Pack Up

YuWon watched Joon leave with all his bodies. Unlike the slave collar, the contract from [Special Shop] ensured that the terms bind all his bodies, the one he has now and the ones he would create in the future. It was better than any slave brand ever would.

The price reflected its worth. Together, the contracts had cost an exorbitant twenty-two thousand gold, but YuWon deemed it a necessary investment.

"Will it be fine?" Lilith asked, her arms crossed over her chest.

"It will," YuWon nodded. "Hoon doesn't know him and with seven of him searching, they are bound to find him."

Lilith nodded, but said nothing else. She couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in her master. The YuWon she remembered was still there, yet something fundamental had shifted.

He had grown calculated—decisive in a way that was admirable, even necessary. But in the process of bearing the responsibility given upon him by Goddess Ereshkigal, he seemed to be losing pieces of himself.