ferocious mob was beating the living hell out of a poor soul. But when you looked closely, the beating wasn't one-sided.

Sure, YuWon was getting hit, but he was taking them down too—pretty brutally. Every time he swung his sword, he took another life.

"I always wanted to live through a zombie apocalypse. Look at me now—Motherfucker—" YuWon cursed out loud while slashing the minion who just bit him.