
So we spent two days and afternoons looking for a way for me to get into the military. It was not an easy job, especially considering that the information was not readily available. It was only after I told my father-in-law that I wanted to spend more time with Ryan that he gave me some insider information. There were vacancies in the medical department. They were hiring, and they were also looking for volunteers because they were understaffed, especially considering the number of natural disasters that have been happening in the kingdom of late. So master Evans told me this but also emphasized that I should rely on my capabilities to get into the department because it would look more sincere, and so he was not going to help me.

So, I set out to make a resume that would look appealing given that I had no experience in medicine aside from using the basic first aid kit. When I said this to Hazel, she told me that I and a thousand other ladies probably had the same thing in common, so writing that I only had first aid kit experience was not going to cut it and I was probably not going to get selected.

So she told me that she would introduce me to an old friend who would give me some advice because she had been in the medical field for quite a while, and she was among the most renowned women of our time. What was shocking was that she had no backer. And you should know how difficult it was for a woman to be renowned in our day and age with a male representative. I wondered how she did it. In any case, my curiosity would have to be put on hold because we had arrived at the lady's house.

" Miss Hazel and friend. Welcome." The lady said as she came up to greet us as soon as we got off the carriage. From her tone, I could tell one thing she was too sophisticated,, or she was just trying too much because her accent and the way she carried herself as she walked towards us were too exaggerated.

" Huh? Kimberly, what's wrong with you? Since when do you talk and walk like that? Did something happen? Do you have a fever?" Miss Hazel said as she reached out and put the palm of her hand against Miss Kimberly's forehead. I guessed they were pretty close for them to be on a first name basis.

" Oh, shut up. My mother is forcing me to act this way because I have" finally attracted the attention a potential suitor despite my age."" She said as she used her fingers to quote her mom and rolled her eyes. But then this explained everything because her ways were just too dramatic.

Miss Hazel laughed and said," Oh? So someone has finally decided to put you out of your misery? "

" What nonsense! He has put me in misery instead of putting me out of my misery because my mother refuses to let me practice medicine unless I give that fellow a chance." miss Kimberly pouted.

" By the way, aren't you going to introduce to your friend?" She added

" Oh, where are my manners. Forgive my negligence, milady. This is Kimberly Houston, Kim. This is the lady I am working as an aide for, Miss Charlotte Carson-Evans" Miss Hazel introduced

" Hello." I said politely extending my gloved hand to greet Miss Kimberly however she did not take my hand. In fact, she looked at me in a daze and Miss Hazel had to give her a light tap to bring her back to us.

" What's wrong with you? You are going to scare my employer away." She said as she nudged her shoulder.

" Oh my... Oh my...oh my, oh my, oh my! You are perfect! This is it l! Can I call you by your first name?Please?" Miss Kimberly said as she hurried to me and grabbed me by the shoulders

" Ah...sure." I replied uncertainly

" Kimberly!" Miss Hazel screamed bewildered by Miss Kimberly's actions

" What? She agreed okay? In any case, Miss Charlotte can you please do me th honor of teaching me the basic etiquette our dumb society likes to enforce on young ladies like you and I?" She said peering at me with big black eyes glistening with a light of excitement and curiosity you would think she had discovered a planet or something.

" Ha, ha,ha,ha. Is that all?" I asked, I couldn't help but laugh because she amused me.

" Yes, yes, please take me as your pupil, with your eloquence I believe I can reach the highest level of what is expected of me and my mother will be off my back. Please accept me as your student!" She continued

" Why don't you ask me to teach you?" Miss Hazel asked sourly

" You don't have the right amount of eloquence." Miss Kimberly said as she dismissively waved her hand for Miss Hazel

" Well?" She urged me

" Well...I guess we'll teach each other then because I came here to ask you to please teach me the basics in medicine. So I will be your student too."