Chapter 2


My alarm rang the next minute and I struggled

to lift my head. It was a very busy day the previous day and it was looking so hectic already. We sold a truck full of cakes and the orders we had for the day were close to a hundred.

Good grief

Laura and Lucas would have a hard time if I decided not to show up for the day. My head was heavy and all I needed was rest. I had to be there. Miss Jolie trusts me to be there. I am like her assistant now and it's been incredible. I love the duty and recognition that comes with it. A lot of our clients compliment my management skills and that keeps me going. Being invited to exclusive events was the little cherry on top. It helped me build my self-confidence. Hell, it made me feel like a badass.

I was grinning from ear to ear until the thought of the previous day popped into my head. My parents are crazy. They have been so selfish over the years and they still are. How can they accept money from a stranger because they feel I'd go with their plan.?

What a funny plan.A surrogate for a man who could be a drug Lord, A con artist, or an imposter. Is that how low they think of me?

Gosh, I had plans. I was progressing. I was ready to put my life on hold for my family. Yet they chose to get money from a stranger behind my back. Selling me out.

I yelled out in frustration. They got on my nerves. they always do. Haven't they done enough?

"I must have that money returned"

The stranger had it wrong. He goes around giving people money for free. I bet he didn't know he had the wrong girl. Who goes around paying people's parents for deals?

Is he professional at all?

I mean I am old enough. I'm 19. The one hundred thousand dollars was a gift to my parents. Yes, it must be.

The alarm rang the second time and I moved slowly to the bathroom. I wasn't hitting snooze the second time. My siblings were being loud and I could hear it from my bathroom. They were throwing tantrums about going to school. I peeped through the bathroom and saw a bunch of schoolchildren at our mailpost. it must be nice having peers accompany you to school. I reminisced about my time in school with my best friend Emily. I missed her.

I picked a red dress the next minute.Red.Red seemed fine. It was perfect for the day. I was going to return the money. I had to look fierce. More like someone who shouldn't be messed with.Or someone that he wished he had. Whatever the case, Red was perfect.

I adjusted my straps and headed downstairs.

I met my parents having breakfast while discussing the good life they would have. Must be a good dream. I wasn't going to let my anger issues get the best of me but they were pushing it. I have been doing extraordinarily well in that aspect. Attending to the clients day in and out at the cake shop played a huge role. I had been handling the pressure well even when I was being pushed to the extreme. I had crazy moments but it only helped me to be the better version of myself. Laura had pushed me hard but I only smiled. I wasn't a psychopath. I had grown.

I wasn't going to blow off like that. Not anymore.

"Right, Rylee?"I patted my shoulders. It felt like I was comforting myself. The pep talk helps a great deal. They had made the worst decisions. It wasn't any different.



Mom raised her head and turned to me.

"You look beautiful, Ry"

She smiled at me. it warmed my heart. That smile. I missed the ever-bubbling and charming Mrs Coker. My Mother.The one who turned less concerned and reckless.That mother.

"Thank you" I responded sharply

"I need to return the money to the stranger "

"Tell me his address and I'll drop it off before going to work"

"About that dear" My father let out a dry cough. Must be from the endless cigars he pipes down every day.

"My brother. Your uncle Charles needed it"

"His wife. Your aunt Donna had an Emergency. He came to the house at 3 am and I gave him the money. He promised to pay back next month."

"You gave him one hundred thousand dollars?"

"He needed it for his wife's surgery"

"What kind of surgery is that" I yelled out in frustration, stamping my feet.

"His wife was dying, Ry"

"What would you have me do"

Damn. I was fidgeting. My anger was shooting through the roof. They both pitied their blood. I was supposed to be jumping around but I wasn't. They knew how to help. They know how to care for humans. How about their family? Mr Coker knows how to recognize an emergency and help out. it was surprising.

Wow.Just Wow.

"How do you intend to pay the stranger back"

"He will need his money back"

"Uncle Charles has no means of paying back"

"You could be his surrogate, Ry"

"For us, For your siblings, For your family"

"He will pay more"

I was already pacing around and hitting tables.

"What's wrong with the both of you"

"I have sacrificed so much for this family but you both constantly push me to the wall"

"I have been there for my siblings. I deprive myself of so many things just to keep this family going but you both make me regret my decision every day"

They lowered their heads in shame. Only if they were repentant.

I took one disappointing look at them and headed for the shop.


Thursdays are great. My Thursday was going bad. It was the worst. I walked into the shop pissed. I couldn't hide my pain. if I were to bake anything at that point it would go straight to the garbage. Our clients were tripping in and out and I wasn't ready to fake a smile at that moment.

"Ry, you okay "Lucas came close. He's been watching me dropping pans since the moment I walked in.

"Bad Day Lucas" I fumed

"What's wrong" he asked worriedly

He looked concerned. I melted into his arms the next minute. I narrated everything to him and he felt worse.

"I wish I could help Rylee"

"Your parents have always been this way. I never thought they would go this far"

"The money is huge"

"When is he paying back, Ry"

"I don't know Lucas, He put up his house for sale last summer but never got a buyer. Things are not going well with him"

"The same guy that had trouble at work?"

"Yes, That guy"

"Ohhh ..Noo.This is bad"

Lucas was fuming mad but I was just helpless. He inquired about the stranger and the possibility of what he might turn out to be. I only wished he wouldn't ask for his money back in a rush or send us to jail. I could only pray hard.

We were still on our toes when a limousine pulled up in front of our shop. A man of about 35 years pulls up with guards everywhere as they struggle to find an entrance for him. He wore a fine Italian suit and shoes to match. I raised my head to see his face. I probably wanted to catch a glimpse of the man who was making people run everywhere with paparazzi flooding the entrance of our shop. There and then, I heard a deep voice.

"Is this fluffy cakes and more? I am here for Rylee"

That voice sent a shiver through my veins.