Chapter Fifteen: Here's the drama you were looking for (당신이 찾던 드라마가 여기 있어요)

I placed the plate on the customer's table and gave them a sweet smile before walking back to Taemin and rested my head on the counter with a sigh. "Are you tired? But you just clocked in." Taemin said from beside me. 

I raised my head, "No, it's not that. It's just that I miss Ha ri. She had the flu so she couldn't come to school." "Ha ri got the flu?" Taemin said in confusion. I nodded, "I asked her how she is but she said she's still sick." 

Taemin stayed silent, still looking confused. "What's wrong? Has your brain stopped working suddenly?" I teased. He rolled his head at my comment and brought out his phone from his pocket and scrolled on it before showing me his screen. 

It was a picture of Ha ri and Kang Dae, in something that looks like a restaurant. I stared at the picture for a few minutes, before looking at Taemin, "Do you think it's edited?" "It was posted on her Instagram story, so no." "That's impossible, unless..." I trailed off in deep thought before yelling, "THAT BITCH BLOCKED ME FROM VIEWING!!!" 

The customers turned to me and Taemin apologised on my behalf. "Have you finally lost it?" He whispered to me. "I will seriously lose it if I don't lay my hands on that girl!" I yelled again. "Calm down Angry Bird." Taemin chuckled next to me while fanning me with his hands, trying to calm me down. 

Third person POV (Point Of View) 

"You took me to an expensive five star restaurant yesterday, but here's a restaurant that deserves all the stars in the world." Kang Dae said to Ha ri who was looking at the building in front of her. "Lee's Kitchen." She read out. 

"It's not really your style but I promise you, the food here is delicious." Kang Dae said nervously. Ha ri shook her head with a smile, "It's okay. I've got to try new things." Hearing that Kang Dae lightened up, taking her hand he led her into the restaurant.

They both sat down at an empty table, while Ha ri was admiring the warm decor, Kang Dae stood up, "I'll be right back. What would you like to order?" Ha ri looked at him in confusion, "Uh..." "Oh that's right. You don't know the menu." He looked down in embarrassment. "How about I just have what you're having?" Ha ri suggested. 

"Okay, then I'll have to get my favourite, it's really good and I hope you like it." He said with a smile before walking away. "Cute." Ha ri giggled. 

He got to the counter and froze when his eyes met Taemin's. Taemin paused his actions and sent Kang Dae a wave. Kang Dae blinked with confusion, 'Did he just wave or am I imagining things?' He said to himself. 

"Oh, Kang Dae! How are you doing?" Ji seo asked, pulling him from his thoughts. "Oh, me? I'm good." He answered. "So, what would you like to order?" Taemin said, getting ready to fill in his order. "I would like to order 2 plates of jollof rice and one chicken with the side of Coleslaw and plantain and 2 cups of sodas please." Kang Dae listed. 

"Okay that would be 50,000W" Taemin said. "You're with someone?" Ji seo asked. "Yes, she's over there." He said pointing to their table where Ha ri sat.

Taemin opened his mouth in shock and looked at Ji seo to see her left eye twitching, "Your order will be ready in five minutes." Taemin said quickly before any word could've come out of Ji seo's mouth. 

They watched Kang Dae walk back to his table and Taemin looked at Ji seo, "Well this is going to be fun." He said with a grin. Ji seo stayed silent until Kang Dae's order arrived. She gladly took it and went to their table and served them. 

"Thank you Ji seo." Kang Dae said with a smile. Ha ri looked up and her eyes finally met with her friend. Her eyes widened with shock and she became paler, "How's your flu Ha ri sweetie?" Ji seo asked, her eyes not leaving her friend. 

"Ji seo, I can explain." Ha ri stuttered. "Well-" Ji seo paused and looked at her invisible watch on her wrist and continued, "I'm still on my shift and my break isn't till 1:00 so can you explain later? I'm currently working. Bon appetite." She said before walking away. 

Taemin folded his hands and shook his head playfully, "You are so mean." "I feel bad now. But I want drama." Ji seo said, looking back at Ha ri whose head was bent low. "Then you two should talk, it's not like we are busy now." Taemin reasoned. Ji seo shook her head like a child, "No way. It's what she deserves." 

Taemin rolled his eyes at her words and lifted her fireman style, "Hey! Put me down!" Taemin ignored her till they got to their table and dropped her to her feet. Ji seo glared at Taemin harshly before looking at her sobbing friend.

She let out a sigh, "Let's talk." Ha ri wiped her tears before looking at Ji seo, "Okay." She sniffled. Ji seo sat down on an empty seat, "First of all-" She said before lifting up the spoon from Ha ri's plate and feeding her a spoonful of rice and a piece of plantain. "Is it delicious?" 

Ha ri nodded, "It's delicious." Ji seo giggled and Ha ri joined. "I'm sorry I lied about my flu." Ha ri said, looking down at her hands. "It's okay but what I don't understand is why you lied." Ji seo said. "I don't know why I lied, I should have told you at least." Ha ri said, on the verge of tears." 

Ji seo pulled her into a hug, "Don't worry you're forgiven. Just don't try this shit again." Ha ri nodded and let out a laugh. "So you and Kang Dae huh?" Ji seo teased. Ha ri blushed and Ji seo shook her head, "Wow, so this is love huh?" Then she made a barfing sound. 

Getting up she glanced at Kang Dae who was looking at Ha ri fondly. She smiled at the sight, "Yay, we're friends again." Taemin cheered. "Who's we? You must be speaking french." Ji seo said, giving Taemin a side eye. 

He pouted at her words, "You're mean." "I never said I was nice." Ji seo replied. "Wait, is he working here?" Ha ri gasped. Taemin groaned, "Can't you guys see the name tag?! Duh." "Okay, let's get back to work." Ji seo said pulling him away. 

Suddenly the door opened and new customers walked in. "Good morning, welcome to..." They both trailed off when they saw the customers that just walked in. "Well, here's the drama you were looking for." Taemin whispered to Ji seo while staring at the customers. 

Kim Min Ho and Jeon Arin.