Chapter 16: The Sacrifice

As Squad 7 made their way back to Duskmire, the weight of their mission hung over them like a heavy shroud. The village had been eerily quiet as they informed the citizens that the deserters had been dealt with, the fear in the villagers' eyes a stark reminder of the harsh reality they all faced. With their task complete, they set out on the road back to Horizon's Keep, the darkened skies mirroring their somber mood.

The road stretched out before them, winding through dense forests and open fields. Despite the success of their mission, the squad was silent, each member lost in their thoughts. Rylan led the way, his usually sharp eyes scanning the horizon, ever alert for any signs of danger.

As they rounded a bend in the road, they noticed a figure standing in their path. The man was clad in a dark robe, the hood pulled low over his face, obscuring his features. He stood still as they approached, as if waiting for them.

Rylan motioned for the squad to halt, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his sword. "Stay sharp," he murmured to the others. "This could be trouble."

When they were within earshot, the man raised his head slightly, revealing the lower half of his face. "Are you students from Horizon's Keep?" he asked, his voice oddly calm.

Rylan stepped forward, his expression cautious. "Yes, we are. Who are you, and what do you want?"

The man didn't answer right away. Instead, he simply nodded, as if that was all he needed to know. "Oh, okay," he said softly, and then, without warning, his eyes began to glow with an unnatural light. The veins on his face pulsed with the same eerie glow, spreading like a web of cracks across his skin.

Before anyone could react, there was a blinding flash of light, and the man's body erupted in a violent explosion. The force of the blast sent shockwaves through the air, tearing through the trees and kicking up a massive cloud of dust and debris. The squad was thrown to the ground by the sheer force of it, the world around them dissolving into chaos.

When the dust finally settled, the squad slowly began to pick themselves up, coughing and choking on the debris-filled air. It took a moment for them to realize what had happened, and when they did, a collective gasp escaped their lips.

Before them was a massive dome of shimmering magic, the remnants of a barrier that had absorbed the brunt of the explosion. The dome was cracked and splintered, its energy rapidly dissipating into the air. At its base, where the explosion had originated, was a gruesome sight—a pool of blood, and in the center of it, the charred remains of the man who had caused it.

But it wasn't just the man's blood that stained the ground.

Rylan lay at the edge of the dome, his body still and lifeless. His mana barrier had saved the squad, shielding them from the worst of the explosion, but the effort had cost him dearly. The veins on his face were dark and burned, the last remnants of his magic drained in a desperate attempt to protect his comrades.

Ethan was the first to reach him, his heart pounding in his chest. He dropped to his knees beside Rylan's body, a wave of disbelief crashing over him. "Rylan… no…"

The rest of the squad gathered around, their expressions a mix of shock and horror. Garret stood frozen, his eyes wide as he tried to process what had just happened. Elijah knelt beside Ethan, his hands trembling as he reached out to touch Rylan's arm.

"He… he saved us," Elijah whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "He used his magic to shield us… but…"

Ethan's mind raced, his thoughts a chaotic jumble. He had seen death before, but this… this was different. This was Rylan, their leader, the one who had guided them through their missions, the one they had looked up to. And now he was gone, his life snuffed out in an instant.

As the reality of the situation set in, a deep, seething anger began to bubble up inside Ethan. Who was that man? Why had he attacked them? And more importantly, who had sent him?

The echoes of grief still hung in the air as Squad Seven mourned the loss of Rylan. The weight of his sacrifice pressed down on them like a suffocating blanket, their minds reeling with the shock of it all. But even in their sorrow, they couldn't afford to let their guard down—not out here, in the open plains where danger could strike at any moment.

A sudden rustling in the tall grass to the left and right of the path snapped them back to the present. The sound was subtle at first, almost blending into the natural whispers of the wind, but then it grew louder, more deliberate. Ethan's senses sharpened, his body tensing as he scanned the surroundings.

Figures began to emerge from the grass, clad in the same dark robes as the man who had killed Rylan. Their faces were hidden in the shadows of their hoods, but the menace in their movements was unmistakable.

"Get ready!" Ethan shouted, but the words had barely left his mouth before the attackers leveled their crossbows and fired.

The bolts sliced through the air with deadly precision, barely needing to cover the short distance to the squad. In that split second, time seemed to slow for Ethan. He saw the deadly projectiles hurtling toward them, knew there was no time to waste.

With a thought, he teleported directly into the shadow of one of the attackers, the world blurring for a fraction of a second before solidifying again. He appeared behind the robed figure, the bolt meant for him missing by a hair's breadth. Without hesitation, Ethan struck, his movements fluid and lethal as he dodged the blade in the attacker's hand and drove his own weapon into the man's back.

Garret, quick on his feet and even quicker with his powers, used his gravity magic to alter the force around him, causing the bolt aimed at him to drop harmlessly to the ground before it could reach him. His eyes burned with fury as he saw the men who had ambushed them.

Elijah, his telekinesis as sharp as ever, snatched the bolt meant for him out of the air and hurled it back at the attacker with deadly accuracy. It struck the man in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

The other students weren't as fortunate. They tried their best to evade the incoming bolts, but in the chaos, three of them were hit. One fell to the ground immediately, the bolt piercing his heart and ending his life in an instant. The others cried out in pain, clutching at the wounds that would soon bleed out if not treated.

Ethan's heart pounded in his chest as he saw the attackers discard their crossbows, drawing an assortment of blades, each shimmering with dark, ominous magic. The attackers moved in unison, their off-hands glowing as they readied their next assault. The air around them crackled with energy, the tension thick as the ambush escalated into a brutal close-quarters fight.

Ethan knew they were outnumbered, and with the loss of Rylan, they were also without their leader. But there was no time to think about that now. The instinct to survive kicked in, and he quickly assessed the situation.

Garret was already in motion, his gravity magic surging as he pulled at the very air around the attackers. The ground beneath them seemed to drag them down, slowing their movements and making it harder for them to close the distance. Garret moved with purpose, deflecting a blade strike with his own weapon before delivering a powerful counterattack that sent the robed assailant sprawling.

Elijah, still reeling from the shock of what had happened to Rylan, channeled his fury into his telekinesis. He opened his robe, revealing several small daggers hidden in sewn-in sheaths. With a swift motion, he used his telekinesis to lift the daggers into the air and hurled them with deadly precision at the attacker closest to him. The blades found their marks, striking the man in vital points and dropping him before he could react.

The rest of Squad Seven was struggling. The ambush had caught them off guard, and without Rylan's leadership, they were scattered, fighting for their lives against an enemy that was both skilled and relentless. Ethan saw one of his comrades fall, another bolt taking them down as they tried to fend off an attacker. The sight only fueled his anger.

Ethan teleported again, this time into the shadow of another attacker, his movements a blur as he struck out with precision. His blade found its mark, cutting through the man's defenses and ending the threat. But there was no time to savor the victory—there were still more enemies to deal with.

One of the robed figures, taller and more imposing than the others, charged at Ethan with a wickedly curved sword in one hand and dark magic swirling in the other. Ethan braced himself, ready to teleport again, but the man was faster than he expected. The sword slashed through the air, forcing Ethan to dodge back, barely avoiding the lethal strike.

As the attacker pressed his advantage, Ethan's mind raced. He couldn't keep dodging forever, and the others were counting on him. Gathering his strength, he let his shadows expand, tendrils of darkness wrapping around the man's legs and pulling him off balance. With a swift movement, Ethan lunged forward, driving his blade through the man's chest and twisting it to ensure he wouldn't get back up.

All around him, the battle raged on. Squad Seven was holding their own, but just barely. The attackers were relentless, their magic making them formidable opponents. But Ethan's squad was resourceful and determined, fighting with everything they had to survive.

As the last of the attackers fell, the battlefield grew eerily quiet. The survivors of Squad Seven stood amidst the carnage, panting and bloodied, but alive. Ethan wiped the sweat and blood from his brow, his heart still racing from the adrenaline.

But the victory felt hollow. They had lost more comrades, and Rylan's death weighed heavily on them all. Ethan's thoughts turned dark as he considered what had just happened. This attack was no coincidence. Someone had sent these men, and they had paid with their lives to try to take down Squad Seven.

Ethan clenched his fists, the resolve hardening in his chest. Whoever was behind this would regret underestimating them. But for now, they needed to regroup, tend to the wounded, and make their way back to Horizon's Keep to report what had happened.

As they gathered their fallen comrades and prepared to continue their journey, Ethan couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. Dark forces were at play, and the danger was far from over. But no matter what came next, he knew one thing for certain: Squad Seven wouldn't be the same after today.