CH17; Refining Blood Soul Pill

Lin Xuan moved with calculated precision, his sharp eyes narrowing as he approached the designated area within the formation.

The space was already occupied by the vast array of unconscious mortals—over 100,000 people, their bodies spread across the ground like a sea of lifeless forms. 

The formation itself was a complex network of glowing silver lines into the earth, forming a unique pattern that went toward the center where 

The alchemy furnace stood tall and imposing at the center of the formation, a massive structure crafted from dark obsidian and engraved with glowing red runes. The furnace's body was cylindrical, tapering slightly toward the top.

The lid was carved with the image of a fearsome demon, its mouth open as if devouring the energy from the furnace below. 

The entire structure pulsed with a menacing aura, radiating intense heat and a faint, evil light that cast long shadows across the ground, reflecting the sinister nature of the alchemical process.

As Lin Xuan reached the outer edge of this mass of humanity, he took out Wu Jian's storage bag. Despite its small size, the bag contained more than a thousand bodies. 

He opened the bag, and immediately, the air filled with a faint glow as its contents began to pour out. Like water spilling from a jug, the people flowed forth, their bodies hitting onto the ground, then the next one hit each other.

Young and old, men and women, they all lay there, motionless. Among them were Zhang Lian's parents, their faces pale and peaceful in their slumber.

Lin Xuan's expression remained cold and detached as he worked.

The mortals, still under the influence of the sleeping powder, remained oblivious to their fate. Their breathing was shallow, and their faces bore expressions of peace, as if they were merely resting. Yet, in this state, there was an underlying tension—an unnatural environment that hinted at the dark energy moving around them, preparing to drain their blood essence.

As the final bodies were placed, Lin Xuan stepped back to survey his work. The formation now held over 100,000 people . The silver lines of the formation glowed brighter, The air around them hummed with a dark energy, thick with the ritual to come.

The people remained asleep, oblivious to the monstrous fate that awaited them. Their peaceful expressions were a cruel contrast to the horrifying reality of their situation. But for Lin Xuan and the others, they were nothing more than tools, necessary sacrifices for the creation of the Blood Soul Pill.


Inside the storage bag,

Zhang Lian was still in deep sleep, her chest rising and falling gently as the effects of the sleep-inducing powder kept her locked in a sleepy state.

Inside the secure storage bag, the space was tight and confining, with barely any space to move. The magical fabric of the bag allowed air to pass through, ensuring that girl's could breathe.

Beside Zhang Lian was her cat system assistant, a small creature with dark fur. Its golden eyes glowed faintly in the dim light that was looking at storage bag

Unlike Zhang Lian, the cat was fully awake, looking at surroundings and flying around.

The cat's attention shifted to the other young women who had been tossed into the bag by Wu Jian.

Their faces were peaceful as they remained under the effect of sleeping powder. The cat observed them with a flicker of interest, noting the similarities between them and Zhang Lian—each one is beautiful, each one totally unaware of the danger they were in.

Yet, despite the strange situation, the cat system seemed unbothered. It had already tried to wake Zhnag Lian up. There was little it could do for Zhang Lian now.

So, with a soft huff, the cat curled its tail around its small body and settled back down. Its eyes remained half-open, ready to alert Zhang Lian the moment she woke up.

For now, though, it allowed itself to relax.


Outside the storage bag,

As Zhao Ming moved his hand and passed  the spiritual energy in the formation disk and activated the formation, a low hum filled the air, coming through the ground beneath them. The silver lines of the formation light up, light that pulsed rhythmically like the heartbeat of some ancient beast.

As if the formation itself was alive and hungry, ready to consume the vast energy it had been designed to gather.

Sensing the immense power beginning to flow, everyone quickly retreated to a safe distance, leaving only Huang Tian at the center of the formation.

He stood before his alchemy furnace. The furnace was connected to the formation by a thick amount of blood essence, each one channeling the life force of the countless mortals lying unconscious within the formation.

Huang Tian's expression was one of intense concentration as he monitored the process. 

His hands moved with practiced ease, manipulating the flow of energy to ensure that every drop of blood essence was absorbed into the furnace. 

The sight was both mesmerizing and horrifying.

As the blood essence continued to gather, Huang Tian reached into his storage bag and took out two precious ingredients: the Thousand-Year Ghost Lotus and the Black Jade Ginseng. 

These rare spiritual medicines were as ancient as they were powerful. The Ghost Lotus, its petals a ghostly white glowing with faint blue, while the Black Jade Ginseng, a twisted root as dark as the night itself, a dense, ominous aura coming out of it.

With a smooth movement, Huang Tian carefully placed the Ghost Lotus and the Black Jade Ginseng into the alchemy furnace. The moment they touched the blood essence inside, a reaction occurred.

The blood within the furnace began to bubble, emitting a low, bubbly sound. The furnace glowed brighter.

The ingredients began to dissolve, their essences merging with the blood essence, transforming it into pill. The process of refining the Blood Soul Pill had begun.

The other cultivators watched with a mixture of anticipation. Lin Xuan's sharp eyes narrowed as he studied the alchemical process, while Zhao Ming observed the formation's energy flow, his expression calm.

Qin Zhia stood with her arms crossed, her cold gaze fixed on the furnace, while Han Bei watched with a dark grin, his fists clenching and unclenching as he imagined the power that the Blood Soul Pill would bring.

The air grew thick with the stench of blood and raw power as the furnace consumed more and more of the blood essence, its glow more and more. The formation continued to draw energy from the mortals, their bodies trembling slightly as the last remnants of their life force were drained away.

Huang Tian's hands moved faster now, guiding the energy, refining it, compressing it into pills, and concentrating it within the furnace. 

The process was delicate, requiring both skill and immense spiritual power. One mistake, and the entire process could be ruined, the ingredients wasted, the lives lost for nothing.

But Huang Tian was a talented alchemist. He could feel the power building within the furnace, the Blood Soul Pill taking shape, it's dark essence forming into a pill

The other cultivators remained silent, their eyes fixed on Huang Tian and the furnace, waiting, hoping for success. 

The stakes were high—failure meant not only the loss of the ingredients and time they have spent just to perform this act, killing Jade serpent sect cultivator's and resources would all be wasted.

Time passed 1 hour later the process was completed and around the formation lot's of dry corpses were lying around, everyone was waiting for the moment to come.

Senior brother Huang opened the furnace, the 3 red blood coloured pill appeared and was put into by 3 different bottles by senior brother Huang everyone knew that 1 would be taken by senior huang tain and other would be senior brother Zhou ming so last 3 people Knew that there's only hope is to kill Lian Xuan.

So they all attacked Lin Xuna, the strongest among them, as Senior brother Huang Tian and Zhou Ming have some background in the sect, and  no one wants to offend them unnecessarily, so they attacked Lin Xuan and will later fight among themselves to determine who will get the pill as they all have around equal strength.