if they kick you once, return it by three fold

" Jay jay." I called him but he ignored me, was he really 4 years old? He was the duplicate of his father, he truly knew how to ignore people!

" Jay Jay, you did something wrong today so I want to talk to you. Follow me." I urged him.

After I said this, he wimpered but then stood up and ran away without a word.

I ran after him with his friend closely behind.

" Jay Jay!"

" Jay Jay! Stop right there!" I shouted after him. He did not stop, he just kept running until he reached the main house.

I abruptly stopped and the little guy behind me bumped into me. I quickly turned and hled him preventing him from falling.

" I am sorry. Are you alright?" I asked him. He looked away nervously but he nodded his head. He looked cute so I chuckled and said, " It's alright, I am not a bad person." Sometimes children needed to hear that so that they could be at ease and sometimes, the statement would be true but in other cases, it would be used against them.

" I am Jay jay's mom." I introduced myself

" O-okay." he said shyly

" What's your name?" I asked

He looked down and remained silent. After a while he said, " David jr"

" Alright, David Jr. Would you like to go inside and have tea and cookies with me?" I asked him

He nodded vigorously. He took bait. Sigh, all children are indeed the same!

" Lily, could you please prepare tea and some cookies for me and my young guest, David Jr" I said to Lily then said to little David, " This way." I said as I entered the play room close to the dining hall. I mean, i could not show David to the formal meeting room, now could I?

We entered the room and I said, " You may sit down." I gestured for him to see at the couch across from me. David looked at the room wide eyed that he did not even hear me when i asked him to sit. So I let him play with the toys in the room until Lily arrived.

" Little David, can you explain to me what happened?" I asked

He took a cookie from the server and looked at it. He was truly a shy young man.

" Thank you." He muttered

" Pardon?" I said

He pointed at the cookie and tea. He was truly cute!

" You are welcome." I said with a smile as i munched on my cookie.

" young master Jack is getting bullied at the academy. The boys in our dorm, are not very nice and they bully him." he said in one breath and looked very relieved at the end as though he was glad he could share that with someone.

" Bullied? What do you mean?" I asked. Who dared to bully my child?!

" T-They take his stuff and say mean things to him." he explained

"Do you know for how long?" I asked, I tried my best to not sound angry because I did not want to scare him. He shook his head.

" Alright, thank you for telling me, little David. Let me go talk to Jay Jay okay?" I said and he nodded and said,

" Jack's mom please make him smile again. At school he is always crying and not smiling like when i saw him on the first day of school." he said and I smiled

" Don't worry, I will." Little David was such a good friend, he ran away with Jay Jay and even asked me to make his friend smile again.

" Lily please come stay with little David for a while." I said to Lily as I stepped out of the play room.

Walking in the hallway I remembered that Jay Jay ran away earlier and i did not know where he was. I stopped a guard and asked him, " Have you seen where Jay Jay went?"

" He went into your room, milady." He responded

" Alright, thank you." I said and walked towards my room.

Though it was my room, Jay Jay had found refuge in it so i could not just go in. I knocked on the door three times and waited for his response. I could hear his sobbing which broke my heart. I wanted to go in and comfort him but he had to let me in otherwise, he would just run away again.

I knocked again and waited.

" C-Come i-in." he whispered so much that I did not hear him had it not been that i had my head against the door listening in.

" May I come in?" I asked as I opened the door

" Y-yes." he said. He was sitting close my window with his little back hunched. I walked slowly to him and sat beside hm.

" Jay Jay..."

" I am sorry." He said first.

" I was rude earlier, I am sorry, mommy." He said and cried even more. I pulled him up from the couch and placed him on my lap and hugged him.

" It's okay, It's okay Jay Jay." I said as I rubbed his back. He was crying so much that he even began to hiccup in between. I quickly called Wendy to bring a glass of water for him.

After drinking the water, he continued crying but not as much and eventually stopped. Wiping the tears from his cheeks I said, " Could you tell me what is wrong?" I basically pleaded with him because my heart was shattered over seeing him cry which made me realize that we had pressured him too much. He was only turning 5 this year and yet he had already so much to deal with. I was also mad at the bullies but i could not say it outright because he had not told me. I wanted him to tell me.

" Some people at the academy are not being nice to me." he said

" Do you know why?" I asked

He shook his head.

" Have you told your instructors?" I asked and he shook his head.

" What about your tutor?" When i asked this, he paused for a while and nervously moved his hands around.

" What is it? Tell me" I urged him.

" H-he is with them. H-he even takes my allowance." This one statement made me flip. "How outrageous!" I exclaimed startling little jay jay making him jump out of his seat.

" How dare he? Come on, We are going to your school!" I exclaimed.

I was fuming, " He took advantage of our kindness! I will show him and those bullies the wrath our the duke residence." I said standing up.

Jay Jay held my skirt and said, " Mom, wait. Please don't do that otherwise dad will find out." he pleaded

" What? But why? He should know." i said.

Jay Jay shook his head and said, " Dad said that if i ever decide to leave the academy, i will be home schooled again and i do not want that. I love the friends i have at the academy."

" So if he finds out that i ran away..." He said as he looked at my carpet. Immediately understood and hugged him.

" Alright.But then if dad does not find out about this then we will have to do things mom's way, alright?" i said to him and he immediately agreed.

After we settled things with Jay Jay. We took him and his friend back to the academy. I had explained the situation briefly to master Evans and so he allowed me to proceed with my plan. Number 1, fire the tutor and hire a new one, which was not hard thanks to the help of Jay Jay's headmaster at school. Number 2, Get him a guard to follow him only at a distance. I struggled a bit with this one and I had to tell him that he could imagine himself as an invincible master who needed all the protection in the world because he was very special. In the end, three bags of cookies and milk imported to the school was what made him agree to having a gaurd. Number 3 Make everyone promise that they would not tell Ryan because Jay Jay did not want him to find out. Number 4. I encouraged Jay Jay to take his physical education classes seruously. And number 5, this is not for a young audience or the faint hearted but when we were saying goodbye to each other,this was what i had whispered to him, " If they kick you once, kick them three times harder."