Chapter Nine: Hospital Visit (병원 방문)

"Oh what's the rush Min ho? Are you kicking us out of your house?" Taemin said putting his arm on my shoulder. 

"You can stay here but I have school tomorrow." I said shrugging his arm off my shoulders. I turned to Min ho's mom who was just watching us in amusement and was about to walk away when Taemin pulled my hand.

"You're leaving without me?" I rolled my eyes before releasing my hand from his grip, "I don't care." "But I came here all because of you." He whined. 

"Did I ask you to?" I eyed him. I took two steps away from him and felt like my ankle was amputated off without anesthetic. I winced in pain. "Oh dear, what happened to your ankle?" Mrs. Kim gasped. 

I shook my head, while glaring at Min ho. "I hurt her at school. I can take you home if you want me to." Min ho glanced my way. 

"I can take her." Taemin spoke up. "I don't want you to." I said shooting him a glare and received a scoff in return. "No Jiseo, let Taemin take you home." Min ho's spoke up. I shook my head and was about to speak but she spoke up again, "And Taemin, you should take her to the hospital so she can check up and her ankle." 

"I can take her instead." Everyone turned to Min ho. I nodded my head quickly, "Yeah, he should be the one taking me to the hospital since he is the reason I'm like this." I said trying to convince his mom. 

She thought for a while before nodding, "Okay." Taemin rolled his eyes and was about to walk away when Mrs. Kim called his name, "Help her to his car." Taemin looked at me before shaking his head.

"I won't help her. Unless she apologizes." I opened my mouth in shock, "For what?" "For being ungrateful." He concluded.

"I didn't ask you to follow me." "But I'm only here on your Grandma's wishes but you're so ungrateful. I could be in the comfort of my home but I had to follow you." "Well this wouldn't have happened if only Min ho agreed to meet me!" 

"Would you two just shut up! You two are just bickering like kids!" Mrs. Kim yelled in frustration. Taemin and I looked at each other with silent hatred. I bowed in apology and was about to take another step forward when my ankle sent a death threat to my brain. 

I looked at Taemin with puppy dog eyes, "Could you please help me?" Taemin looked behind him before looking at me, "Me?" He said pointing to his chest with a raised brow. 

I nodded, still in pain. "Why don't you ask Min ho?" He said giving me a mischievous look, probably enjoying my pain. I looked at Min ho who stared at me with no emotion. I sighed looking at Mrs. Kim for help. 

She pulled both Min ho and Taemin by their ears, "You two better take her home. She's still in her uniform." She scolded. They both groaned when she left their ears and they turned to me in anger before helping me to Min ho's car.

When Mrs. Kim was out of sight, they both left me which made me fall to the ground, "Oh shit." Taemin cursed. "I thought you had her!" Min ho yelled in anger. Taemin turned to him sharply at the allegations, eyes widened in anger, "Me? I thought you had her!" 

"I wanted to open the door!" Min ho shot back. Taemin opened his mouth like he was about to say something then closed it back. Min ho tapped his sides before letting out a huff in frustration.

"I forgot my keys." "Min ho-ah, here's your keys..." Mrs. Kim said walking up to us then stopped, "Why is she on the floor?" She asked with a raised brow. They both looked down at me, forgetting that I was still on the floor. 

They quickly brought me up, "Sorry Angry Bird." Taemin said with a weak smile. I glared at him sharply, "Don't call me that." 

I was about to say another thing but everything just went pitch black and I fainted. 


I woke up to a faint but strong smell of rubbing alcohol. I opened my eyes slowly to adjust to the light and looked to my left and saw a nurse checking my vitals. She noticed my slight movement and looked at me with a warm smile, "Oh, you're awake. Hold on, let me get the doctor." Then she walked out of the room. 

I sat up but couldn't fully sit up and that's when I noticed that my left leg was raised up in a cast. I looked at it in confusion. The doctor came in along with the nurse from before, "How are you feeling now?" 

I just kept staring at my foot, not really hearing her voice. She followed my line of sight and let out a chuckle, "Your ankle got dislocated." My eyes widened at her words, "But I was told that it was only sprained." 

"You must have done something for your ankle to get dislocated." I flashbacked to how I stupidly crashed into those bushes. and gave myself a light slap on the forehead.

"So we had to perform surgery on your ankle. Your dad was the one who performed the surgery by the way." She said giving me a smile. My eyes widened at the mention of my dad.

"My dad?!" I asked with wide eyes. "Yes, he was quiet shocked to know that it was his own daughter that was in the theatre." The nurse from earlier said. 

"We'll go tell him that you've woken up." The nurse said, nodding her head and almost leaving before she stopped and remembered something, "Oh, two boy are here to see you." 

I looked at her before giving her a nod, "Okay then, you can let them in." She nodded before she left the ward. I looked at the doctor, "So when can I be discharged?" 

"Four weeks." I stared at her in shock, "Four weeks?! But school." "I know but you still need to be here for treatment then you'll be going to school with a wheelchair. Or you prefer crutches?" 

I stayed silent, still shocked by the news. Just then Min ho and Taemin, both in their school uniform, entered my ward. They both bowed to the doctor before she left the ward. "Does it hurt?" Taemin asked, looking at my casted ankle. 

I turned to him sharply with a glare, "Oh, no it doesn't. As a matter of fact, I feel no pain at all." I replied sarcastically. "Well it's your fault you're in this condition. You should have patiently waited for me outside." Min ho said. 

"I wanted to speak to Toby." I eyed him. "Who's Toby? Your pet?" Taemin asked with a raised brow. "No he is a human being." I rolled my eyes. "Your boyfriend?" Taemin asked. 

"No, he is my friend." I said quickly. "Then why was this friend of yours calling you ten times?" Min ho said before handing me my phone. My eyes widened in shock when I saw his missed calls. 

"Ten missed calls? What is he? Uncultured? Why didn't he stop at three? Why ten?" Taemin nagged. "Maybe he was worried." I said rolling my eyes and called Toby back. He picked at the second ring and couldn't even let me say hi, he just rambled on if I'm safe or okay. 

"Hold on. I'm in the hospital." "YOU'RE IN THE HOSPITAL!? Why?! What happened?!" He yelled into my ear. "I dislocated my ankle." "How?" "Long story." "Hey, ask that uncultured fool why he didn't stop calling you after the third call." Taemin yelled a bit so Toby will hear him. 

"Who's that?" Toby asked. "Hold on." I said to him before putting him on hold, "He doesn't speak Korean idiot. So don't waste your time yelling." I said glaring at Taemin before I removed Toby from hold, "I'm back." 

"I have a surprise for you." He said happily. "Surprise? What is it?" I asked in anticipation. "I can't tell you or else it won't be a surprise anymore." 

Third person POV (Point Of View)

"What are they saying?" Taemin whispered to Min ho who was staring at Jiseo silently. Min ho turned to him and gave him a blank look, "You should learn how to mind your business." Taemin rolled his eyes. 

"I'll call you later, okay? Bye." Jiseo said, ending the call then looked at the two boys in her ward, "What's up with you two?" She asked with a raised brow. 

They both ignored her, "Okay?" She said awkwardly. Taemin pulled out his phone, "Enjoy your hospital life New girl, sadly I have to got to school." Jiseo shot him a glare, "I've told you to stop calling me that. I have a name." 

"Oh, right, Angry Bird." He said with a wink then left the ward. "Angry bird?" Min ho said looking lost. I shook my head, "Have fun in school I guess." 

He nodded before leaving the room. Jiseo stared at her leg that was raised in the air like a white flag with annoyance. Just then her mom and dad entered the ward, "How are you feeling now?" Her dad asked looking at me softly. 

I sighed, "Bored." Her mom smacked my arm, "We have barely spent a month in Korea and you're already getting into trouble." 

"What trouble did I get in? I didn't do anything." Jiseo said sounding offended. Her mom pointed to my cast leg and Jiseo stayed silent. "You'll be alright." " Her dad said reassuring her. 

"But I don't want to stay here." Jiseo whined. "Then you shouldn't have gotten yourself in this situation then." Her mom fired back. "You be out in a few weeks but you won't miss school though." Her dad said coming to pat her head. 

"Yeah, your principal suggested that you do online classes while you are in the hospital." Her mom said. Jiseo stared at her in shock, "Wow, just kill me now." Jiseo whined. Even in the hospital, they still want her to study. 

Jiseo sat silently glaring at her her leg in the cast. 


Lee Jiseo POV (Point Of View) 

"I'm so tired of staying in this quiet ward. It's so quiet I bet some ghost of the patient that have died in this hospital are always watching me sleep." I said widening my eyes to try and scare Hari. 

"Ah so creepy. Why would you say that?! Now I won't be able to get that image out of my mind." Hari shook her head furiously, trying to magically remove the image from her brain. 

Hari has been visiting me everyday after school so I won't feel lonely. She even brought snacks along with her today.

"So what's going on at school?" I said taking a bite out of my chocolate bar. "School is school, but there's this stupid rumor going on." "What rumor?" "That you transferred to another school." My eyes widened, "What makes them think that?" 

"I don't know," She shrugged, "But I think that they are having this idea that Taemin dealt with you because of what you did on your first day." I rolled my eyes before I quickly remembered something, "Oh my gosh. I'm still with his suit." 

"Oh that's why he hasn't been wearing his suit lately." She nodded before reaching over for one of my snacks, I glared at her, "Why are you like this?" 

She shrugged giving me a sweet smile and a wink. I looked at her in disgust and she let out a hearty laugh which I joined her in.